I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 438 Rick, my good brother! Welcome back! [If it’s not the way of heaven, who are you? ]

Holding Tiandao's wrist and landing first, Melina grabbed the blade of the Spark Sword with her free hand and swept the sword towards the place where Feiliu left, cutting the time gap that was originally closing again, and this time it was expanded countless times.

"Want to run?"

Releasing Tiandao's hand, Melina immediately took out the Book of Omniscience: "Alien Zi-O, the guy who appeared in "Kamen Rider Zi-O", has become so rampant."

"I will catch you back no matter what!"

As soon as the words fell, without waiting for Tiandao to speak, Melina went straight into the time gap and chased Feiliu's fleeing figure.

Only Tiandao, who watched Melina's back gradually disappear, stood there with a blank face.

On the other side, after Feiliu left, the shackles that trapped Rick also dissipated, and Rick successfully regained his freedom, avoiding the fate of becoming a collectible statue.

"Tian Dao?!"

Not only that, Rick was also very excited when he saw Tian Dao reappear in front of him.

He ran over with big strides, grabbed Tian Dao's shoulders, and hugged him tightly.

"I knew you were okay!"

"Ah?" Tian Dao was a little confused by this sudden enthusiasm, and he felt the excitement coming at him, and he seemed very confused.

No, who are you?

"Oh~ the ancient man who revived from the super ancient times." In this house by the sea, Tian Dao sat on the ground, and sitting opposite him was Rick. After learning a little about the other party's origins, Tian Dao also had a preliminary understanding of the other party.

But he really didn't expect it to be like this.

"Sorry, maybe when you appeared, I seemed..." Rubbing his chin, Tiandao pondered his original situation: "I seemed to be dead at that time?"

"Even if I was resurrected later, I only met Ichijo once, and then went to fight Daguba." Tiandao gradually figured it out: "I don't think I really have never seen you."

"It doesn't matter, you haven't seen me, but I know you very well." Rick smiled and waved his hand: "When Ichijo told us that you were not dead, we were all very happy."

"With you and the fifth generation joining forces, we will definitely defeat Daguba!"

"So at that time!" Sakurako, who had been waiting for a long time, finally found the opportunity to speak.

Although it is indeed a happy thing to reunite with Tiandao, Sakurako is more concerned about the news of another person besides being happy.

"What was the situation at that time?" Rick made up for what Sakurako didn't finish.

To this day, no one knows what happened in the decisive battle at that time.

The three who disappeared seemed to have completely disappeared from this world, and no one could see them again.

The final battle also became a mystery that could not be solved.

"After I was resurrected, I immediately found Daguba and started fighting." Tiandao said truthfully: "Although I was at a disadvantage for a while, in the end, I still successfully borrowed the power of heaven and earth and killed Daguba with one blow."

Although Daguba resurrected again afterwards, that was a matter of another world, so Tiandao naturally did not need to explain it in such detail.

"Afterwards, Daguba's death caused the space to collapse, and I was sucked in and sent to another planet." Although it was outside the world, according to Sakurako and Rick's worldview, it was easier for them to understand that it was on another planet.

So Tiandao just said it.

"I was exhausted at the time and couldn't do more."

"Just when the collapsed space was about to spread, Wudai suddenly appeared."

At this point, Tiandao spread his hands and said helplessly: "My memory ends here, and I have been sucked in."

"What Wudai did, what happened to him afterwards, I don't know."



Although it was somewhat different from their guess that Tiandao killed Daguba alone, but as the person involved, Tiandao's words were naturally more valuable than their blind guesses.

So Sakurako and Rick quickly accepted this statement.

"Where is Wudai..." Sakurako held her hands in front of her, with a worried look on her face: "Where is he..."

"Don't worry, Miss Sakurako." Tiandao shook his head: "Wudai and you have a promise."

"He is definitely not the kind of person who will break the promise. I believe that no matter where he is, there will be a day when he will come back."

"He must be working hard to respond to the promise with you now."

Knowing more inside information, Tiandao probably knows why Wudai didn't come back.

Either he was teleported to the outside world like him, or... as the ultimate life form, Five Generations stayed away from the human world and chose to isolate himself.

"Yeah, I believe that too." Rick nodded: "Then the person who appeared before, and the woman..."

"I don't know that person either." Tiandao definitely didn't know Feiliu, and didn't know what he was doing here.

"The woman's name is Melina."

"Uh... she's a strong person who can cross the universe!" Tiandao had a flash of inspiration and immediately explained: "If it weren't for her, I really couldn't come back."

"Is that so." Compared to traveling through the world, the fact that there are aliens is more acceptable.

So neither Rick nor Sakurako doubted this statement.

"By the way, my identity... is it already..." The identity of the Five Generations has long been no secret, and my own identity.

"Yes... At that time, the Five Generations restored everyone, but you "died tragically" in front of him. With the Five Generations' shout, everyone knew who you were." Rick said with a smile.

"You don't know yet, there is a statue of you outside the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department."


"To the brave who dedicated themselves to the cause of mankind." Sakurako said with a smile: "Kamiyama Tendao."

Tendao:? ? ?

Well, now I am still alive, but I am already considered dead in society.

How do you want me to get out!

"If you come back, our pressure will be much less." Rick exhaled: "The ultimate power of the fifth generation, plus your power to seal the devil, your aura has shocked many enemies hiding in the dark."

"I know." Tiandao waved his hand: "I have seen all those guys."

"The hundreds of races that are eyeing humans have been waiting for an opportunity."

"It seems that the disappearance of the fifth generation and I really made them ready to move." Tiandao sneered several times: "What is the situation in society now? Are there any ignorant guys who have taken action again?"

Rick did not speak, but handed over the photo in his pocket so that Tiandao could see it.

At the first glance of the photo, Tiandao also thought he saw a brand new Kuuga, but then, Tiandao saw the person in the photo who acted as a monster.

"This posture... crocodile?" Tiandao was stunned, and then remembered something: "A monster species? No, rather than a monster species, it is better to say..."

Raising his head, Tiandao looked at Sakurako and said word by word.

"Sakurako, please tell me, have there been many superpowers in the human world recently!"

"Superpowers?" Sakurako was stunned: "It seems that there is not much coverage in the newspaper. This question... maybe only Mr. Ichijo knows the answer."

"What about Ichijo?" Tiandao asked.

"Yesterday, I encountered a very strong monster. Ichijo transformed and went up to fight, but he was no match for the opponent. After being beaten to his knees, one leg and several ribs were broken."

Rick actually didn't want to say this, after all, the topic was very heavy.

But the relationship between the man in front of him and Ichijo made it inevitable for him to know this.

He couldn't hide it.

"What?!" In an instant, Tiandao's gentle eyes faded away, and the frenzied and violent killing intent was fully revealed.

"Who did it?!"

"I don't know." Rick told the truth: "At that time, the police officer Ichijo was in danger of his life, but it happened that the person in the photo suddenly appeared and wrestled with the monster, and finally disappeared."

"Only Mr. Ichijo was sent to the hospital."

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