I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 44 Teacher Thomas: I always feel like there is something fishy going on, but I don’t know wh

"Hey, haven't you found a way to go to the world of Kuga yet?"

Swaruz turned around and stared at the two people standing below.

"With the True King watching us, we have no way to bypass him and send people to the world of Kuga."

The black-haired, pretty girl used a cold voice to talk about her efforts during this period of time.

As a member of the time family, she traveled through various times and had a special name.

Time robber.

"If it can't affect Kuuga, the power of the True King won't be weakened in the slightest!" Swartz punched the armrest of the throne with hatred: "If his power doesn't weaken, how can I get his power?"

"Aura! If you just send a dial in, what is the probability of taking away Kuuga's power?"

"Very slim." Aura told the truth: "Although the dial will activate its own power to take away the power of the corresponding Kamen Rider as long as it comes into contact with the power of the corresponding Kamen Rider, the probability is very low when no one knows."

"Even if it is low, I want you to do it." Swartz said in a deep voice: "As long as the probability is not zero, you can give it a try."

Aura nodded, agreeing.


"Yes, sir." He bowed slightly, and that was a man whose posture and face were even more delicate than Aura's...!

He stood up with a smile on his face: "My Lord, other time robbers have appeared in time."

"Hmph, what's so strange about this." Swartz waved his hand, looking indifferent: "Those who can travel through time and space, Kamen Rider Kadoya and Den-O Train can do it, and their existence is no secret."

Yes, Swartz knew the excitement in the time tunnel from the beginning.

Compared to the time gaps in other worlds, or time tunnels, which are so cold and silent, the time and space channel on the special effects world-Kamen Rider side can be said to be unusually lively.

The power of shuttling through dimensions and the power of traveling between the past and the future of time are not rare abilities on the Knight side.

And the so-called gods, whether they are the God of Creation or the Creator, are not rare on the Kamen Rider side.

For a long time, anyone who can add the title of God to his name is a well-known strong man on the Knight side, and will not cause any tarnish to the word God.

But in the Reiwa era, the title of "God" that is well-known by everyone seems to have become less valuable.

"No, I think, maybe we can give it a try." Ur still maintained that charming smile, and compared to Aura beside him, he was even more charming: "Although I don't know why now, a solid barrier has appeared between the major time and space, and each world has become independent, and each world has become unique."

"But this is more beneficial to the time robbers."

"What do you mean." Swartz asked.

"Because of the existence of the Time Robber, it has also been made independent." Ur smiled and replied: "As the originally merged worlds were separated, the concept of the Time Robber was also separated."

"This means that in every world, it is possible for the Time Robber to be born."

"It is possible?" Swaruz was a little surprised: "But I didn't make too many Time Robbers."

"This matter has nothing to do with you, sir." Ur shook his head and continued: "The existence of the Time Robber has become a part of the operation of all the worlds at present, and has become an existence that will be born in the world itself."

"In this case, isn't it in every knight world..." Ola's eyes lit up and he reacted immediately.

"Yes, this means that even if the king is here, some things will not go according to his wishes." Ur nodded slightly: "There is only one thing we need to pay attention to, and that is the Space-Time Administration."

"Hmph, a group of guys who recognize the king as their leader?" Swartz snorted coldly: "The only legendary power"

When he thought that there were countless possibilities for the birth of Oma Zi-O, and there was only one possibility for the birth of Kamen Rider Oma (True King), Swartz coveted the power of the True King.

That is the truth of the unknown world, the only one that transcends time.

There can be countless Oma Zi-O, but there is only one Kamen Rider Oma.

It is the only one that has jumped out of Oma Zi-O and has become a fact that is bound to happen.

This is the only one, an existence that no matter how many Oma Zi-Os can't compare to.

If he can have such power and become such an existence, he can.

"Kuuga, will that world also give birth to a corresponding time robber?" Swartz broke away from his fantasy and began to think about the most important thing at the moment.

"I don't know." Ur had no way to answer, because no one knew about this possibility.

And they had no way to go to Kuga's world, the world protected by the True King.

"Heh" Swartz snorted coldly, extremely dissatisfied: "In the end, can we still do nothing?"

"Maybe, something unexpected will happen, sir." Aura pretended to be respectful and said: "Wait a little longer, anyway, we have waited until now, and..."

"That's right." There was really no other way except waiting, and Swartz could only accept his fate: "Wait a little longer, anyway, the world now has become a little confusing."

What Swartz said was that for some unknown reason, the fusion world that started with Emperor Knight was divided again, and each world became an independent existence again.

And whether this change ended here or was just the beginning of a big change, no one knew.

In the countless surging possibilities, countless worlds were born, and countless stories were written on a book.

In the pages that never repeat, one wonderful story after another is written.

There are spider knights who carry enlightenment and fight with their lives.

But there are also battles between good and evil that use the power of Ark to fight at the last moment.

And in a game about desire, try to make everyone get "happiness".

And the last one is a page with only a beginning, and nothing exists afterwards, full of unknown possibilities and countless futures.

The difference is that the first two have already ended, and have become stories that have turned over and ended.

And the third one has an undetermined ending, has not yet ended, and may be continued.

The last one is the beginning of everything, the beginning of the story that has not yet been written, and a story with infinite possibilities.

There are so many stories engraved in this book, but they are all captured by the power of this book in the distant past or in the distant future.

"Are you going?"

However, as the pages of the book were turning, the voice of a girl with a childish voice suddenly sounded, carrying a sense of nostalgia and a desire.

"I promised you that I would find a new story for you." Unlike the young child's voice before, the female voice that sounded this time was a little cold, without any emotional ups and downs, as if it was just an existence that acted for a certain goal, suppressing all its emotions, the so-called task machine.

The pages of the book moved without wind, allowing the pages to reveal all the stories that had happened and had not happened in the process of turning, and finally, it was fixed at the beginning of everything, that is, what you see after a book is opened, on the catalog.

"But." The girl's voice was filled with reluctance: "I can't bear to leave you."

"Now it's time to go." The cold female voice was filled with unquestionable determination: "I don't want to hurt you, I have to leave."

"But where else can you go?" The girl asked: "Who wrote the story you can find?"

"I can find it." The cold female voice was filled with affirmation: "Even if the world has long been broken, I will definitely find the person who will become the king."

"Then, ask him to ascend the throne and become the only king!"

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