I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 489 Did anyone really believe the title of the previous chapter? (Laughter)

Late at night.

This is only in the city, otherwise a rooster should have crowed at this time.

There are obviously not so many rooms for these guys in the Guangxia Photo Studio, but it doesn’t matter. A group of drunk people are lying on the hall, some of them are still talking in their sleep from time to time, and some are piled up together, putting one foot on another person, or holding one hand around someone, sticking together.

It can be said that there are demons dancing wildly.

At this time, when a group of knights with fighting power fell into a deep sleep, a figure hidden in the night finally found an opportunity to appear.

The gray diamond-shaped figure kept spinning, standing in the air, penetrating the wall and entering the room, and immediately felt the group of monsters in the room.

Visible to the naked eye, the body of this diamond-shaped gray crystal stagnated slightly, obviously not expecting such a situation.

Although it didn't know what the smell of alcohol meant, it didn't care about it when it saw that these guys were sleeping soundly. Instead, it was more careful and moved up gradually, passing through the ceiling and entering the second floor.

It found the person it wanted to find.

Guang Xia Hai was sleeping on the bed, and Xiao Ye was naturally close to her.

The two girls were not as casual as the men below. The two who slept together said a lot of things and then fell asleep beautifully.

The gray diamond crystal gradually floated up, suspended in front of the two beds, and turned around.

There was no need to make any choices. It had only one host, that is, the girl who also had the ability of the dimensional wall and was even better than Kadoya Shi.

The gray diamond crystal slowly floated and suspended in front of Xiao Ye, and the gray veins that spread down went towards Xiao Ye's chest little by little.

As long as it could touch Xiao Ye's body and connect, it could enter the host's body again and make the destroyer of the world appear again.

Kazushi Kazuya is "dead". He is now a thought body, a bodyless existence, existing with everyone's memory.

Kazushi Kazuya, who has lost his body, can no longer accommodate its existence, so the next host it can choose is naturally Kazushi Kazuya's sister.

During the day, the battle was too exaggerated. Because the fusion world was separated, its power was divided again, slipping from the peak, and now it is seriously injured.

So in the face of so many Kamen Riders, it did not dare to show up.

The destroyer of the world is the fate of its host, because if countless worlds are merged, it can get the power of the world. The more it merges, the stronger its power will be.

Of course, the reverse is also true.

Damn Kazushi Kazuya, he was willing to let himself die to get rid of this fate, which really made the Dimension Core angry.

But it doesn't matter. Now, your sister will also become...

Just when the gray veins spreading down were about to touch Xiaoye's body, the world where the dimensional core was located suddenly changed. In an instant, it was forced to move from Xiaoye and Guang Xiahai's room to a deserted open space.

The gray veins spreading down reached the ground and touched the earth, but it seemed to have no effect.

Dimensional core:?

The spinning body seemed to have noticed something. The dimensional core flew up again and saw the person who slapped the ground with one hand over there.

"Is that what you mean?" After launching the teleportation and forcibly turning the position of the dimensional core around, Tiandao stood up and looked at the gray crystal.

"Just like the last time, we relaxed after destroying Dashocker and ignored the fact that the world was still merging. We thought everything was over, but in the end, we brewed such bitter fruits."

"It's the same this time."

Tiandao's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"We thought everything was over after defeating the Great Shocker conspiracy, but we overlooked a crucial point."

"The root cause of this war."

Tiandao took a step forward, raised his hand, and held up the Xingtian Driver: "What do you think? Dimension Core."

"The real culprit behind the creation of the World Destroyer!"

If it weren't for Hongdu's reminder, Tiandao would not have thought of this key thing in his deep thinking, and then prepared to deal with the appearance of this guy.

After losing the host of Kadoya Shi, the second choice of Dimension Core is Xiaoye.

So Tiandao left the seed of willpower in Guang Xiahai's room and stayed here until now, just to wait for the Dimension Core.

And then, he squatted.

"Do you want to enter Xiaoye's body and make Xiaoye a slave driven by you?" Tiandao's eyes flashed with strong murderous intent. The heart that was originally balanced by being cut out of the body, under the influence of the sudden murderous intent, made Tiandao's eyes red.

"How dare you have such thoughts about my sister."

[Armor Fusion]

Wearing the Xingtian armor, Tiandao took out the chip and inserted it into the summoner, and took the Fire Sword in his hand.

"It's time to end it."

The sword tip was raised, and the tip of the sword was aimed at the core of the dimension. This battle was the real battle after coming to this world.

Da Shocker was just an accident. This guy was the culprit. He was the one that the 27 worlds called for him to come and was the one that he really wanted to destroy!

The dimensional core flew up, and the gray film that opened instantly constructed a huge dimensional wall. Then, the dimensional walls that were arranged in sequence were like opening doors one by one. From the gray dimensional wall, villains from different worlds walked out.

At the same time, the full moon that had already fallen above the sky was infected by the blood-red edge at this moment, making the originally white moon dim.

The next second, the golden cloak carrying the vigorous figure fell from the sky and landed steadily beside Tiandao.

The white long sword attracted the moonlight and constructed a clearer world.

"You can understand it as expected." The Demon Emperor Yueqi stood beside Tiandao, and his voice revealed that it was indeed so certain.

"I thought about it until twelve o'clock in the evening and finally figured it out." Tiandao turned his head and looked at Hongdu beside him, and said unhappily: "Aren't you afraid that I won't react at all?"

"Of course not." A calm voice emerged from the darkness, and a thin figure with one hand in his pocket walked out and stood beside Tiandao.

"Grandma once said that everything between heaven and earth cannot escape the sun's shining."

This familiar voice shocked Tiandao's mind and he was a little surprised.

"Tiandao Zongsi?"

"Before, you appeared in my world to help me, now it's my turn." The flying red beetle hovered over Tiandao Zongsi's head and was caught in his hand.

"I am the man who walks the way of heaven and manages everything."

"Tiandao Zongsi."

This familiar self-introduction, this familiar self-centered words, made Tiandao's mouth hidden under the helmet couldn't help but curl up.

"You're here too."

"And me~" Running out of the darkness, Godai supported his knees with his hands, smiled and gave a thumbs up: "Tendao, long time no see!"

"Godai..." Seeing his missing friend appear in front of him intact, Tendao was relieved: "You're here too."

"The figure of our original knight cannot appear in front of us in the parallel world, especially after everything is over." Kenzaki Kazuma's handsome figure also appeared, with a cold voice, holding his transformation device in his hand: "But it's our responsibility to deal with this guy."

"Tendao senior, long time no see."


He was very sure that he had never seen Kenzaki Kazuma, but looking at Kenzaki Kazuma like this, could they...

"We will meet in the future." Kenzaki Kazuma smiled: "On my way to fight against fate."

Tendao understood.

"Fight fate?" Extending his hand, Tiandao looked at Kenzaki Kazuma: "I like this word."

"Fate has always been fought against."

Looking at Kenzaki Kazuma's eyes, Tiandao could feel that he was a prisoner captured by fate like himself, and he was raising the banner of resistance against fate.

He liked such people.

"No matter how many enemies you summon, we will deal with them."

Shoichi Tsugami, Shinji Kido, Takumi Inui...

They were not Kamen Riders from parallel worlds, but the main riders from the main world who were engraved in the Heisei Rider Chronicles.

"The core of the dimension, that's it!"

Godai shouted angrily, and his sharp eyes made him see some old acquaintances.

It was Gurongi from other worlds.

Seeing Gurongi, Godai's expression changed immediately.

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