I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 490 Is the war over? No, the battle for my sister has just begun (end of volume)

The dimensional core exploded, like fireworks being launched into the sky. The countless gray light particles that fell down turned into a rain of light and irrigated the earth, making everyone standing in this rain of light couldn't help but express understanding. smile.

There are indeed quite a lot of monsters summoned by the dimensional core. If it is the Heisei Knights from the parallel world, it is still difficult to deal with the monsters summoned by the dimensional core.

But when the opponent is replaced by the knight of this chapter, even if the dimensional core summons more monsters, it is still not enough.

The knights in this article not only represent that they are from the main world, but also represent that they are each at their peak.

In other words, those standing next to Tiandao are knights who have completed their own TV and have full power.

And there were nine such knights standing beside Tiandao.

So after struggling for a while, the dimensional core was finally destroyed.

Under the triumphant killing of the nine knights of this chapter who started the final release, the dimensional core exploded. It lost its host and was already in a severely damaged state, and could not withstand these attacks at all.

Bathed in the gray rain of light, Tiandao raised his head slightly, feeling the feeling after the dimensional core exploded.

With his eyes closed, he didn't notice that these falling gray light particles did not dissipate after touching his body. Instead, they all gathered into his body, flowed through his limbs, and finally sank into his body. In his body, completely integrated with him.

Even though he is always protecting himself with the emanation of his mental energy, these gray light particles can even rely on his mental energy. They also disappear into his mental energy and become part of the way of heaven.

"This time, it is the real end." Yueqi turned around and felt the rain brought by the collapsed dimensional core. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled rarely: "The dimensional core was destroyed, and the world The destroyer will never appear again."

"In this way, we can also return to our respective worlds."

The King of Lightning maintained his transformed posture, and under the fusion of the holy sword form, Taotaros, the strange demon god, took the lead in speaking: "Ha! Boy of Heaven, you seem to be much weaker when we meet this time."

"Maybe the me you see now is not the Tiandao you are familiar with." Although Tiandao does not know the person in front of him, he thinks that he can still meet him in the future: "But in the future, we will meet one day."

"When that time comes, you have to remember one thing." The King of Lightning came to Tiandao, put a hand on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "You must tell me what kind of consciousness you have. How do I use it?”


"Okay." Kazuma Kenzaki interrupted Den-O's words: "This is the senior Tiandao from the past. We can't reveal too much, otherwise it may cause a time paradox."

"Among us, Mr. Godai is the only one who really comes from the same time period as Senior Tiandao." Shinji Kido, also known as Ryuki, said with a smile: "Everyone else comes from the future."

"What needs to be done has been done." The Demon Emperor's power was instilled in his left hand. The Demon Emperor's Moon Knight waved one hand, and the king's domineering power stirred the wind and rain. The originally scattered gray light particles gradually condensed and joined together one by one to form The nine gray dimensional wall gates opened.

Demon Emperor Yueqi entered it first, leaving only his words vaguely floating around.

"Senior Tiandao, we will see you in the future."

"Hmph." Den-O waved his hand and stepped into it: "Kamiyama Tiandao, Ryotaro's alien body, we will meet again in the future."


The remaining knights in this chapter also said goodbye to Tiandao one by one, because everyone knew that Tiandao did not recognize them yet, so they did not reveal too much, but simply said goodbye, that's all.

When only Godai was left at the end, Godai patted Tiandao on the shoulder before leaving and gave an encouraging thumbs up: "Come back early, I'll wait for you at home."

Tiandao was stunned for a moment, but then he calmed down and punched Godai with a smile.

"Go back quickly, you still have an unfulfilled promise."

Godai scratched his head, smiled sheepishly, and turned back into the dimensional wall, disappearing in front of Tiandao.

After the fifth generation also left, Tiandao finally put away the smile on his face.

go back?

Fifth generation, I am different from you. That world has rejected my return.

I...can't go back...

The Black God kicked me out, is it possible for me to go back? He is the Creator God.


Before he could continue his subsequent thoughts, he saw that the nine dimensional walls instantly converged into one again, and then turned into a wisp of gray light, rushing straight into Tiandao's body.

Also entering was the sound of someone who needed a beating.

"The senior Tiandao I know can open the dimensional wall with just a wave of his hand."

Hong Du's remaining voice in this glimmer of light resounded in Tiandao's mind.

"I think this is the time."

Early the next morning.

Tiandao, who had not slept all night, sat on a chair outside Guangxia Photo Studio, watching the rising sun and squinting his eyes involuntarily.

In the palm of his hand, a gray mist undulated, sometimes wrapping Tiandao's palm, sometimes swallowing something.

This is the dimensional wall. Hong Du gathered up the blown dimensional core before leaving, used the power of the Demon King to re-condensate it, and then turned it into a barrier linking other worlds, and then handed it over to Tiandao.

That is to say, Tiandao now has the power to travel through the world. As long as he wants, he can open a door and go home at any time.

During the previous period of time, Tiandao tried to use the dimensional wall. Although he didn't know why, this gifted dimensional wall could be opened and closed at will in his hands, and could be molded into various shapes. He could even control which world the dimensional wall opened in with just a thought.

This is not a tool-like use at all. It seems that Tiandao himself is the core of the dimension, which is particularly easy.

...Will he become a destroyer of the world?

Of course, this thought only existed in his heart for a moment. He still believed that Hongdu would not be so pitiful.

"Ah~" Pushing open the door of the photo studio, Guang Xiahai stretched his waist and saw Tiandao sitting outside at a glance: "Tiandao? You woke up so early?"

"Awake?" Covering the palm of his hand with his backhand, hiding the dimensional wall under his skin, Tiandao rolled his eyes: "I have been sitting here all night, thinking about a problem."

"What problem?" Guang Xiahai asked blankly.

Tiandao didn't say anything, but sneered, as if he was ready.

After washing up and sending off friends from different worlds, Kadoya stood in the front, and behind him stood the companions who would accompany him and continue traveling in the future.

All shackles were gone, all restraints collapsed, Kadoya had never felt as relaxed as today.

No longer being chased by anything, no longer being restrained by anything, Kadoya is Kadoya, and he can do whatever he wants next. No one in this world can...

"You sent away all the friends who came to help, right?"

Kadoya, who was in a good mood, suddenly heard this voice and said without thinking: "There will always be a day when we meet again, and now we are separated..."

"Shi..." Pulling the corner of Kadoya's clothes, Onodera broke Kadoya's immersion in his own world and whispered: "The trouble is not over yet."


"Grandpa, thank you for your help yesterday." Standing next to Tiandao, Xiaoye bowed deeply to Koeijiro, who had already gotten rid of the memory of Dr. Death, to express her gratitude: "I already know how to make that coffee!"

"That's my unique skill." Koeijiro said happily: "Miss Xiaoye, go and carry it forward."

"Yeah!" Xiaoye smiled widely, but the next second, her hands were grabbed by the left and right.

Along with it, there were two cold voices, and the inhalation of Guang Xiahai and others who stood aside and didn't know how to intervene.

"Eh?" Xiaoye tilted her head.

"Hey, you don't really believe the bullshit that General Jack said, do you?" Grabbing Xiaoye's hand, Kado Shi didn't give in at all, and looked at Tiandao coldly: "Do you believe the words of the enemy?"

"The Kamiyama family has its own way of identifying family members. Xiaoye has the blood of the Kamiyama family flowing in her body. She should recognize her ancestors and return to her roots." Tiandao was not willing to be outdone, and immediately fought back: "She should be included in the family tree and restore her real name."

"Kamiyama Xiaoye."

"Huh? If that's the case, what about me?" Kado Shi immediately choked back: "If Xiaoye has your family's blood flowing in her body, doesn't that mean I am the same?"

"Huh! You also believe the bullshit that General Jack said?" Tiandao snorted coldly and refuted it immediately, making Onodera and others who were eating melons on the side stare blankly, not knowing what to say.

Xiaoye has the blood of the Kamiyama family flowing in her body, and Kado Shi, as a brother, is the bullshit that General Jack said, right?

Tiandao... you are really hypocritical now.

"Now it's just General Jack's bullshit?" Kado Shi was unwilling to give in and would never let Tiandao succeed: "Take out that thing you said that can prove Xiaoye's bloodline, let me try it."

"Let me see if there is a real reaction."

"You deserve it?" Tiandao replied without thinking: "Are you really Xiaoye's brother?"

"Huh? Do you think you can question this identity?" Kado Shi narrowed his eyes and looked at Tiandao coldly: "You guy... It seems that you won't turn back until you hit the wall."

"Even if you are Xiaoye's brother, even if what General Jack said is true, what should you call me?" Tiandao fought back : "I am already the head of the Kamiyama family, you should call me the clan leader."

"Dream on you." Taking out the Decade Driver from behind, Kadoya Shi sneered and said: "You are a guy who farts for no reason, I will wipe out your fantasy now."

"I couldn't ask for more." He also took out the Xingtian summoner and buckled it around his waist. Tiandao's identity as the head of the Kamiyama family must not be questioned: "If you want to recognize your ancestors, it depends on whether I agree or not."


"Xingtian armor, combine."

The red and white light and shadow are mixed with the blurred scene of pixel focus. The magenta knight and the red and white warrior stand on both sides of Xiaoye, one on the left and one on the right, respectively, confronting each other.

"Kadoya Xiaoye is just Kadoya Xiaoye. We brothers and sisters have always been just the two of us!"

"I will never allow anyone from the Kamiyama family to be stranded outside, especially a lonely girl like Xiaoye!"

"Lonely? Say it again!"

"This is the truth, why don't you let people say it? Have you forgotten that you abandoned Xiaoye and went to the Great Shocker to start the Knight War, and then left Xiaoye alone and eventually she was deceived?!"

"If Yueying hadn't had her own plans and had some aspirations, do you know what Xiaoye would have encountered?!"

Onodera/Kaito Daiki/Naraki/Guang Xiahai:...

If we remember correctly, the one who scolded Xiaoye the most last time seemed to be Tiandao...

So this time you seem to have separated yourself from the last time you came here, the self who scolded Xiaoye bloody, and the current self, or even selectively ignored it.

The past is the past, and the present is the present, don't mix them up, right?


Tiandao looked normal, and didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said.

Xiaoye is my biological sister now, and I will kill anyone who dares to say a word about her.

Under the sunlight, the two of them would not be able to stop arguing about Xiaoye's last name for a while.

Walking out of the gray dimension wall, Wu Dai was full of excitement.

Just as Tian Dao said, he still had a promise waiting for him to fulfill, and it was a promise that he had to fulfill no matter what.

Even if he was on the other side of the world, or even in another world, he would remember this promise and go to her no matter what.

Thinking of this, Wu Dai raised his head and stared at the familiar...

Wait, where is this?

His excited expression turned into confusion. Wu Dai looked at the barren land and the reddish-brown sky around him, and for a moment he couldn't tell where this was.

This was definitely not his own world. He didn't seem to really go back after leaving the dimension wall.

Is he the only one who is like this, or are all of them...

"The beginning of the Heisei era, the pillar of history, Kamen Rider-Kuga."

A young voice sounded behind Godai, causing Godai to turn around and look behind him.

And it was this glance that made Godai see a certain... young man standing behind him.

"Hello, nice to meet you for the first time." The young man bowed slightly and said with a smile: "Can you please help me?"

Godai did not agree rashly, but looked at him and waited for the follow-up.

"I need your power, the power that carries history." He took out a black dial, twisted it back to its original position with the sound of a clock, and put it on his waist.

"So..." He raised his head: "Please hand it over."

The mechanical transformation voice sounded, telling his identity in excitement.

[Kamen Rider-ZIO (Zi-O)]


End of the volume.

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