I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 459 Chapter 458 Why did the Touhou Knight War end with Kamen Rider vs. Armor Hero? !

Is this what you can say?

Isn’t this usually what others say to you?

In other words, this sentence should be what I, as your enemy, should say.

Kadayaji, are you taking my word for it now? To deal with me?

Narutaki also found it ridiculous. As someone who had been observing Kadoya Shi's existence before, Narutaki can be said to be one of the people who knows best what happened to Kado Yashi.

And this sentence, the appearance rate can be said to be quite frequent.

It's just that...this sentence is usually used by others to describe Kado Yashi. Such a sentence suddenly popped out of Kado Yashi's mouth, and Narutaki almost couldn't hold back.

"This is interesting." Tiandao waved his hand and said indifferently: "You may not know that I can't get out of this world."

"It would be better to say that I was called here by this world. You can't just get out if you tell me to get out." While waving his hands, Tiandao had an inexplicable smile on his face: "Why do you think the world is like this?" Are you calling me?"

Kado Yaji:…

"If you want to tell me why..." At the moment when Kado Yashi and Narutaki both pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what Kabuo had to say, the evil smile on Kabuo's face became even brighter.

"I'm also looking for the reason."

Kado Yaji:…

Now let alone Kadoya Shi, even Narutaki can't stand the attitude of the man next to him.

Even as a teammate, Narutaki really felt that this guy really deserved a beating.

"I am the ultimate defense weapon of the earth." He stretched out his hand and slowly pointed to the sky. Tiandao's tone became unpredictable: "Any crisis that threatens the earth, no matter which world it is, will call me to come and will hinder the future of the earth." Sin removed.”

"That couldn't be better." Kado Yashi took a step forward: "I am the destroyer of the world, and you are the guardian of the world. Isn't this the reason why you and I fight?"

"Indeed." Tiandao nodded: "So..."

"So!" Kado Yashi followed up: "Tomorrow at noon, you decide the location."

"Xiaoye will witness at your doorstep." Tiandao said slowly: "How about it?"

"Okay." Men Yashi nodded. Even if the decisive battle took place in front of his home, he didn't care.

Xiao Ye had already left home and was traveling. No matter what Tiandao mentioned about Xiao Ye's plans, Kado Yashi was not afraid.

Just because the two are so similar that they hate each other, they also know each other better than anyone else because they are so similar.

God, don't let me down.

I originally regarded Guang Xiahai as the last insurance to stop me, but now that you have appeared, I will hand over this burden to you.

Heaven, can you understand the truth that I cannot tell, can you understand...my final path to salvation.

Their eyes met, each other's looks reflected in each other's eyes.

Completely different faces, but reflecting the same fighting spirit.

Condensation and silence constituted everything between the two of them facing each other, and finally turned into an encounter with their backs facing each other.

Meet for a life and death showdown.

Watching Kado Yashi leave, Narutaki sought an answer from someone beside him.

"You really want to be with him..."

"There is only one person who can stop him." Tiandao suddenly spoke, and with a heavy look on his brow, he turned and left without any intention of saying more: "That's me."

"I'm going back to recharge my batteries."

"Just wait until tomorrow."

Narutaki opened his mouth, also not knowing what to say.

"Kamiyama Tendo and Kado Yashi... The times are about to turn over here and move towards a new future." Narutaki sighed slightly, raising his head and staring at the sky.

There is no moonlight, but the sky is still full of stars.

"The history of Kamen Rider should have ended here, decade...the shattered future has new changes."

Narutaki himself didn't know that he was in a strange, deliberately created world that was in a cycle. He was even a part of this world.

But this does not prevent him from looking at the world and looking at the end that originally belonged to Kamen Rider, but it seems that he has the possibility to continue moving towards the future.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Tiandao, who was sitting cross-legged in his room in Guangxia Photo Studio, suddenly opened his eyes, and his uncontrollable energy turned into a brilliant light, flashing in his eyes.

After a night of adjustment, or a whole night at the top of the sacred mountain, Tiandao did not feel tired, but instead felt energetic.

He grabbed the card that belonged to Kuuga and placed it on the bedside. In the next moment, Tiandao directly activated his apparation. Without informing Narutaki and Mitsumi of his plans, he quietly walked out of his room. leave.

By the time he transformed and reached his destination, Tiandao had already appeared in front of Kadashi.

It was even far away from the place they had agreed to be in front of Kado Yashi's house.

Not only that, even the time doesn't match up.

"As expected, you are here." Seeing Tiandao's appearance, Kado Yashi seemed to have expected it.

"Give me this card. You know that I have the ability to directly lock onto an object with the help of an object and perform space jumps." He flew the Kuuga card in his hand to Kado Yashi, who caught it in his hand, Tiandao Then he spoke.

"When you give me this card, you want me to use this as a link to directly activate the transformation."

"And the time is probably just to deceive Narutaki and Mitsukai, and even to confuse Overhaulka." Tiandao took a step forward: "Did you know that someone from Overhaulka was eavesdropping at that time?"

"That's not important." He slowly raised his hand and showed the Imperial Cavalry driver in his hand: "I don't want anyone else to get involved in the fight between you and me."

Kadashi paused.

"Whoever it is."

"Ha!" Tiandao sneered: "If I remember correctly, this is the second time you didn't say anything to Guang Xiahai and just did what you thought was right, right?"

Holding the Xingtian driver in his hand, the card box worn on his waist automatically flew out of the chip and combined with the driver.

"You are obviously so self-righteous, but now you are still afraid that Guang Xiahai will come and intervene." Tiandao inserted the Xingtian driver into his belt: "Could it be that all your assumptions about Guang Xiahai are also your self-righteousness?"


"Armor fit."

The same camera transforms, the same pixels gradually focus, the same gray and white figures overlap to become the subject...

The red and white warriors and the purple lantern knights fought again.

Continuing the tradition of the two fighting each other.

"You should know that a destroyer of the world cannot have any unnecessary emotions."

Emperor Qi opened the card box, took out a card, and inserted it into the drive: "I am the man who wants to become the strongest Kamen Rider!"

"Women and other things are in the way."

"Just take it if you want. Anyway, she is very fond of you, and you are the same towards her."

Although this sentence was very ruthless, for some reason, Tiandao could keenly sense a sour smell.

"I'll say it again." Another chip popped out, Xing Tian inserted it into the drive, raised his hand and took the Fire Sword in his hand.

"Guang Xiahai is not an object. It is not a commodity that you can give away when you say it is a gift or discard it when you say it." Two fingers brushed the edge of the sword, and the blue goggles suddenly lit up: "She has her own choice, she falls in love with her. Whoever she hates is her own right.”

"It's not your turn to be here..."

The figure pulled out a series of phantoms. The red and white warrior took the lead in starting the pace and attacking with his palms. The sword edge dragging on the ground rubbed strong sparks, and in the blink of an eye he was approaching the imperial knight.

"Make the decision for her!"

【Mask Control】


The body shape changed in an instant, switching from the Imperial Cavalry to the Jia Dou, and the super acceleration started before the sword edge fell, allowing the Imperial Cavalry to disappear in front of Xing Tian in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph, you're a small skill, but you dare to do the same thing." The sword edge fell and struck a sword mark on the ground that spread far away. Xing Tian smiled disdainfully.

Do you really think that after one night, he is still the same person as yesterday?


The disembodiment was activated again, and the transfer power was effective again, but this time, the disembodiment launched by Xing Tian was no longer the instant movement like before, but also entered a state of super acceleration, squeezing directly into the armor. in the accelerating world.

Kamen Rider-Sanjogo can do this as well.

"What?" It's just that Diqi didn't expect Xingtian to have such abilities. He was caught off guard, and someone who broke into the accelerated world spread his fingers and struck out without giving Diqi any chance to react.

"Heaven-covering palm!"

Condensing the energy in the palm of the hand, the moment it hits the opponent, it will cause a shock wave. The lethality is not high, but it is enough to break some strange abilities.

For example, this accelerating world.

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