I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 458 Chapter 457 Shi Tiandao, get out of this world (You are the anti-Tiangang, right? How ca

When Guang Xiahai returned to her photo studio, she pushed open the door and saw not the scene she imagined of Tiandao waiting in a tight battle array and then treating Ming Long, but the two of them sitting at the table, talking and laughing.

Guang Xiahai, who was originally cautious and afraid of disturbing Tiandao, was suddenly speechless after seeing this scene.

It was agreed that she would not be disturbed, and it was agreed that it would take a long time, but who knew it would be so fast?

It was a pity that I was still cautious.

"You..." Pushing the door open, Guang Xiahai saw such a harmonious scene, and her originally bad mood was slightly relieved.

It was rare to see good news, and she smiled again and walked in.

"Am I here at the wrong time?"

Guang Xiahai's arrival attracted the attention of the two people who were talking. Looking at Guang Xiahai coming, Ming Long also showed a bright smile on his face.

"No, you came at the right time." Tiandao said with a smile: "We were just talking about you."

"Yes, thanks to Tiandao, I was able to escape from the control of Dai Shocker." Minglong shook his head and sneered at himself: "In the end, I still couldn't escape Dai Shocker's pursuit, and ended up with a fate that was not even human..."

"Mr. Minglong..."

"It's all Kado's fault." Tiandao suddenly said: "If it weren't for his existence that trapped you, you wouldn't be locked up and fall into this world, and eventually be hunted by Dai Shocker."

"Oh no! (Damn) decade!"

Tiandao clapped his hands, looking indignant.

"You're right, decade does bear a large part of the responsibility." Minglong was speechless, thinking of the series of bad things that happened after he observed Kado, and he was somewhat helpless.

"I did have some resentment towards Kamen Rider before, but after being brainwashed by Dai Shocker, I was not only implanted with loyalty to Dai Shocker, but also hatred for Kamen Rider."

"Especially Decade."

"Then Mr. Narutaki..." Guang Xiahai looked at Narutaki worriedly.

"Don't worry, although I really hate Decade, this emotion amplified by others makes me hate it even more." Narutaki raised his head and interrupted Guang Xiahai's subsequent words: "I have a score to settle with Decade, but the same is true with Dai Shocker."

"After getting rid of Dai Shocker, the grudge between Decade and me will continue."

Nurutaki's eyes flashed coldly: "It's not over between us."

"Damn Decade, I will never forgive him."

Gu Xiahai:...

Is this another person's resentment on me?

Shi seems to have always been like this, always destroying something unconsciously.

Not only this world, not only other worlds, even friends or enemies, are unconsciously losing something.

A peaceful life destroyed; a peaceful life destroyed; a complete body destroyed; destroyed...

It was as if Kado Kazushi would bring misfortune and destruction to everything in this world as long as he existed.

"Okay, stop looking at me like that." Standing up from the chair, Tendou moved closer and stood in front of Mitsumasa: "Did you see Kado Kazushi?"

"Hmm..." The sound from the lowered head was as thin as a mosquito's hum, and it was really hard to hear it if you didn't listen carefully.

"I guess he must have something to say to me." Tendou crossed his arms and prepared to greet him.

"He said..." Mitsumasa opened his mouth, unwilling to say it, but thinking of Kado Kazushi's resolute look, Mitsumasa had to repeat it.

"He said..."

"After I get rid of all the knights, it will be your turn, Tendao." He said this first. Tendao looked at Guang Xiahai who looked up in surprise and smiled unconsciously: "That's what he said."

"Tiandao, why are you..." Guang Xiahai was very surprised.

"Because I know what he is thinking, he must know what I am thinking." Tendao's eyes were slightly empty: "This is why he and I don't like each other."

The two people who are too similar know how annoying their personalities are, so they naturally won't have a good face to each other.

But it is precisely because they are too similar that while they hate each other, they are fully aware of each other's thoughts and choices, and they are the ones who know each other best.

They hate each other, but they have a tacit understanding. This is the relationship between Tendao and Kadoya Shi, awkward but stable.

"Big Shocker is carrying out a plan to revive a new life form." Ming Long has found himself, so during the time he was Colonel Zor in Big Shocker, he certainly knew a lot of information about Big Shocker.

So he told Tian Dao everything without leaving out anything.

The two were not in Guang Xia Photo Studio at the moment, but were at the riverside, avoiding the Guang Xia Sea to talk.

"New life form?" Tian Dao's mind immediately emerged with the new life form that was born when the Wolf King used the power of light to combine with Gurongi.

"Well, it is a terrifying life form that transcends human existence and transcends the ecosystem as soon as it is born." Ming Long nodded: "According to what you said, it is born with the ultimate power and is an ultimate life form."

"Tsk... Big Shocker..." Tian Dao was amazed: "It really deserves to be an evil organization as old as the existence of Kamen Rider, it has a lot of foundation."

Born to be the ultimate, this kind of life form cannot even be imagined in the heavenly realm.

The end point that Cuba dreams of is the starting point for others. Who can explain this?

"In my opinion, if the Imperial Cavalry can defeat the Ultimate Kuuga, then he can fight against new life forms. Although the world will still be destroyed, it will not fall into the hands of Overhaul." Narutaki Gaze at your own reflection on the water under the light.

On the calm water, he could see his own appearance completely.

"He was right to put you last." Narutaki then said: "If he can defeat the Ultimate Kuuga, then he can fight against the new life form. If he cannot, the world's crisis will be lifted. Likewise, the new life form will be defeated. The living body will also have the ultimate emptiness to deal with it.”

"No matter what, don't think about new life forms..."

Before he finished speaking, Tiandao raised his hand and caught a card flying out of the dark world.

And if he doesn't catch this card, the card will eventually fall on Narutaki's face and hit him hard.

"It seems he has surpassed the ultimate power."

Tiandao withdrew his hand and stared at the pattern engraved on the card, which was exactly the shape of Almighty Kuuga.

"If I don't cross him, how can I stand in front of you?" His figure looked a little embarrassed, and even his hair became messy, but even so, Kado Yashi still stood in front of Tiandao.

He walked out of the darkness and was bathed in light, bringing Narutaki the answer he had prepared.

"All the knights have been defeated by me." Men Yashi raised his hand and pointed at Tiandao: "Now, it's just you!"

"Tsk, the situation now is the same as before." Tiandao turned around and looked at Kadoya Shi up and down: "It's just like our first duel. I'm in an awkward shape and seriously injured. , and you who are in perfect and arrogant condition.”

"Now, it's me who is embarrassed, and you who are arrogant." Kado Yashi added the follow-up: "Tiandao, you are the only one, not out of helplessness, but because I actively want to defeat you!"

"Then what's the reason for defeating me?" Tiandao opened his hands and made a hug: "There must be a reason for any battle, and I want to know the reason."

"As a Kamen Rider, isn't this the reason why you want to take me back from me, the murderer who will destroy the world?" Kadashi leaned sideways: "Just like those knights, you..."

"Not enough." Tiandao said, interrupting Kado Yashi's follow-up: "I say, that reason is not enough."

He crossed his arms and showed a sharp gaze: "This is probably not what you are really thinking about."

Kadashi was silent.

The real reason?

"Okay." After thinking for a moment, Kadoya Shi raised his head. Under the gazes of Narutaki and Tiandao, Kado Yashi slowly spoke.

"Tiandao, get out of this world."



"Do you still want me to take action next?" In another world, Godai Yusuke stood here, and beside him stood knights from other eras.

He is not a knight from a parallel world, but a real knight from the TV series.

"After he left the valley and escaped from the cycle, he no longer needs us." Hongdu, as the host, spoke first: "Leave the rest to him and the parallel knights."

"Of course." Hongdu paused.

"And Senior Tiandao."

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