I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 503: Yake is in trouble, please help me (help me!)

Let's not talk about why he became Mr. Tiandao again. Just talking about other things, Tiandao does have some explanations.

The top of the sacred mountain is a place where Heavenly Dao often suffers. This is the first time that he has appeared here with others, and he has become the one who persecutes others.

I have to say that although this feeling is strange, it is really addictive.

The main reason is that he has the feeling of being a turned serf and singing, which makes Tiandao already thinking in his heart whether he can do this again the next time he meets his juniors.

Don't encourage others to do good unless they have suffered. In the same way, after experiencing constant persecution by those with a mind from the sacred mountain, Tiandao now seems to want to become one of the persecutors.

Tsugami Shoichi's combat awareness is a bit lacking, but this has nothing to do with him. After all, even the Fifth Generation seemed particularly immature in combat after taking over Kuuga's power for the first time.

He was tempered in battles with Gurungi again and again, and he became mature in the handover of life and death.

On Tsugami Shoichi's side, although he has not yet encountered the Water Angel, or he was lucky enough to escape from the Water Angel, he is still fighting some venerables, and his own strength is even greater. Big room for play.

Tiandao's guidance can only provide him with some help in combat experience, helping him defeat the opponent with less strength than the opponent.

If you really want to give him some power, Tiandao believes that the Black God will kick him in the next second.

Providing help to Tsugami Shoichi as much as possible under limited circumstances is the limit of what Tiandao can do.

"If you encounter an enemy that you really can't defeat, go find a man named Yusuke Godai." After knocking Tsugami Shoichi down, Tiandao said: "He is different from me. He has more power than me. And he will not be restrained, and his strength is enough to help you overcome many difficulties.”

"Yusuke Godai?" Shoichi Tsugami shook his head to get himself out of his dazed state: "I understand."

"Okay, let's continue." Tiandao nodded and lowered his body again: "The fighting skills I am good at are defensive and counterattack types, and the skills I entrust to you are naturally the same."

"I will teach you swordsmanship after you have initially mastered it."

"Swordsmanship?" Sho Tsugami was stunned: "You even know how I use a sword?"

"Of course." A smile appeared at the corner of Tiandao's lips: "Although it is technically a sword, I also know a little bit about sword skills."

The extended time in the sea of ​​consciousness can change from a moment to eternity, but for the external body, the endurance needs to be considered.

The speed of Tiandao's energy loss, and the strength of Tsugami Shoichi's will.

In any case, this is Tsugami Shoichi's dream. How long he can maintain this dream depends on Tsugami Shoichi himself, not Tiandao.

Therefore, the plan to teach swordsmanship was not in time after all. After Tiandao finished teaching fighting skills, he noticed the fragmentation of the dream world, and naturally knew that Tsugami Shoichi would wake up soon.

And this prompted his departure.

The moment Xiang Yi suddenly woke up, he immediately stood up, opened the window and looked down.

On the empty streets, there was no presence of the person he expected.

But Xiang Yi didn't give up. He went downstairs and opened the door. He stood outside the street and searched carefully, but in the end he found nothing.

God Mountain Tiandao... Is he really still alive?

Staring at the sun that was about to rise on the horizon, Tsugami Shoichi fell into confusion.

Tiandao, who has taken the initiative to open the dimensional wall and left, is currently in a gray dimension.

This is within the dimensional wall, or in the interlayer between worlds.

He did not leave directly, but waited here for the arrival of a certain creation god.

[I have sent you the coordinates of that world. If you have the dimensional wall, you can go there by yourself. 】

The Black God did not appear, but directly conveyed this meaning to Tiandao, and even sent the coordinates of that world.

…Does this guy really mean what he says? Are you really going to stop caring about it from now on?

Seeing the Black God who did not appear, Tiandao's mind automatically recalled the scene where he vowed not to interfere with humans.

He could only hope that it was true

One can only hope.

Instead of thinking about Black God's future thoughts, Tiandao focused on the present.

According to the coordinates given by the Black God, he carefully linked the dimensional wall and came into contact with it, successfully opening the door to that world.

Tiandao stepped into it, and then he was swallowed up by the rumbling and shaking earth and the burning flames, which swallowed up his whole body in an instant.

This is a scene of destruction, a scene comparable to the end of the world. Even though he is not from this world, his arrival was still affected by these and became a victim.

If it were an ordinary person, such scorching heat might only leave ashes behind.

But the way of heaven was different. The sound of the armor sounded from the flames. The red and white warrior stretched out his hand and tore apart the flames that enveloped him. Then he stepped out and truly stood in the world.

The azure goggles reflected the appearance of this world. Under the blood-like dusk, an ominous light filled the space between heaven and earth, dotting everything with blood red.

The rumbling ground seemed to be trampled by thousands of troops and horses, shaking continuously. The broken houses were only ruins. There was some kind of strange power under the ground, which was slowly spreading.

Tian Dao spread out his willpower, but it was limited. It could only cover a range of 30 meters around Tian Dao. If it extended further, he would not feel anything.

Taking a step forward, Tian Dao summoned the sword of torture.

The figure standing with the sword and the doomsday-like scenery contrasted with it, which was unique.

Or rather, it really fits.

A sword stirred the ruins, revealing the truth buried underneath. What was reflected in the goggles was a simulated mechanical arm.

The scattered current and sparks, the charred marks of the remaining flesh, made this just a decoration vivid.

At the same time, it also made the origin of this arm clear at a glance.

Tian Dao remembered what Hei Shen said at the time.

[A world where humans and intelligent machines coexist. ]

At this moment, looking at this lifelike mechanical hand and the charred simulated skin, it seemed to indicate the correctness of Hei Shen's words.

"Is it artificial intelligence? Or a world like the Terminator?" Squatting down, from Tiandao's perspective, the technological value of this simulated arm is very high.

As far as he is concerned, it is a technology that surpasses his time.


The next second, a heavy object fell from the sky, stirring up the dust and scattering it. Before Tiandao got up, he heard a mechanical sound.

[Destroy all organic life forms]

The moment the azure goggles and the red eyes looked at each other, both sides moved together.

The sword of fire and torture stirred up the sword energy and rushed forward.

But the figure that rushed out of the dust folded its body and dodged the sword energy in a posture that a human could not do at all.

On all fours, it ran like a beast, with red eyes showing hatred and tyranny for all life.

The figure that jumped up from the ground with all four limbs, and the figure that pounced in the air roared, determined to annihilate life.

However, the long sword, which was faster, pierced its face and crushed its core, burying everything of the intelligent machine with a resolute and merciless attitude.

The spinning sword swept across, shattering the intelligent machine hanging on the sword. The exploded parts scattered all over the ground, but they jumped on the shaking ground and were trampled by the figures rushing over.

Tiandao raised his head. Although his will power was limited, he also played his role, continuously conveying the approaching terror to him.

They came from all directions, in a mighty force.

"Did you send the signal before the core went out?" Upon realizing this, Tiandao was not surprised but happy.

"Just right, let me see how far the intelligent machines in this world have developed!" Tiandao stood on the earth with an unyielding fighting spirit, and became stronger when facing a strong opponent, facing the approaching threat.

The intelligent machines coming from all directions locked onto Tiandao's location.

[Eliminate all organic life]

Repeated words, continuously broadcast. The overlapping of louder and louder voices represented that more and more intelligent machines were gathering here.

"Come on!"

The willpower turned into dry firewood, providing Tiandao with a continuous supply of combat power.

The shape-shifting and shadow-shifting pulled a running phantom on the ground, and in an instant, it crossed over and kicked off the battle.

The moment they passed by, seven intelligent machines exploded. Tiandao turned the sword body, and the Fire Punishment Sword touched the ground. Without waiting for the other intelligent machines to react, he activated the sword energy and hit it with a bang.

"Fire Punishment Qiankun Chop!"

Four consecutive sword energies were sent in all directions, destroying the incoming intelligent machines again.

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