I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 414 Shenshan Tiandao challenges you to a real man duel. Do you agree?

"Phoenix!" Seeing that Phoenix had paid attention to him, Kagami immediately shouted: "Finally reacted?!"

"Xiao Xu, you shouldn't believe the words of an enemy who killed his father and mother, right?" Phoenix was too lazy to pay attention to Kagami, but focused his attention on Xiao Xu.

Kagami was not important at all, and Xiao Xu's combat effectiveness was the most important thing now.

"They died in front of me because of their serious injuries." Of course, Phoenix ignored Kagami, so Tendou Souji naturally ignored Phoenix. He only had Xiao Xu in his eyes, and he really wanted to tell Xiao Xu everything.

"Even they can't bear the impact caused by the meteorite's fall."

"Even in the darkest place, there will be flowers of hope blooming, and there will still be light in front of us." Tiandao Zongsi raised his hand: "My previous life was already dark, and I was swallowed by hatred. It was because I saw you that I could truly become myself."

"No matter what, you are my sister and my relative."

It is unclear whether Xiaoxu's life was redeemed after being destroyed by the meteorite, or whether Tiandao Zongsi, who has always been on the verge of destruction, was redeemed.

Perhaps at that time, in the dark ruins, it was the two lonely souls who approached each other, and then reached a recognition of a bond that was destined to involve a lifetime.

"I am your sister." Xiaoxu covered her chest, and under her excitement, there was a problem with the degree of integration with the dial given to her by Phoenix. The alienated posture showed some signs of instability, as if it was going to return from the current appearance to the posture of Xiaoxu's own protozoa.

"I believe that Tendou Souji is not that kind of person." Kagami also covered her chest: "Xiao Xu, we were controlled by the Knight System before, and we couldn't stop ourselves from attacking you."

"We were not ourselves at that time, and we also..." Kagami knew that no matter how much she said, it would not be as hurtful as the scene at that time when Xiao Xu looked at them like crazy and wanted to kill her, and she also knew that it might be a painful memory that Xiao Xu could never erase in her life.

No matter how much she said now, she still couldn't redeem the pain at that time.

"I can prove this." Although Kagami Lu knew that this was a grudge between the younger generation, if he needed to prove something at this time, he would never shirk: "I can repeat everything I said before."

The secret is no longer a secret now, and if this secret that he has kept for a lifetime can come in handy at this time, Kagami Lu will also make it create the final value.

"Tendou Souji Kagami." Listening to Kagami Lu's retelling, Xiao Xu's phantom covered his chest.

She is a person who is easily satisfied and will not dwell on trivial matters.

Everything that Tiandao Zongsi said is completely consistent with her memory, and everything before is also

"Don't be fooled, Xiaoxu!" Phoenix flew down, like a bird flapping its wings, and the stream of light raised by the cloak behind her was like a tail.

She noticed Xiaoxu's inner vacillation, especially the new monster that she had created by fusion, which also showed signs of instability.

If Tiandao Zongsi continued like this, wouldn't he succeed again?

Phoenix would not let this happen.

"Hey!" The moment he landed, the body that was about to rush forward was suddenly stopped. The stone that fell from the sky in a strange parabola to Phoenix's head fell quietly, causing Phoenix's footsteps to stop suddenly.

Weighing the small stone in his hand, Kamishiro Ken looked playful: "What does an ugly bastard like you have to do with what happens between brothers and sisters?"

"It's better not to interfere."

"Ugly bastard?" Phoenix was stunned, and then became furious: "Kamishiro Ken, before you call others ugly, can you see your true appearance clearly?"

"Isn't he like that?" Kazama Daisuke and Yaguruma came to Kamishiro Ken's side, one on each side. Although they were still a little tired, they could still buy some time for Tendou Souji.

"But you, although..." Looking at Phoenix's face, Kazama Daisuke, who has always been his Achilles' heel, really couldn't say that Phoenix was ugly against his conscience.

After all, he is a very superficial person and does like beautiful women.

"Really? You don't know your true identity yet." Phoenix smiled coldly, and she suddenly raised her hand and took Negishi in front of her, and threw it out like a projectile, hitting Kamishiro Ken heavily.

Although the impact was not too great, the moment Negishi touched the body of Kamiyo Ken, what appeared in his mind was not the image of Kamiyo Ken, but a rather terrifying silver alien insect.

That posture, that terrifying aura like a demon, Negishi recognized the true identity of this guy immediately after just one look.

"You guy!!" He rolled and crawled away from Kamiyo Ken's body, his legs trembling, his voice distorted by extreme fear: "You are!!"

"The king of alien insects!!!"

"Ah?" Kamiyo Ken finally stood up, and heard the slander from the enemy, and immediately said angrily: "How can you slander me like this? I am Kamiyo Ken, a real human!"

"I am a man who wields a sword on behalf of God."

"I will take all the alien insects in this world!" Kamiyo Ken said sternly: "How could I be an alien insect?!"

"If that's the case, would the alien insect that killed your sister be so kind to let you go?" Phoenix sneered and said: "For someone who can't even figure out his own identity, becoming a Kamen Rider is just a joke."

"What did you say?" Kamiyo Ken took a few steps forward: "Try to say it again!"


Just as Xiao Xu was about to say something, his own figure disappeared in a flash and returned to the body of the monster: "It's too late to say anything now, Tendou Souji Kagami. It's useless."

"Xiao Xu!" Looking at Xiao Xu who returned to the monster's body, Tendou Souji and Kagami shouted loudly: "Don't give up!"

"I'll save you now!" Tendou Souji inserted the black armor into the belt and completed the transformation in an instant

With the wish from Mimic Tendou, he also transformed into a black armor and continued the next battle.

"Now I am in this ugly posture, you..." Xiao Xu's voice gradually faded and became inaudible.

But her despair did not last long before she was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"Who said that?"

Before the black armored fighter started to charge forward, Kagami had already widened his eyes and looked behind him.


Climbing up from the pit and patting the dust on his body, Tiandao pulled the memory from the drive and released the transformation in front of everyone.

Holding the belt in one hand, he walked forward, passed Kagami, passed Tiandao Souji, and stood in front of the monster again.


Throwing the lost drive in his hand aside, and throwing away the memory, Tiandao remained in the state of not transforming and stood in front of the monster in the flesh.

"Don't you want to see that kind of power again? Daguba." The low voice carried a deep charm: "I'm ready, what about you!"

After a moment of silence, what resounded in everyone's ears was the irrepressible ecstasy and joy.

"Waiting for you! Tiandao-san!"

It separated from Xiaoxu's body like flowing water, and reconstructed its own form bit by bit. Even though its power would be stronger when it was possessed by Xiaoxu, for Daguba, Tiandao, who had not transformed at this moment, made it even more crazy and fascinated.

Transformation was just a restraint for him. Shenshan Tiandao in this state was the opponent that Daguba dreamed of!

Then how could it shrink in the body of another person and not respond to Tiandao's will? !

Even if it was not Daguba, but just Daguba's killing intention, this mentality of responding to the opponent was exactly the same as that of the real Daguba.

Therefore, it automatically separated from Xiao Xu's body, and like the flowing darkness, it completely solidified its body in the real world, and then under the gaze of Tendou Souji and others, it revealed its pale body in the darkness.

The golden crown hung high on its head, symbolizing its identity as a king.

Daguba, reappeared in the world.

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