I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 415 Noah Yes, yes, that's it, exactly the same.

Even if the Flame Dragon reappears, in Daguba's eyes, it is just that, not a powerful enemy.

Even in this new world today, the new posture and new power of Tiandao are still inferior to chickens and dogs in Daguba's eyes, and it is not worth his attention at all.

If he always maintains the transformation posture, Daguba will not see the figure of Tiandao, and will ignore him in arrogance.

But. When Shenshan Tiandao discards his transformation device and appears in front of him in a completely untransformed posture and as a person, Daguba will stand up instantly and become more excited than anyone else.

The transformed Tiandao is meaningless to Daguba. The so-called transformed Tiandao has been defeated by him countless times.

And the one who really defeated him is the untransformed Tiandao.

Only that kind of Tiandao is the opponent that Daguba dreams of.

Only that kind of Tiandao is the existence that Daguba longs to face.

So he knew that Tiandao wanted him to get out of the body of the woman who had merged with him, and he also knew that Tiandao wanted to save people, but in front of Tiandao who invited him so warmly, he had no reason to refuse, and it was even more impossible for him to be stage fright.

Only in front of him, Daguba would never say no.

So, after completing his personal body structure and his own body structure, Daguba stood in front of him in a very familiar appearance of Tiandao, and stood there.

Just like before, there was only the two facing each other.

But Tiandao did not respond to Daguba immediately, but turned his head to look behind him. Under the gaze of Tiandao Souji and Kagami, he nodded slightly, without saying a word, and then turned his head to face Daguba again.

"Where is the sword?" Daguba opened his hand, his palm facing Tiandao: "The sword that killed me? The sword that represents your full strength!"

Tiandao did not speak, but raised his hand and took the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword in his hand.

Although the Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword was elusive and unstable after the manifestation of Tiandao due to excessive consumption of willpower, the fact that it could be taken out meant that at this moment, Tiandao's appearance had already matched the one in Daguba's memory.

"If you want to see me like that again, Daguba, don't fall down before that!" The Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword was raised, and the tip of the sword was pointed at Daguba. Tiandao said coldly, mixed with woodenness and coldness like ice and snow: "Can you be as strong as you were back then?"

"Then let's try it! Tiandao-san!" With one hand bent, a raging flame burned in his palm. Daguba was full of fighting spirit, looking at Tiandao with fiery eyes, and didn't even intend to pay a little attention to Tiandao Zongsi.

In his eyes, there was only one person.

Confronting each other, looking directly at each other, the two moved towards a distance in the stalemate, and both gave up their positions.

No matter what the people in this world want to do, no matter what Phoenix wants to do, it doesn't matter now.

That's why Tendō Souji and the others could rush up to pick up Xiaoxu who had turned back into a human form, and evacuate immediately, taking Xiaoxu to a safe place.


But such a scene happened, which was completely beyond Phoenix's expectations.

This kind of thing was not the chance of victory she expected.

She took a step forward and was ready to question Daguba, asking him why he was completely different from her plan.

"Get out of here, woman." However, before Phoenix took a step, Daguba's suppressed excited voice suddenly sounded: "Do whatever you want to do, don't come to disturb the things between me and Tendō-san."

"If you dare to come." Daguba said without turning his head.

"Kill you."


"Is this all you have left in your mind?" Phoenix held his forehead: "Forget it, being able to tie up Melina's lackeys is a good use of his resources."

Phoenix obviously knew what Daguba was thinking. For this opening boss of the first Heisei game, his popularity among the time robbers is quite good, and Phoenix naturally knows a lot about him.

So he didn't force it, but turned around to face the Kamen Riders over there, and chose to let himself go.

"Although it's slightly different, it's the same now." As he said, Phoenix raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and in an instant, the area of ​​time stopping spread.

Except for the two people who were competing with momentum over there, Phoenix stopped the time around Tendo Souji and others, and included all the rest of the people.

Taking out a blank dial from his arms, Phoenix stepped forward a few steps and brushed over several people one by one.

He absorbed the power of Thunder Tsubasa from Kazama Daisuke, then the power of the knight of the Royal Bee on the body of Yagi, then the sword scorpion of Kamishiro Ken, and finally the power of the steel tortoise of Kagami.

After absorbing all the power of the four Kamen Riders, Phoenix took the dial full of power in his hand and approached Tendou Souji little by little.


But in the next moment, the extremely terrifying killing intent was overwhelming, and it fell down with a destructive attitude, shattering the time-stopping field in an instant, allowing Tendou Souji and others to break away from the static state.

It also forced Phoenix, who originally intended to collect the power of Tendou Souji, to retreat and distance himself.

At the same time, along with the murderous intent, a stubborn breath suddenly appeared in the bloody world, growing wildly like wild grass in spring, stubbornly smearing a touch of green that belongs to it in the bloody world, and it is a stubbornness that cannot be suppressed no matter how it is suppressed.

"Sure enough!" Obviously before this, I had suppressed Tiandao Sang twice with the will power that Tiandao Sang is best at, but this third time, even if I want to repeat the previous behavior, I can't suppress Tiandao Sang again.

Faintly, a certain posture that is most familiar to Daguba is appearing in front of him little by little.

However, only Tiandao himself understands that after summoning the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword, the will power that has been severely depleted has to fight against Daguba with such a high intensity, which makes him, who is already in a worrying state, even worse.

But. It is precisely because it is such a desperate time that I can't give up, and I must persist no matter what.

Thinking of this, the already exhausted willpower suddenly gave birth to a new source from nowhere, flowing through his body with Tiandao's determination, spreading into his limbs and bones, adding strength to him to fight again.

The battle between Daguba and Shenshan Tiandao, the fateful rematch between Gurongi and Shenshan family, even across the world, is still going on, still driven by fate, and once again becoming a bound puppet, playing out their own entanglement duel on this stage called the world.

"I am completely different from the me before, Tiandao-san!" Raising his hands in front of him, Daguba continued: "Now I have climbed the ultimate barrier and become stronger than before!"

"I will show you all my new power!"

As he said, Daguba wiped his hands in front of him, and a purple-black long sword that was exactly the same as the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword appeared in front of him. He grabbed the hilt and held it in his hand.

"My body is now filled with everything about you." Holding the sword in his hand, even though Daguba had never used a sword before, his killing instinct would still drive him, making him naturally have the instinct to use this sword.

"Tian Dao-san, I will not stand still, I will follow you closely." Looking at the silent Tian Dao, Daguba continued: "I will continue to chase your back until the day when I completely surpass you!"

"Don't let up at all."

Looking at Daguba's happy face, Tian Dao shuddered for some reason.

Dagaba. Is it a little abnormal?

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