I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 34 Kuuga is everyone’s Kamen Rider, while Godai is a knight who belongs to one person.

PS: Today's author is still a pure love party!

PS: In addition, when I wrote this chapter, I had a question in my mind, that is, what is Kamen Rider to you, Reiwa?

The knights of the old Heisei era all gave their own answers, and the new Heisei era seems to focus on fighting against fate.

What about Reiwa? What is the answer to Kamen Rider of Reiwa?

It is definitely not torture to go out to eat with a man and a woman who have not confirmed their boyfriend-girlfriend relationship but have completely entered the life mode of an old married couple after marriage.

After all, they do not need to focus on the existence of each other, but know from the bottom of their hearts that the other party is here.

No need to confirm, nor any temptation, each other's life has already integrated into the existence of the other.

This kind of emotion is something more enviable than love.

"Tendo-san, Sakurako has told me everything, and there are things that she has been hiding in her heart." Goyo and Sakurako sat together, and Tendo sat alone on the other side. While eating, Sakurako and Goyo looked at each other, and finally Goyo spoke up and told the subsequent story.

"Sakurako has already talked to me. I know what she is worried about, and I also understand Sakurako's thoughts."

"So?" Tiandao asked, "What do you think?"

"I won't give up." Wudai gave this answer as expected. With his personality, he is indeed the kind of person who would say such things.

"I can't give up halfway, absolutely not."

"Before, I thought Wudai was just Wudai, not some Kuuga." Sakurako also spoke at this time: "But at that time, when Officer Kamiyama protected me behind you, I seemed to be able to feel some of the reasons why Wudai had to do this."

"People who are attacked by unconfirmed life forms are all very helpless, and their lives and deaths are controlled by the other party. Those people at that time must have been full of fear before they died." Sakurako lowered her eyelids, and the wailing of the archaeological team before their death in the ruins of Kuroyue emerged in her mind.

"Desiring to live, but having no chance to live, you can only die in the end."

"That's how I felt at that time."

Godai didn't say anything, but silently reached out his hand under the table to hold Sakurako's palm, clasping his five fingers together, giving Sakurako his warmth and courage.

"So, when Officer Kamiyama appeared in front of me, I suddenly felt the preciousness of life, and felt how hard it was to live, and how worth cherishing it was."

Sakurako raised her head, smiled at Tiandao, turned her head and met Godai's eyes: "So I stopped stopping him, because I understand that there are many innocent people who need his help, and he... will also bring hope of life to everyone like Officer Kamiyama."

"How can I stop him? What if I put him by my side willfully and become a knight that belongs to me alone?"

"Then I, the knight, don't look very good, I look ferocious." Godai pointed at his face, and he was not talking about his current human appearance, but his appearance after becoming Kuuga.

"Isn't that great? Godai is Kuuga, but Kuuga is not Godai." Tiandao raised his glass with a smile.

"It's like wearing a mask, changing into another identity, to protect everyone."

"Yes, it's wearing a mask, hiding one's identity, a knight that belongs to everyone!" Sakurako also joined in and gave the final answer to this passage.

"This is called Kamen Rider!" Godai also raised his glass with a smile, feeling excited and particularly enthusiastic: "Cheers!"

After the three of them clinked their glasses to celebrate, Tiandao looked at the two people who had a tacit understanding, and suddenly joked: "Then Kuuga belongs to everyone, a Kamen Rider wearing a mask, then Godai, is a knight that only belongs to you, right?"

Sakurako was embarrassed. The moment Tiandao said this, Sakurako blushed.

But even though she couldn't speak, Sakurako didn't refute Tiandao's point of view.

"What? Tiandao-san always talks about me and Sakurako, what about you?" Wudai leaned forward slightly and asked curiously: "Tiandao-san, don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend~" Tiandao smacked his lips: "Didn't I tell you before? I don't have any plans to find a girlfriend at the moment."

Tiandao, with a slanted look, saw Wudai holding his mouth to hold back his laughter, and suddenly became unhappy.

What do you mean? Are you making fun of my buddy for not having a girlfriend?

"What? Looking at you like this, are you going to introduce one to me?"

Tiandao immediately counterattacked to see how Wudai would answer.

"I have a sister. If Tiandao-san really wants, I can introduce you to my sister." Wudai said with a smile: "My sister is very beautiful! Not inferior to those big stars at all!"

"Don't give me that! I don't believe it!" Tiandao rolled his eyes: "Generally speaking, if someone says that his sister is very beautiful, he must be a great joy female bodhisattva. I won't be fooled by that!"

"What is the great joy female bodhisattva..." Wudai was still wondering what the great joy female bodhisattva was, and heard Tiandao continue to add.

"Oh, that's what my grandfather told me." Tiandao raised a finger and shook it in front of him: "The great joy female bodhisattva refers to a female bodhisattva who has become a Buddha and looks very rich."

"Bodhisattva?" Wudai looked as if he had suddenly realized something: "Then my sister..."

"But, I always feel that there is something in my grandfather's words." Tiandao interrupted Godai's follow-up words: "I always feel that what he said is right, but it is somewhat different from what I thought."

"Eh... I don't know what grandpa is doing now."

"I hope he won't encounter the night shift ward incident, otherwise the old man will get sick soon, and then he will be in danger..."

Fifth Generation:…

Why are you talking about things you care about, but your tone is so impatient!

Tiandaosang, is your family's situation so complicated? !



"This... I really didn't expect..."

The locust was begged by Yan Long before he had killed thirty people. Before setting off, he walked out confidently, as if he was sure of victory, but now... he was dead without even ashes.

It's just that the way he died caught everyone somewhat off guard.

"Is there anything new?" The man in a black suit with a slicked back turned his back to the crowd. He had an air of eternal dictatorship and was filled with indescribable domineering power.

But his words were also full of surprise.

"Yes, it's called the Light and Shadow Horse. It's very fast and can fly. It killed a locust in one go." Rose Girl answered truthfully.

In front of this person, even if she is B1 of the group, her status is slightly lower.

No one was surprised by the death of the locust. It would be better to say that it died so that they could take their turn in the game.

Therefore, the death of the locust is still a joy and sorrow for the Gurungi who participated in the game.

But the thing Yanlong showed made Rose Girl feel numb.

After telling Da Guba about this incident, Da Guba was so excited that he started beating the iron bars like crazy. He even tore down the iron railings beside the hospital bed and polished them until all the paint was gone.

The entire iron pipe was polished until it was shiny, as if it had just come off the polishing machine.

When his emotions are particularly aroused, Daguaba will show it unconsciously, either by picking up something on his hands, killing some Gurungi, or venting his anger in an open place (hoeing the earth).

Rose Girl has seen him look like this many times and has long been used to it.

Daguaba couldn't listen to a word in this state, so Rose simply came back and told the other contestants that the locust was dead.

In response to this, Locust's good brothers took action one after another and were filled with righteous indignation.

Rhino: It seems like that!

Chameleon: It seems like that!

Bat: It seems like that!

...It can be seen that everyone expressed their feelings about the death of the locust and expressed condolences for the death of the locust.

"...Ha, I thought that Yan Long's methods were just that, but I didn't expect that after a thousand years, he could come up with some new tricks." Knocking on the armrest of the chair, the man pondered for a moment before continuing.

"What did Daguaba think?"

"Now that the Flame Dragon Summoner has been locked, let's kill him before he rises!"

"Any existence that poses a threat to our Gurungi clan must be completely eliminated!"

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