I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 45 Daguba: Oh no, I became a substitute?

Chapter 45 Daguaba: What’s wrong, am I a substitute? !

I take back what I said before, the meditation seal is so fragrant!

This is the only inner thought of Tiandao after learning the Meditation Seal and using it.

Although it is indeed not an offensive type, in terms of support, the Zen Seal has been stretched to the limit.

"With your current strength, the effect of the Meditation Seal can only be maintained for three seconds." Shenshan Xinzi stroked his beard and said cheerfully: "A calm mind leads to concentration. The Meditation Seal imprints the inner peace into reality and communicates internally and externally. , achieve stillness.”

"Space will stop at this moment, time will stop at this moment, within the scope of the Zen Seal, everything will stand still, only the armored warriors can still move."

"Each set of armor carries this kind of power, and it also has the ability to change shape."

"This is all the power that comes with the armor."

"But how long does the Meditation Seal last and how large is the coverage area?"

"How far is the transformation position of the Apparition, and how short is the activation interval."

"These do not depend on the armor, but on the summoner himself."

Tiandao can understand the meaning of the words of the Heart of the Holy Mountain. The armor itself has these abilities, but how much it can be exerted depends entirely on the summoner himself.

"Sure enough, I'm far behind now." The meditation seal could only last for two seconds. The time was too short, so short that he had no time to do anything.

"It's not bad, it's not bad." Shenshan Xinzhi said cheerfully: "You have stayed here long enough."

"Tiandao, go back to where you belong."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tiandao, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his five hearts raised to the sky, was suddenly pulled away and shrunk into a point in the blink of an eye.

The world he saw before his eyes was once again filled with darkness.

outside world.

"Wake up! Officer Kamiyama wakes up!"

Opening his eyes drowsily, Tiandao heard such a surprise sound in his ears. Along with a series of movements, Tiandao struggled to open his eyes, and his confused eyes with blurred vision gathered little by little. , until regaining consciousness.

The first person he saw was the nurse standing beside his bed.

"Tiandao? Tiandao?" At this moment, a familiar voice sounded appropriately, and Ichijo's face also appeared in front of Tiandao.

"One...one..." The voice was hoarse, and it was almost impossible to hear the vitality of Tiandao in the past.

Although the current Tiandao has awakened, it is still too weak.

"Tiandao-san~ I'm so glad you're okay!" Behind Ichijo, the young man still dressed in white had a surprised expression on his face.

He seemed particularly happy that Tiandao could wake up.

There were even some tears in the corners of his eyes.

This is Zero and he's here too.

After Tiandao turned his neck and looked at the people around him, the first words he spoke made Ichijo and the others laugh involuntarily.

"It seems that I've... quite failed as a human being... I don't even have a beautiful woman..."

"Come on, you are still thinking about your girlfriend at this time." Seeing that his best friend was still thinking about joking, Ichijou finally felt relieved: "It would be great if you can wake up."

"Ha... the feeling of being beaten from the sky... to the ground... is really uncomfortable." Tiandao tried his best to say two words, and he was a little out of breath, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

"You should leave first. Mr. Tiandao has just woken up, and his body is still very weak and needs to be recuperated." The girl wearing a nurse uniform also spoke after the operation: "The patient's physical condition still needs to be carefully observed and cannot be disturbed too much. "

"That's right." As a person who came out of the hospital, Zero also understood some of the behaviors of humans in the hospital, so he immediately picked up the conversation: "Mr. Tiandao is still very weak now, so we should not disturb him. "

"Yes! That's right." Ichijo nodded approvingly: "Don't worry, I will tell Fifth Generation the news right away."

Tian Dao is fine, Ichijo's expression is very relaxed: "We won't disturb you anymore, come back after a while."

"You have a good rest."

Although Ichijo wanted to know what kind of enemy Tiandao encountered and was beaten like this, he also knew that now was not a good time to ask questions, so he would not ask.

During the period when Tiandao was in coma, although the Fifth Generation was also attacked and severely injured and sent to the hospital, the Fifth Generation and Tiandao were different.

The flame dragon transformed by Tiandao wears armor, but he is only a summoner. He is still a human being.

At least before he awakened his will, he was still an ordinary person.

The fifth generation is different. Kuuga is a change in biological transformation type and is also a warrior of the flesh faction. After the belt worn by the fifth generation is integrated into the fifth generation's body, it has been subtly changing the fifth generation's body, making the fifth generation gradually become inhuman.

Therefore, although they were both seriously injured, Tiandao needed to recover for a long time, and after Godai was in a coma for a night, the power of the belt helped Godai's injuries heal quickly, allowing him to walk around the next day. It seemed Already nothing happened.

After recovering from his injuries, Godai returned to the battle.

But in the next half month, the unconfirmed life forms seemed to have disappeared. There was no news at all. The whole society seemed to have returned to normal and became the same as before the unconfirmed life forms appeared.

This long-lost peace has given everyone a rare moment of relaxation. Experts even optimistically declared on some TV stations that all unidentified life forms have been wiped out.

However, those who really know the inside story understand that the unconfirmed life forms have not disappeared, and are even accumulating more powerful power to cause more killings.

Therefore, the fifth generation often walked around outside without any carelessness. The joint operations center also added more manpower and conducted continuous high-intensity inspections every day.

No one dares to lower their guard.


Godai drove his motorcycle to the hospital. He trotted eagerly to the front of the ward, where he met Ichijo, who was guarding the door.

The two looked at each other, opened the door to the ward together, and stepped in.

In the ward, Tiandao, who finally looked better, breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously when he saw the two people coming in.

"During the day, I was afraid of exposing the fifth generation's identity, so I didn't want to ask where the fifth generation was." After an afternoon of recuperation, Tiandao's condition improved a lot: "I want to know, after I met myself, the fifth generation Was he also attacked?"

"Yes." Ichijo didn't hide anything: "Shortly after you were attacked, Godai was also attacked."

"The one who attacked me was a Gurungi in the form of a wolf." Godai gestured with his hands: "It suddenly appeared like that and caught me off guard."

"It's so powerful, I'm no match for it."

There was still a trace of fear on Godai's face: "And no matter what I said, it didn't say a word. I didn't know who it was until I was knocked down in the end."

"As if it was just there to knock me down."

After Godai finished speaking, Ichijo then spoke: "The Metropolitan Police Department has recorded him as an unidentified life form..."

"Ichijo, don't name it with a number." Tiandao interrupted Ichibo's follow-up words: "It's not a number, it's... the king of Gurungi."

One:? !

Fifth Generation:! !

They never expected that there would be such breaking news, both Godai and Ichijo were shocked.

"The...King of Gurungi?"

"Is there still a king in Gulungi?"

"This is an ancient race. It's not normal for a king to exist." Tiandao waved his hand: "Even if he becomes a monster, he still wants to choose a king."

"If it is the king, then everything makes sense." Ichijo nodded: "That kind of unparalleled combat power exceeds any previously unconfirmed life form."

"I don't know what abilities he has." Tiandao said again: "I didn't survive even three moves under his hands."

"It should have some special power, but I..."

It's just that neither Flame Dragon nor Kuuga can force out its abilities.

"It is indeed important information." Ichijo took out his mobile phone: "In other words, it is the leader of the murderous activities and the Zero who massacred the archaeological survey team in Kurogatake."

"If it is the king of Gurungi, then it is definitely him!" Tiandao nodded affirmatively.

"All orders come from its mouth, and Gurungi must obey its command!"

"In other words, as long as this king is eliminated, everything will be over!"

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