I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 390: The truth behind a person who is still alive despite having his heart pierced is that h

Chapter 390 Faced with the fact that the heart was pierced but still alive...the heart is on the right side!


After turning it off within a second of turning it on, there was still only one thing that Phoenix was afraid of, and that was the inaccessible Haipa Armor outside the world.

Although those guys are no match for him, there are too many of them and they will be very annoying. It is best not to let them in if you can.

"How's it going? Human beings, can you still stand up?" Returning to the appearance of a strange armor, Phoenix walked down the stairs and walked step by step towards the location of Tiandao, that is, the sword that was still stuck on the ground. go.

She reached behind and took out a blank dial. She looked at the sword stuck on the ground and turned the dial in her hand. She couldn't wait.

Although I don’t know what the power of the sacred mountain is, but this sword has lost its owner, it is okay to hold it in my hand.

Although I don't know what kind of power this sword has, the attack that was enough to smash the object into atomic level failed to destroy it. It is obviously not a simple thing.

As a time robber, Phoenix is ​​quite proficient in the principle that thieves don't make shortfalls.

There was a shining treasure right in front of her, and she had no reason to let it go.

"The so-called human beings don't even know what kind of existence the world is like. They don't even know how wrong the history of Kamen Rider is." Step by step towards the Burning Sky Fierce Sword, Phoenix still said Still talking about something.

"The wrong use of this power will lead the world to a wrong ending, and my existence is to completely put an end to this mistake."

"I will guide the Kamen Rider's power to the right path."

"For this reason, all Kamen Rider's power must become my property!"

The blank dial was attached to the Fierce Sky Fierce Sword. In Phoenix's expectant eyes, the light that first lit up on the dial disappeared again in the blink of an eye, returning to its normal, dim appearance.

This means that the dial's power-absorbing function has not been triggered, and the dial has fallen into its initial, unactivated state.

"The words you are saying and what you are doing now are completely inconsistent with what you are doing." Pushing away the ruins that were pressing on him, Tiandao walked out of the ruins step by step with blood in his mouth: "There is also a need to be sanctimonious. a limit.”

"Finis, I respect you as a human being, but don't live like a bug."

"Whatever you want to pursue, what you want to get, just go and get it. There is no need to say such words." With a move of his hand, the Fire Punishment Heavenly Fierce Sword flew up automatically, circled in the sky, and landed again. into the hands of heaven.

"The heart should obviously be broken." Looking at Tiandao who was unharmed, Phoenix's tone was full of surprise.

"If it were a normal person, you could punch him all over." Tiandao wiped the dust from his chest: "But I'm sorry, my heart was born on the right side."


"Really?" Although he didn't believe in the nonsense in his heart, Phoenix didn't say that: "Then let me see if your heart is really on the right side as you said. !”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Alien No. 1 dial that reappeared was suddenly in his hand, which represented that Phoenix was ready to go and was ready to verify whether what Tiandao said was true.

However, the dial of Alien No. 1 had just been taken out, and Phoenix's harsh words had just been put down, but her body stagnated for a moment.

"It seems that you saved your life." He calmly put the dial of Alien No. 1 back into his pocket. Phoenix even canceled the transformation and returned to his normal appearance: "But it's okay, although you It was an accident, but how to make the most of an accident is also full of challenges for me.”

"Are you going to run away?" Tiandao said.

"As you said, my goal is not to protect the bugs, but to correct the wrong history, so I should not get involved in this matter." The promises made by Negishi before, those sworn words , it was like farting here at this moment. Phoenix completely ignored it without any embarrassment at all.

"So, I will not interfere with you." Phoenix turned around: "The person who really wants to stop you, the person who will be your enemy, has already arrived."

As soon as he finished speaking, Phoenix's figure immediately disappeared in the rolled-up white cloak, as if space had swallowed it up, and as if time had hidden it. Phoenix came suddenly and left even more suddenly.

"The real enemy?" Tiandao muttered. He turned around subconsciously and caught something that was thrown over. Then he saw the man standing on the abandoned building.

Director General of Tiandao.

"I'm going to get your belt back." After jumping down from the abandoned building, General Tiandao landed firmly on the ground. With his hands in his pockets, he still looked full of dignity.

Looking at the Lost Drive in his hand and the memory plugged into his belt, Tiandao's red eyes and green pupils revealed a mocking look.

"Now that things have happened, I no longer need this power." He threw the belt in his hand back to the Tiandao General Secretary, with the Tiandao Hengjian in front: "You Kamen Riders are unqualified in my eyes. of."

"Is someone like you a qualified Kamen Rider?" Kazama Daisuke walked out from the corner that had become a ruin. He placed Quan next to Xiao Xu. Although he said it was troublesome, he still participated in this battle.

"Don't joke. People like you are not human."

"You are one step further than me and you have reached the top faster. You are the one I am destined to surpass." Wearing a white suit, Kamishiro Ken walked over from the street opposite Kazama Daisuke.

He installed the Sword Scorpion on the Sword Scorpion with the Sword Scorpion Driver, and instantly transformed into Kamen Rider-Scorpion.

In terms of transformation speed, he is the fastest one.

"Oh? Are you three again?" Tiandao looked around and sneered, "All of them are trying to stop me, stubborn guys."

"The real stubborn person is you." He caught the flying armored beetle in his hand. Tiandao Zongsi's eyes were so sharp that he saw that Tiandao's chest was inexplicably sunken and there was even a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. These were enough to prove that Tiandao had experienced a fierce battle before they arrived.

And who in this world could hurt him like this?

Tiandao Zongsi didn't know, but he had already kept a note in his heart.

Maybe Tiandao became like this because there was a black hand behind the scenes.

"You are not my opponent." Tiandao ignored Tiandao Souji and spoke to himself: "If you don't have any new skills, your end will still be the same."

"Then I'll show you something new!" The high-pitched and passionate voice accompanied the roar of the motorcycle. Someone who was running from a distance was covered with injuries and looked extremely miserable. From the circle of bandages wrapped around his head, it can be seen that he rushed to the scene after a simple bandage.

"You are." Tiandao looked over with a sidelong look: "Kagami?"

"Tiandao, it's time to wake up! You are not that kind of person!" Kagami jumped off the motorcycle and stood in front of Tiandao, showing his belt: "What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly become like this?!"

"Belt." Tiandao looked at Kagami's different places from before: "So that's it, you have become a Kamen Rider too."

"So, Kagami, are you going to block me too?" This is a question that Tiandao Souji had asked before, and now Tiandao asked Kagami again.

"I will stand in front of you." Kagami answered firmly: "But I am not trying to stop you from killing the Zerg, because I hate the Zerg as much as you do, and I wish to wipe out all the Zerg in the world."

"Heavenly Dao, I will stand in front of you because of you!"

As usual, I didn't update on the first day of the new year, I really don't have time.

Asking for leave!

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