I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 35: The Heart of the Divine Mountain: You are a naughty monkey. You don’t learn this or that

Chapter 35: The Heart of God Mountain: You are such a bad monkey. You don't learn this and that. You deserve to be beaten! (Knock on the head three times)

"His thoughts are not something we can control."

Dakuba is the only king among the Gurongi. He can do whatever he wants. No one can question his behavior.

As the king of the Gurongi, Daguba is the supreme existence.

"... Hum!"

The man didn't say anything. He just snorted coldly to express his dissatisfaction. But he didn't refute the fact that Daguba was the king.

After all, the throne was snatched from it.

"The locust is dead. The next contestant should be selected as soon as possible." Rhino took a step forward, and his sturdy figure was ready to move: "I can't wait to kill Kuuga! Become..."

"It's not your turn yet." This sentence was not said by the Rose Girl, but by the mysterious man: "Zi Group, it's not your turn yet."

"Then, if we don't participate, who else can it be?" Chameleon heard this and immediately spoke.

In the case that the Zi Group has not died out, does this game have to skip the Zi Group and go to the higher Mei Group? !

"No! You can't skip!" The rhino was too lazy to pay attention to the chameleon behind him. He was now eager to become a participant in the game.

Completing the game is another way of saying it. The real reason is that the rhino really wants to release his desire to kill.

If he is not a participant in the game, other Gurongis are not allowed to kill people at will, otherwise they will be disqualified.

And this is unbearable for every Gurongi who wants to become stronger.

So the existence of the Kikiru game is indeed a killing game on the one hand, but on the other hand, it also constrains almost all Gurongis, forcing them to restrain their desire to kill.

The rose girl stood up and cast her eyes on the rhino for a moment in the swaying waves of the ocean aquarium, and then turned her eyes away, and even the rose girl herself left together.

For the rhino's desire and expectation, the rose girl did not give any response, and even the gaze cast on it was only for a moment.

"Heh... It seems that it's still a long time before your turn." Chameleon held his head with both hands and said casually: "Rhino, hold it in~"

"Chameleon!" The already irritable Rhino turned around suddenly, and his red eyes were full of the desire to kill.

It tried its best to suppress it but it couldn't contain it. Instead, it was urged to rush out again and again and kill without caring.

"Hmph~" Although Rhino is the strongest in the Zi Group, Chameleon is not a weakling.

And this kind of mocking words is not aimed at the two of them, but at Gurongi who presided over the game.

It is really amazing to be able to set the rules of the game.

Zi Group.

As expected, staying in this group will never make a breakthrough.

"As expected of the Steel Masked Man No. 1, the destructive power is much greater than that of No. 4." Looking at the photo of the abandoned factory burned into ruins in his hand, Yi Tiao held his forehead with a face full of speechlessness.

Listening to his companion Sugita's shouting, Ichijo felt helpless.

Tiandao...you're making such a noise...I'll try to get you to fight monsters in the suburbs in the future...

"If No. 6 has been eliminated, we must also pay attention to No. 7, which is likely to appear, and other unconfirmed life forms in the future." As the Joint Operations Center and the head of the Metropolitan Police Department, Sadao Matsukura told the people in this newly formed department to fight a group of monsters.

Because the Joint Operations Center coordinates all police officers in Japan, it is basically a department facing the whole territory, so the current functions of this department are quite high.

But along with the high functions, there are also dangers and mortality rates.

Unconfirmed life forms are a group of monsters that surpass humans. If you enter such a department to fight monsters, you must be well prepared.

Sugita and Ichijo, as well as Tiandao who joined early, are the three police inspectors who are responsible for the overall coordination of this department under Matsukura.

They are also the three people who lead the team to the front line. They are the three people with the highest functions in this department except the boss.

Therefore, in order to avoid problems in the views of the three people and cause suspicion between each other, the three people need to communicate in advance and be honest with each other.

Sugita and Ichijo had a good meeting. Both of them had a good impression of each other at first sight, and they were not arrogant people.

And Tiandao...

He was online all the time during the day, but once the alarm sounded and it was time to get off work, you would never think of meeting Tiandao in the Metropolitan Police Department.

In Sugita's words, people who go home immediately after get off work, take a shower, eat and go to bed are really boring.

At this time, Tiandao, who was considered by them to have a boring life, came to the top of the sacred mountain again through his mind energy in his sleep and met the heart of the sacred mountain.

"You are the first summoner who can come to the top of the sacred mountain at any time through sleep as long as you want." Looking at Tiandao who came easily, the heart of the sacred mountain stroked his beard and said with satisfaction.

"It seems that your mind energy is very huge. Even without specific learning, it can affect you in the dark."

"Special energy?" Tiandao asked in confusion.

"It's not alien energy, it's will energy." Shenshan Xinzhe explained: "Will energy comes from the will in a person's heart. It exists in everyone's heart. It is the will and thought that everyone has."

"As long as you give full play to these wills and thoughts, you will become powerful and omnipotent."

"Then this...will energy, is there any difference from the power in those novels? Those in comics, such as the energy of Dragon Ball, the chakra of Naruto, etc." Tiandao gestured with his hands: "Can you become an immortal?"

"Hahaha, this question was asked to me by someone many years ago." Shenshan Xinzhe laughed.

"My answer to him is, I don't know."

"Everyone's willpower is the same, but although the willpower is the same, the people who use it are different."

"Some people make up their minds today, but give up halfway tomorrow because of something else. This is not a firm will."

"But some people, once they make up their minds, they can move forward without hesitation, burst out all their strength, implement their beliefs, and be invincible!"

"Such a person, even without armor, is a warrior."

"This statement... Why does it feel so strange..." Tiandao frowned. Why does this statement about a person's will sound so strange?

Do I think I am invincible, so am I really invincible?

"The power of will can be cultivated." Shenshan Xinzhe continued, "But no matter how powerful the cultivated power of will is, how much it can be used still depends on you."

"Then come on!" Tiandao came back to his senses and immediately said, "The way to cultivate power of will."

"Then first, you have to find out what you want to do most now." Shenshan Xinzhe paced in front of Tiandao: "Any will needs to be carried out to the end, and a person also has what he wants to do most in his heart."

"This kind of will is the original intention of deciding to do something."

"This kind of belief comes from the bottom of the heart and does not violate the original intention."

"Believe in this thought, drive it with will, and complete it. This is the key to finding the power of will."

"Summoner of the Fire Armor in this life, what is your will."

"Do you... have this belief?"


He still seems unable to give an answer to this question, and can only remain silent.

My will and belief?

Become an armor warrior?

Is it the will and belief after becoming an armor warrior, or before becoming an armor warrior?

No...it's better to say...do I have the so-called will and belief?

What has Shenshan Tiandao always wanted to do?

To become an armored warrior, you must fight against demons and defend the way. This is the duty of the armored warrior, and it is the duty that has been passed down for thousands of years in the Shenshan family.

Is this Shenshan Tiandao's original intention?

Or...it's just a kind of shackle imposed on him...

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