I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 536 Extreme Fox Tyrant Bull Sparrow 6 Ah, what's the matter, do you think the general i


After dinner, Tiandao tidied up the housework, sat on a chair and looked at Jinghe who was playing with the Xingtian Summoner, and finally couldn't help but make a sound.

"Your dream is to become a hero."

"Yes!" Jing He nodded heavily, put down the Xingtian Summoner swinging in his hand, and looked at Tiandao with clear eyes: "When I grow up, I will be a hero and bring peace to this world!"

"What a great ideal." Tiandao smiled: "But to achieve this wish, you need not only this kind of mood, but also the power to match it."

"Power?" Jinghe was stunned.

"The power that can change the world." Tiandao leaned down and looked directly at Jinghe on an equal footing: "If you want world peace, then you must fight against the existence that wants the world to be unpeaceful. If you want your wish to be fulfilled, just It’s bound to shatter someone’s wishes.”

"Happiness and unhappiness are equal, and this is true of everything."

Looking at Jinghe's confused eyes, Tiandao knew that Jinghe definitely didn't understand, but it didn't matter, he had to make it clear at this time.

"Everything has two sides. When you are satisfied, there will be people who are dissatisfied; when you are happy for something, there will be people who are unhappy."

"Or essentially you have no direct conflict with others, but when the scale is no longer limited to you and him, but becomes you and this city, this continent, this planet, this galaxy..."

After patting Jinghe's shoulder, Tiandao continued to speak.

“If you want to achieve anything, you must have the awareness to bear the resentment of losers.”

"Your success rises on the failure of countless losers."

"So don't waver in your ideas."

"Eh?" Jing He's eyes began to spin in circles. It was obvious that Tiandao's words had completely exceeded the limit of what his divided brain could handle.

"You don't need to understand now, you just need to remember." Tiandao stood up: "When you grow up in the future, you will eventually understand this."

"What will you be like at that time? You don't even know."

After rubbing Jinghe's little head, Tiandao then spoke: "Jinghe, little hero, do you want to learn how to do it with me?"

"Yeah!" Jinghe's circling eyes returned to normal in an instant, Jinghe cheered, raised his hands and spoke.

"I want to learn from Brother Tiandao, who can walk and run fast even if he is lame!"


It’s not that it can’t be taught.

Although he was a little angry at the time, Tiandao was not really angry with a child.

But it's still okay to scare.

After saying that if you want to learn the strength to walk quickly even if you are lame, you must first break your legs, Jing He successfully shrunk his neck and did not dare to say any more words.

The next day after Jinghe came back from school, Tiandao found an open space in the nearby park.

"Do you prefer to be more proactive or more passive?"

Moving his arms, Tiandao asked Jinghe about his personality.

"Be more proactive." Jing He nodded and said without hesitation: "Because I took the initiative to become a hero and someone who wanted to bring peace to the world, so I want to be more proactive."

"Okay." Tiandao nodded. In this case, Nanquan is not suitable for Jinghe: "Do you prefer to use fists, feet, or weapons."

"I want a sword!" Jing He waved his arms, simulating waving a sword in his hand.

"Sword..." After pondering for a moment, Tiandao turned around and pretended to dig in the sand pile for a moment, and then with his eyes and surprised eyes, he dug out a sheathed wooden sword from under the sand pile.

It seemed that Tiandao had prepared it for a long time, but in fact it was a wooden knife that Tiandao had just made on the spot with his intention, and it was just right for a child like Jinghe.

As the saying goes, if a person has a decent wooden knife when he is young, then there will definitely be no rapeseed flowers within ten miles.

This is suitable for any child.

Jing He pulled the wooden sword out of its sheath. With his eyes shining, he grabbed the hilt of the sword and waved it wildly, playing like a tiger.

"I'm not very good at swordsmanship, and the skill I use called fire swordsmanship is not suitable for this kind of weapon." Although Jinghe said he wanted a sword, in fact it was a katana, just a neon sword. There is no distinction between swords here, so they are just called swords.

The difference between swordsmanship and swordsmanship cannot be easily understood.

"But fortunately, I know how to do this." Taking out the same samurai sword from under the sand pile, Tiandao slightly pulled out the sword: "Draw the sword and chop."

"Draw your sword and kill?" Jing He's eyes lit up.

"That's right." Tiandao stretched out his thumb and pointed at his face arrogantly: "Just by looking at my face, you should understand that I am the man known as Battousai!"

"Awesome!" Jing He expressed his admiration appropriately.

"Come, follow me and learn." Tiandao took Jinghe and began to exercise Jinghe's strength under the blood-like sunset.

"The first thing is to lower your body and keep yourself in a position where you can draw the sword at any time."

"The speed at which you initiate it at that moment must be superior to anything else, so that your sword can shine like a firework, taking away the unwillingness of others in its splendor."

"It must be fast. The knife must be fast. Your own speed is faster than the knife."

"The power of drawing a sword and slashing is the most exciting only at that moment..."

Clumsily learning the teachings from adults, Jinghe's screams of pain and Tiandao's indifferent scoldings were heard constantly. After the sunset gradually sank and darkness gradually invaded the earth, this sound did not stop.

The street lights were on, and the faint light added a different warmth to the world amidst the sweat and the flying sword light.

That night, Tiandao carried the exhausted Jinghe home. After carefully putting Jinghe on the sofa, he sat cross-legged and leaned back, wanting to sink his consciousness into his blood, as usual, into the top of the sacred mountain.

But his consciousness had just sunk into the depths of his mind, and before he could react, a touch of flowing gold in the bright red blood was so conspicuous that Tiandao could never forget it after he saw it.

Red blood is normal, but what is that touch of gold?

The idea of ​​sinking down and wanting to enter the top of the sacred mountain was just an idea. Tiandao could not sense any existence of the top of the sacred mountain at all, as if it did not exist at all.

All he could sense was silence.

Tiandao frowned and recalled the last conversation between him and the heart of the sacred mountain when he first came to this world.

"I can only rely on myself to find the answer..." Tiandao was a little unbelievable: "Could it be that the top of the sacred mountain and I have been... cut off from contact?"

"How is it possible... That is the power of my innate blood! How is it possible..." The voice gradually became weaker, and Tiandao's eyes condensed, thinking of the golden color flowing in his body with blood.

Could it be!

Before the subsequent thoughts continued to expand, the surging dark gold swept through Tiandao's sea of ​​consciousness, covering everything in a moment.

Domineering and unparalleled, but with a unique and noble king's aura, the moment he appeared, he tried to clear everything with an absolutely strong force and climb to the top.

However, the moment this dark golden king's power emerged, a deep, dark red bloody color that seemed to have been condensed for a long time followed, covering this king's power at a faster speed and mixing with it.

The domineering king's power suddenly turned into a deep evil barrier, which was a dark red scab with a strong fishy smell, and it was also an evil deed that the king could not cover up.

The fragments of memory produced by the combination of the king's power and the power of sin surged in the sea of ​​consciousness of the heavenly way.

That was the scene of the king with a golden body shaping the world with his own will. No matter how the world wailed, no matter how painful the life in the world was, it was nothing more than that in the eyes of the king.

Whether the hands were raised or pressed down, the world was like plasticine, rubbing and kneading, and countless shapes were changed under the palms.

Living beings are constantly reincarnated in life and death. Even if they are kings, they have to bear the resentment of these living beings and the curse of the world.

The pure king's power was also dragged down by the blood and red, and it was no longer the same as before.

What was reflected in the outside world was that Tiandao, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened them. With a flushed face, he covered his mouth with one hand, accompanied by a violent cough, and drops of red seeped down from between his fingers, dripping into the sofa and infecting the ground.

"Cough cough cough..."

Tiandao put down his hand covering his mouth and looked at the bright dark red on his palm. The fishy smell rose in his throat, but he could not hide the helplessness in his heart.

"Is this... the sin of Fengmo..."

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