I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 439 Now that I, the Black God, have awakened, who dares to claim to be invincible? Who dares

Chapter 439 Now that I, the Black God, have awakened, who dares to claim to be invincible? Who dares to claim to be invincible? Which…

"Where is Ichijo now?" Hearing that Ichijo was so seriously injured, Tiandao couldn't sit still.

How did he know that he would hear such exciting news as soon as he came back.

When it comes to Ichijou's life safety, he cares about it more than anyone else.

"It has been transferred to America. There are more advanced medical methods there, which can allow Ichito to get the best recovery." Rick told the truth: "After Ichigo was seriously injured and retired from the front line, the Metropolitan Police Department is now a little leaderless. ”

"I heard that the upper management of the Metropolitan Police Department has appointed a new person in charge." Sakurako's information is not uninformed, mainly because there is someone in the Metropolitan Police Department who has become bald and has a relationship with Sakurai, so Sakurako You can receive the latest information.

However, Sugita, a bald man, seems to be a little disheartened because of the Gulangi incident. He has been transferred from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and is currently in charge of security in Hokkaido.

Although for other police officers, going from Tokyo to Hokkaido is tantamount to being exposed and demeaning, for Sugita, it is a trip worth remembering and relaxing.

I heard that he now skis in Hokkaido every day, or goes out to fish, and sometimes goes to the ranch to ride horses. His life is quite comfortable.

Officer Sakurai took Sugita's place and became the person in charge of some areas in Tokyo. He also successfully followed in Sugita's footsteps. His normal hairline gradually began to move backwards. .

It's as if Sugita's position has its own curse.

"The new person in charge..." Tiandao pondered for a moment: "It seems that the new round of crisis will have new people coming to solve it."

"Just like us..."

Tiandao has now experienced large and small worlds, and he has a lot of understanding of Kamen Rider, or the reason why Kamen Rider was born.

There will be a crisis in an era, and a Kamen Rider will appear to solve the crisis. This is a knight's story.

Tiandao focused his gaze on this photo, looking at the brand new knight who was too similar to Kuuga, and for a moment he had some enlightenment.

Now, is this knight appearing to solve the problem?

"I'm going out." After thinking about this, Tiandao immediately let go of the pressure in his heart.

Ichijo was injured and retired, and Godai disappeared. He was the only one to return to this world, but even so, the rest of the story had little to do with him.

It is a brand new story, a future written by a brand new knight.

"Are you going to find those guys?" Rick asked aloud.

"No matter what, I will never let go of the existence that hurt Ichijou." Holding the table with both hands, Tiandao said solemnly: "It's not that Ichijou can't transform, but since I can defeat Ichijou head-on, after thinking about it, I can only Those guys can do it.”

"Yingzi." Tiandao suddenly raised his head and asked Yingzi: "Help me pay attention to the information of the Metropolitan Police Department. Are there any strange cases recently?"

"For example, someone has awakened superpowers or something."

"Eh?" Yingzi was stunned for a moment, but then she reacted: "Could it be that the monster this time is..."

"The power of light..." Tiandao squinted his eyes: "The first time you see this guy, you will think that it is normal for him to look like Kongga. After all, he has a pair of big golden horns, which will make you feel familiar."


Tiandao's words changed: "Compared to Kongga, don't you think this pair of big horns is more like the new life form from before?"

"The style of this big golden horn is exactly the same."

This kind of golden horn has appeared on new life forms, and the power of new life forms, according to the earth angel, is the power of taboo.

The name of that power is called the power of light.

After leaving the coast, Tiandao came to the road alone. After making sure that no one was around, he stamped on the ground with one foot and shouted in a deep voice.

"Earth...no! Earth Angel, come out to see me!"

When it comes to the power of light, earth angels must be the ones who know the best. After all, they angels are active to prevent the emergence of this power.

The way of heaven itself has the mark given by the earth angel, and the earth angel can be summoned at any time.

After stamping one foot on the ground, Tiandao waited for a moment, but there was only calm, not even the slightest movement.


Stomping the ground again, Tiandao shouted again.

"Earth Angel! Come out to me!"

After a while, there was still no response.

Tiandao, who did not believe in evil, stamped hard several times, but even after stamping the cement floor into pieces, the earth angel still did not appear, as if he had evaporated from the world and did not exist at all.

"Tsk..." Tiandao twitched the corner of his mouth: "Is this guy... still sleeping?"

"Have you still recovered from the severe injuries you suffered before?"

Pulling his feet out of the hole, Tiandao looked helpless: "I remember it said that angels will fall into a deep sleep to recover their losses."

"But besides the Lord God, who else can beat Ichijo to this extent?"

Originally, I wanted to call out the Earth Angel for questioning, but if this guy is still sleeping, then the suspicion on Lord Shangshen seems to have been cleared?

Who else could it be?

The bishop of the vampire clan? Or some other ethnic group?

Tian Dao didn't know yet, but he always felt something was wrong, especially after returning to this world that belonged to him this time, it gave him a strange feeling.

He had borrowed the power of heaven and earth before, so he had a natural affinity with this world.

But now, this affinity was gone, and there was even a feeling of hostility towards him.

It was as if he was considered an enemy.

Only he could feel this looming sense of rejection. After all, how close they were before, how cold they were now.

...It was just like a couple, the husband went out on a business trip and came back, but suddenly found that his wife, who was originally clingy, was cold to him, as if she was not pretending to be nice.

It was hard not to suspect that there was someone outside.

But Tian Dao asked himself that he didn't seem to have done anything.

I just went out for a trip, is it because of this?

Thinking of this, Tian Dao activated the teleportation, wanting to use this to move to the temple of the wind angel before.

But... the teleportation that had always been successful in the past, although it was still successfully activated this time, it could not be considered a real success.

Because Tiandao did not go to where he wanted to go, but moved forward about five meters from his previous position.

He turned his head and could see the traces left by his stomping just now.

Tiandao: ...

This is not a mistake in the change of shape, but this world is rejecting him, making him seem extremely restrained no matter what he does.

But again, Tiandao has no idea what happened and why it turned out like this.

The earth angel who can answer his questions can't shout out, so isn't he now...

With this thought, Tiandao didn't waste any words and immediately turned around to go back to Rick.

Let him drive a motorcycle to take him back.

He opened his colorful eyes that could not be described in words. Although he was still a little boy, looking like a little boy of eight or nine years old, a certain strange aura emanating from him seemed to be able to accommodate everything.

Even if he did nothing, the world would be centered on him, guarding his every move, and being happy or sad for everything he did.

All things in the world, all things in the universe, are determined by him and follow him.

This is not an active request, but a spontaneous behavior of the world.

"There is a child from another family." He is obviously a child, but the words he said seem so mature.

But his voice cannot be distinguished from that of a man or a woman, a child or an old man, kind or cruel...

It seems that in a breath, too many emotions are mixed and interpreted by different people.

"Is that so? I borrowed your power." As if he could really hear some voice, the boy nodded, raised his hands forward, and pressed down.

"Do you think he is my child like you?" The boy smiled.

"I won't blame you." He comforted.

"He has many secrets."

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