I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 504 I can’t think of anything to say, so I’ll just wish everyone a happy Labor Day (how many

Tian Dao doesn’t know whether he can compare with Skynet or not. After all, he has not been to the Terminator world and has not personally understood the strength of Skynet.

But he has already felt the terror of the intelligent machines in this world.

In a one-on-one fight, Tian Dao is confident that he can destroy any intelligent machines, that is, robots.

Although it is made to look like a person, and it can be completely like a person as long as it uses simulated skin.

But it is just like a person.

When the simulated robots are no longer pretending, you can see their inhuman side.

They can rotate their heads 365 degrees, and even their hands and feet can do it.

They can fold their waists into this shape to avoid many attacks that cannot be avoided.

Running speed, jumping ability, brain processing speed...

As long as the intelligent machines do not pretend to be human and show their inhuman side, humans will know how terrifying the existence they created is.

Even in terms of fearlessness, they are much better than humans.

Tiandao himself didn't know how many intelligent machines he had killed, but the number of intelligent machines that continued like a wave would only increase. Often, after he killed one, two would pop up, and after he killed two, more would pop up.

Just like the endless sea, these things are the same.

If it were a guy who thought too much in the battle, he would probably doubt himself at this time, or feel that this would not work.

But Tiandao was different. He didn't think too much about it when he was caught in the battle, and he could even say that he enjoyed it.

Although he was the only one facing so many intelligent machines, he was not afraid or terrified, but fought bravely, enjoying the battle and releasing himself.

He was the type who got more excited the more he killed, and the more he was forced, the more he would rebound.

So the more intelligent machines came, the more he killed, and the more they came, the more he killed.

From the beginning, he only used the Fire Sword to kill, then he took out the Lightning Strike, and then he took out the Fire Sword...

Although the scale of the battle was escalating again and again, there was no doubt that Tiandao's own combat power was also rising steadily.

He enjoyed it.

And this was different from killing protozoa and alien insects before. This time, Tiandao killed the intelligent machines, and he did not fall into the possibility of killing, because these were things without souls and could not be called life.

They were just a group of man-made mechanical products, and there was no resentment or anything like that.

Tiandao killed without scruples and there would be no obstacles.

Therefore, after almost all the lives were wiped out, all the intelligent machines gathered in this town gave up their own plans and gathered together to approach Tiandao.

They went forward one after another, using the power of all intelligent machines to eliminate this guy who suddenly appeared.

How serious the intelligent machine crisis that broke out in this town was, and how many intelligent machines were left, this was something no one knew.

But the place where Tiandao was located was already piled up by intelligent machines, filling the ground a lot higher.

After these monsters were killed, countless intelligent machines continued to move towards Tiandao by stepping on the bodies of their kind, and then were killed again.

Perhaps the concept of the same race is incomprehensible to these intelligent machines.

"There is no crisis that breaks out without reason." The Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword flew out of his hand, and the red sword body carried a rolling storm, tearing all the intelligent machines in a straight line in front of him into pieces, opening up a way forward for Tiandao.

The red and white armor jumped out of the encirclement, and Tiandao caught up with the Fire Punishment Heavenly Sword. He grabbed the hilt of the sword and turned around to sweep it, releasing the sword energy that permeated the sword body, walking close to the ground, and cutting off the feet of all the intelligent machines approaching him.

The next second, Tiandao raised his head and gave a thumbs up to the sky.

"An existence similar to Skynet, that is, artificial intelligence, look over here!" Tiandao raised his head, pressed his thumb down, and said contemptuously.

"Wait for me, I will dismantle your host right away!"


At the same time, countless intelligent machines held hands and formed a huge hammer head together.

The combined posture of those intelligent machines was full of weird and distorted flavors, especially their postures were similar to those of humans, and such distortions made it difficult for people to look directly at them.

The heavy hammers piled up by countless intelligent machines fell down with a bang, hitting Tiandao's head hard.

The shapeshifting was activated again, and Tiandao fled from the original place at a high speed, so that he was no longer in the attack range.

But what he didn't expect was that the intelligent machines that fell to the ground with the heavy hammers suddenly exploded, and suddenly turned from a whole into countless, and fell towards him to the maximum extent, forcing his shapeshifting to stop, and he could only start and leave one after another.

The distance allowed Tiandao to prepare for the follow-up plan, but the next second, his limited willpower told him something in an instant.

Behind him, there was a living human life wave.


The trembling boy hid under the table in the classroom, and everything in the outside world seemed to have nothing to do with him.

The sudden explosion, the terrifying robots that suddenly attacked humans, and even the bloody sunset that seemed like the end of the world...

All these aspects seemed to tell him something terrible.

Everything he was familiar with was completely gone, and the town he lived in was wiped off the map from then on.

Even he himself was like this.

It would be nice if he could hide here and wait until everything was over.

If that was really possible.

But the half body that came in from outside the classroom, and the mechanical eyes that glowed with rainbow light, surpassed the backwardness of human beings who see the world with their naked eyes.

They use thermal imaging.

Humans, a warm-blooded creature, have nothing to hide in their eyes, even if their bodies are blocked.

So the boy's hiding place was destroyed, and even he himself was hit by the attack, leaving a scratch on his cheek.

He fell to the ground in fear, and when he turned around, he saw the terrifying monsters that were climbing all over the windows of the classroom, looking at him with countless rainbow-glowing eyes and various twisted postures.

After taking off the disguise called human, the true self was revealed.

That inhuman posture.

[Destroy all organic life forms]

The tune played in unison frightened the boy very much. Although he was afraid, he still rushed out of the door, wiping his tears while bursting out the fastest speed in his life, hoping that he could escape from here.

Behind him, crawling on the wall, moving forward on the ground, hanging upside down on the ceiling, the inhuman monsters followed the boy closely, repeating words, flashing red eyes, all expressing a terrible emotion to him.

They came to kill people.


The wall that suddenly exploded in front of him carried rubble and blocked the boy's way forward, even forcing him to fall backwards, making himself fall into the attack range of the pursuer.

The figure who broke in forcefully had no time to rest, picked up someone who was scared silly on the ground, clamped him under his armpit and turned away.

The electric light in his hand triggered a means of long-range attack, while emitting light to the back, he fled to the front.

Although his shooting skills were pretty good, the wall of omnics behind him was so strong that he couldn't miss even with his eyes closed. Even with his lousy shooting skills, he couldn't miss.

Using his free shoulder to break through the wall in front of him, Tiandao broke out of the classroom, adjusted his body in mid-air, and landed steadily on the playground.

"Hey, boy, it's time to open your eyes." The blue goggles reflected the image of a boy with his eyes closed, and Tiandao couldn't help but laugh.

"Wake up." Putting the boy down, Tiandao looked at the omnics that "exploded" from the house behind him.

"It's time to burn this city to ashes."

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