I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 401 All of this started when the Emperor and Fei Yuzhen wrote a book together.

If the protozoa could shed its skin, it would be impossible for the zerg to hunt down the protozoa and come to the earth, and they wouldn't even be worthy of carrying shoes.

This is a saying that has been widely circulated among protozoa since they arrived on Earth.

And this is also true, because compared to the zerg, the speed at which the protozoa wants to shed its skin is very difficult and extremely slow.

Unlike the zerg, which can shed its skin as long as it reaches a certain threshold and wants to shed its skin, the molting of the protozoa is extremely difficult.

But as long as a protozoa successfully sheds its skin, the power that this protozoa can possess is absolutely powerful.

Although the zerg molt is simple, the abilities of most zerg are the same and are common to all zerg. At most, they have slightly different skills due to the race of the zerg.

But overall, it's completely consistent.

The kind of zerg that appears in the late stages of the battle, and can stop at all times, is already the strongest among the zerg.

Perhaps second only to the Scorpion Zerg, which mimicked the sword of the Gods and failed to show its true abilities until death.

This is the upper limit of what the zerg can achieve.

Once the protozoa sheds its skin, it will start as the pinnacle of the zerg. It is definitely not a natural king that the zerg can fight against.

As long as one of the protozoa sheds its skin, the zerg will be like a bunch of chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single attack.

But unfortunately, it is so difficult for protozoa to shed their skin that the protozoa can only regard the existence of molting protozoa as a legend, and they do not even think about it at all.

The Knight system is also a compromise made with humans because of the inability to produce molting protozoa. It uses the abilities of bugs to fight bugs. The Knight system still refers to the abilities of zerg.

Tachikawa Daigo understands this very well, Negishi also understands this very well, and even the Zerg itself understands this very well.

But who would have thought that a certain legend that had never been counted on, or even the molting protozoa that the elders of the past generations had been looking forward to day and night, would actually appear one day, and appear right in front of him. , allowing the legend to reflect into reality.

"Ecdysis protozoa." Negishi stared at the unfolded wings. Unable to maintain his human appearance, he automatically revealed his true self and showed the appearance of the protozoa.

If kneeling down before was humiliating, then kneeling down now was to offer supreme loyalty to the queen of the protozoa.

"Phoenix!" He lowered his head and bowed in obeisance. Negishi was loyal to the queen, but he was also questioning Phoenix.

"Queen, where did you find it?!"

The Molt Zerg that their protozoa had been longing for might actually exist in the world, and before that, their protozoa didn't even know about it.

"Want to know?" A narrow smile appeared on Phoenix's face: "I'm sorry, but she is not the kind of ecdysis protozoa you imagined that needs to evolve."

"She is a natural molting protozoa. From the moment she was born, she was destined to be the queen of your protozoa!"

Phoenix's words were light and simple, but when they fell on Negishi's ears, they were indescribably shocked.

"A natural molting protozoa?" Negishi swallowed nervously, but even so, his mouth felt dry.

Although it does not have an organ like a mouth in its protozoal form, the habit of imitating humans over the years is difficult to correct even if it returns to its original appearance.

Climbing up the steps and looking at the handle of the chair that was so worn that the paint was peeling off, Xiaoxu stretched out his hand and touched the chair that had been sat on by countless old men.

Tiandao General Secretary made his own choice, and the reason why his parents were killed has been found. Even the reliable appearance that Tiandao General Si has always pretended was completely exposed just now.

His true appearance is so abominable and chilling.

And Kagami, who belongs to such an organization but stays in a small restaurant like his own, the real purpose is to monitor herself.

Just now, didn't Kagami reveal her true appearance?

He used to smile and be careless in the store, but now he was hiding in such a suit of armor, waving his fist towards himself, revealing his true appearance.

He and Chief Tiandao truly treat their hearts.

"The Queen of Protozoa" silently repeated these words. Xiaoxu took a deep breath, grabbed the front end of the chair, then leaned over and sat on it, becoming a veritable Queen of Protozoa.

Although it is not very magnificent or expensive, such a simple chair represents a symbol of power.

Just like the symbol of strength is a white plastic chair, which can be seen everywhere in food stalls.

But what it represents is unparalleled power!

"Congratulations on your return, Queen of Protozoa." Phoenix bowed slightly, playing the role of a celebration monster. Now she sincerely sent her blessing to Xiaoxu: "All protozoa should be here. It’s time to swear allegiance to you.”

"Queen of Protozoa" Xiaoxu did not answer, but repeated these words.

She was still a part of all living beings before, but now she has not been able to adapt to everything in front of her.

The sudden switch in identity happened too quickly. Before that, she was still a little girl who didn't understand anything.

"As a gift, I will present you with a gift after you ascend the throne!" Phoenix leaned forward and lowered her head. Half-kneeling on the ground, she held a dark red dial in both hands and raised it high: "This supreme power is only worthy of you!"

Xiao Xu focused her eyes on Phoenix, and she became curious about the dial in Phoenix's hand.

But when she had this idea, the dial seemed to be picked up by an invisible hand, crossing the air, floating steadily in the direction of Xiao Xu, and then fell on her thighs.

She had the idea of ​​wanting to see it, and then the telekinesis would spontaneously send what she wanted to see to her.

She revealed her insect state, and something she most desired in her heart turned into the power she had at the moment, and its strength was as strong as her desire.

The dark red dial showed the image of a Kamen Rider that also made Xiao Xu frown. Although Xiao Xu didn't know him, she was very disgusted with the existence of Kamen Rider.

Because it would remind her of many bad memories.

"Who wants this thing!" Picking up the dial, Xiao Xu was ready to throw it away.

But just as she got it, Phoenix's voice sounded at the right time.

"Although it is the power of the hateful Kamen Rider, this power can allow you to take revenge~" Phoenix's voice is like a demon, telling the story slowly, with endless temptation: "Don't you want to avenge your father and mother's murder?"

"Not only Tendou Souji, all Kamen Riders, they will be your enemies."

"Because you are the queen of protozoa, and they are Kamen Riders who protect humans, and will not let go of any inhuman things." Phoenix added.

"Especially since you are the king~"

Xiao Xu:.

The action of throwing it out was paused for a moment. Although the truth Phoenix said was cruel, it was the fact.

It was the fact that Tendou Souji and Kagami told her in person.

"Revenge on Tendou Souji" Putting down her raised arm, Xiao Xu looked at the figure of the unknown knight engraved on the dial, and her arm became stronger and stronger.

"Revenge on all Kamen Riders!"

The moment her mind was determined, the dark red dial melted instantly, like a pool of water, and naturally merged into Xiao Xu's palm, and in an instant it merged into her body and began to move towards her limbs and bones.

The killing thoughts belonging to Tiandao resonated with Xiao Xu's fire of revenge.

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