I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 402 Today is the eighth day of the first lunar month. Is anyone at work?

Suddenly waking up from the nightmare, General Tiandao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the familiar ceiling. He recalled that time in his mind for the first time. He was out of control at all and launched another attack on Xiaoxu. One attack.

The Tiandao General Secretary, who looked very ferocious and whose methods were extremely violent, could not control himself at all, had only one thought at that time, which was to kill all the bugs.

And after that, there was the confusion of falling into darkness before his eyes, and the hesitation of waking up now, recalling everything that happened at that time.

"Are you awake?" Leaning on the edge of the door, Tiandao looked at General Tiandao. He slowly walked into the house with a piece of clear soup in his hand and placed it on the bedside of General Tiandao.

Looking at Chief Tiandao who was still silent, Tiandao sighed, pulled out a chair, sat on it, and had something to say to Chief Tiandao.

"That's not your fault. The knight system is a system jointly developed by protozoa and humans and has nothing to do with you."

"Both the protozoa and humans have left their own backup in the knight system. You are just the user. When you can't help yourself, you can't do anything."

In essence, Tiandao said these words to enlighten General Tiandao so that he would not think too much about himself and have some feelings of self-pity.

"I... shook my fist at Xiaoxu." General Tiandao's eyes were full of despair, and it was obvious that this incident had a huge impact on him.

"I'm not a good brother."

"Before you deny yourself..." Handing the clear soup to General Tiandao, Tiandao stared at his dejected face and said again: "Let's think about my sister first."

"It's not the time for you to be depressed yet." Tiandao motioned to General Tiandao to drink the clear soup: "Your sister is now involved with a very dangerous person. You don't have time to feel sorry for yourself here."

"If you have the time, it would be better to find a way to rescue her first and then apologize to her in person."

Although Tiandao's words were a bit cold, they were deafening feedback in the ears of Tiandao General Secretary, enough to instantly reverse his somewhat depressed mood.

"What else can I do?" General Tiandao raised his head. This was the first time he showed such a weak and almost helpless expression in front of others: "I can't appear in front of Xiaoxu with that attitude anymore."

"I don't even know if I will be controlled again if I transform again and become a villain who hurts Xiaoxu."

It's not that the Chief of Tiandao doesn't know the hidden dangers brought by the power of Kaito, but if he doesn't use Kato, he won't be able to protect the people he loves.

But now, using this power, I still cannot protect the one I love. I am still...

"If there are flaws, just overcome them. If there are things that are out of control, just control them." Tiandao continued: "Aren't you the Chief of Tiandao? A man who evolves faster than light."

"Why, don't you have confidence in surpassing Kato?"

General Director of Tiandao:.

The depression in his eyes gradually dissipated, but what was still revealed was still a trace of gloom. But compared to before, the current Tiandao General Secretary's eyes have lost that frustrated look, and his originally dull eyes, It also gradually lit up at this moment, with its initial brilliance.

"There is no way to surpass Kato." Kabuto Souji muttered these words repeatedly. The brilliance in his eyes gradually recovered, and he was gradually turning into the Kabuto Souji everyone is familiar with: "Huh, Koto is just a force. How can I, the Chief of Tiandao, not be able to surpass the power?"

Taking the clear soup that Tiandao held in his hand and drinking it down in one gulp, General Tiandao smacked his lips, reminiscing about Tiandao's craftsmanship.

"Too much salt." General Tiandao made a sharp comment on someone's craftsmanship.

"It's okay for you to die." Tiandao rolled his eyes, I personally cooked something for you to eat and you are still talking here, how come there is so much nonsense.

"How is Kagami?" Chief Tendo returned to his usual appearance: "Both Kato and Gangto are out of control, and the knight system has been left behind?"

"This is true for both Steel Dou and Jia Dou." Tiandao nodded: "But it's not certain whether other knight systems also have such backhands."

"The power of any Kamen Rider is completely precious. The entire knight system has been left behind. There is no doubt about this." Chief Tiandao made a direct judgment: "So, your power is extremely precious. ”

"Me?" Tiandao pointed at himself: "You're not going to put your treasure on me, are you?"

"My mental energy was greatly depleted before, and I couldn't recover within a few months." Tiandao spread his hands and expressed his current situation: "Although the transformer I hold is indeed not classified as a knight system. , but do you want me to fight all of you Kamen Riders?"

"Of course." Chief Tiandao replied resolutely: "You have enough power to defeat all knights, including me."

"That's what I think." After saying that, Chief Tiandao patted Tiandao on the shoulder and said sincerely.

"I will still continue to use Jiato's power, but I can't guarantee whether I will lose control again before I surpass Jiato."


"Once I do something that hurts the people around me, the burden of stopping me falls on you."

Chief Tiandao was obviously not telling lies, but he felt so from the bottom of his heart.

This is his confidence in himself. If there is no existence of heaven, then the one who can be entrusted with such an important task is Kagami.

He is the only person who can catch the eyes of Tiandao General Secretary and can barely keep up with him.

Except for Kagami and Tiandao, everyone else, Tiandao Souji didn't think anyone could stop him.

This is his self-confidence as the Chief of Tiandao. It is not that he looks down on others, but that he takes it for granted.

"Don't worry, I will make you wake up when the time comes." Tiandao and Tiandao General Manager touched each other's hands, smiled and gave a thumbs up: "Anyway, now, we must first find out what that woman in Phoenix is ​​doing."

"What is her purpose of taking Xiaoxu away."

"Perhaps, someone can give us this answer." Chief Tiandao stretched out his hand: "zect."

Heaven is speechless.

An organization that created the knight system together with the protozoa and cooperated with the protozoa, is it the so-called organization that protects humans and the earth?

If you want to find out what Phoenix is ​​thinking, it's obviously useless to ask Zect.

But if you want to find out what is different about Xiaoxu, you are looking for zect.

Zect, who has dealt with protozoa, must know the existence of protozoa best.

"I'm back!" The voice of Tiandao Shuhua, full of vitality, came from outside the door. The carefree girl didn't know much about all the darkness in the world, and she was well protected by the Chief of Tiandao.

Therefore, in the world of Jiado, even if the main tone seems a bit dull, Tiandao Shuhua can still maintain its innocence.

"Shuhua is back." General Tiandao lifted up the quilt and got off the bed: "It's time to prepare dinner."

"Does it mean you don't trust my craftsmanship?" Tiandao looked at the Tiandao General Secretary who stood up and complained involuntarily.

"Although I hate to say it, there are many similarities between you and me." Souji Tiandao put on his shirt: "But only in cooking, I really beat you by a lot."

Heavenly Way:.

Facing Shuhua's voice, the two Tiandaos walked out of the room at the same time. Before coming out, the Tiandao General Secretary straightened up his expression and showed his most perfect side to Tiandao Shuhua.

Tiandao, on the other hand, crossed his arms and was a little behind, too lazy to argue with this good brother who liked to show off in front of his sister.

"Brother!" Shuhua grabbed Tiandao General Si's hands and shook them from side to side: "I met a very nice uncle outside today."

Chief Tiandao was stunned.

Tiandao was also stunned.

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