I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 389: The first bushi of the new year (Happy New Year, brothers)

This is the fourth meeting between the two sides. Compared with the mutual fear of the first time, this time the two sides have known each other very well because of the many collisions before.

But because of this, the battle between the two will be wilder and more intense.

Phoenix has changed from being unable to transform to a powerful and alien Kamen Rider.

However, Tiandao has changed from being able to transform to being unable to transform and even an ordinary person who is bare-handed.

The identities of the two seem to have been swapped, but the hostility between them remains unchanged.

The Knight Kick did not hit Tiandao's chest. The Knight Kick blocked by the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword, even though it carries the power to decompose objects into atoms, it cannot break through the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword.

Ordinary matter has no way to resist this decomposition ability that destroys the atomic structure, and even the Titan Sword can hardly withstand it.

But the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword is different. It is a weapon of willpower.

The power of the Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword depends on the strength of a person's will. If the will is firm, the power of the Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword will be maximized, and the sword will be indestructible and almost invincible.

But once one's will becomes shaken, or if the will is not firm, then the Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword will naturally become extremely fragile and cannot exert any power at all.

But... although the sword is intact, Tiandao itself cannot withstand such a heavy blow, and has to fly off the steps, and then fall below the steps. He has to use the tip of the sword to press against the ground to force himself to stop.

With one foot against the sword, Tiandao slowly stood up and looked at the alien armored fighter who walked to the steps.

The red-eyed and green-eyed vision saw the truth inside through the outer shell, especially the face of Phoenix, which made Tiandao remember it vividly and unforgettable.

"What's wrong? Aren't you going to transform yet?"

Although Phoenix has not yet undergone the second stage of transformation and still looks like an alien armored fighter, that kind of power cannot be used casually. It cannot be used indiscriminately until the critical moment.

"If you show that kind of posture, I am not your opponent." He raised his sword with his backhand, pointed the tip of the sword at the sky, and the materialized willpower turned into red air waves that wrapped around Tiandao, making him look like he was wrapped in layers of red mist, full of ominous breath.

"You look like a monkey covered with red hair with this red light." Phoenix opened his hand, holding the same alien kunai short sword... or twisted biological spikes in his hand, Phoenix said mischievously.

"I thought you wouldn't be able to deal with acceleration if you weren't in the transformed posture."

"I didn't expect that your ability to not be affected by time came from you, not that armor?" Because of the lack of understanding of Tiandao, Phoenix made a wrong judgment about Tiandao's situation.

But it doesn't matter, it's the same now that I know it.

"Don't think that I have no fighting power at all without that armor." With a cold snort, he threw up the Huoxing Tianlie Sword on his back. When it was about to fall in mid-air, Tiandao punched it out, turning it into a red stream of light and rushing straight towards Phoenix.


The spikes lifted up and knocked the attacking Huoxing Tianlie Sword away, but a figure who had been prepared rose from the ground, caught the Huoxing Tianlie Sword flying back, and chopped it down with the sword.

Knowing that the sword had strange powers, Phoenix had no intention of taking it head-on. She immediately left the place after pulling back.

The next second, Huoxing Tianlie Sword fell, and the sword blade slashed on the ground, like a claw tearing the ground, leaving three spreading sword marks, clearly showing on the ground, and the burning and hot breath still remained, and it took a long time to dissipate.

Although he dodged, Phoenix immediately counterattacked while the opponent's old strength was gone and new strength was not yet generated. He threw the weapon in his hand and went to Tiandao's back.

"Just a human, I don't believe your body can be as hard as Kamen Rider!"

Tiandao's figure was reflected in the narrow yellow pupils. Phoenix was full of expectations, wanting to see Tiandao's body pierced by the spikes and blood splattered on the spot.

But unfortunately, she was disappointed after all.

The red mist that permeated the whole body seemed to have its own consciousness. The weapon thrown by Phoenix had just come into the range of the red mist. Before it got close, it was instantly blown away, broken into two pieces in mid-air, and fell to the ground.

"It also has a defensive function?"

The surprised words just sounded, and it ushered in a counterattack from a certain red killing thought.

No one was driving or manipulating it, and even Tiandao himself hadn't turned around yet. The red mist that lingered around his body gathered together spontaneously, forming a huge fist, and spontaneously counterattacked in the direction of the attack.

This punch rushed towards Phoenix's face.

Phoenix had never expected such an attack, and she only had time to cross her hands in front of her. However, this time it was her turn to be unable to withstand this force, and she was forcibly knocked out and fell not far away, until she hit the edge of the steps and barely stopped.

After the counterattack, the fist condensed by the red mist shattered in an instant, returned to the body of Tiandao, and wrapped him again.

At this time, Tiandao also turned around, and he spun around and scratched the ground with the Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword. The burning fire left traces of burning on the ground, and under his swing, it spread towards Phoenix.

"Are you a human or a monster occupying this person's body?!" Phoenix punched the ground, and the damaged earth cracked countless traces, extinguishing the spreading fire.

Although he successfully resolved this round of attacks, Phoenix still felt uneasy about what happened to Tiandao before.

"I want to kill you!" After failing to hit him, Tiandao threw the Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword into the sky, turned the sword upside down in a moment, and pierced the ground fiercely with the sword tip downward.

In an instant, with the Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword as the center, the spreading traces of ground cracks swept towards Phoenix again.

And this time it was no longer one, but dozens of them in a circle, surrounding Phoenix, leaving her no room to dodge.

"You really like to talk nonsense!" Phoenix sneered, took out a hidden dial again, extracted the power of the alien dial No. 1, and sublimated her posture again, turning into the second stage of the alien armor.

Although Phoenix, who was greatly strengthened in all aspects, was limited by time, it was enough for her to exert extraordinary power within these tens of seconds.

Therefore, her figure disappeared instantly, and the spreading attack could not catch up with her movement speed even a little bit, and she simply crossed it until she appeared in front of Tiandao.

This is a speed beyond the ordinary Kamen Rider, which is a super acceleration above acceleration.

Even the murderous thought entity lingering around Tiandao had no time to react at all, and was hit by Phoenix's punch attached to the armor, and hit the heart hard.

This blow was extraordinary in strength, super acceleration above acceleration, and Tiandao needed time to adapt.

But Phoenix obviously would not give Tiandao this time. She came up and killed him ruthlessly. She had only one goal, that is, to kill the enemy.


The punch that broke through the air left a white air wave, which spread to the surroundings in the form of a shock wave.

Under the heavy punch, Tiandao's chest was hit and sunken, and even the clothes on his back were torn.

And he himself was knocked out and fell headfirst into the flower bed.

The flower bed did not bring any effect of slowing down the impact. Instead, it was smashed headfirst, plowing the ground all the way, and then crashed into the small building.

The four-story small building was suddenly broken, shattered, collapsed and collapsed, burying the ground and drowning the vitality.

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