I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 537: Guaguala, that's right! This is what I want to see! This is the real Kamen Rider!

"It seems that your past is really extraordinary."

The green frog jumped out of the half-open window and jumped onto the table in front of Tiandao, staring at the tall man in front of him with his weak figure.

"Hey, hey, hey... Even if I am seriously injured, I won't have hallucinations, right?" Looking at the frog in front of him who was talking to him seriously, Tiandao was surprised, but not too unbelievable: "Why can a frog still talk?"

"Tsk, so you people are really making a fuss." The frog said nonchalantly: "To me, frogs and cockroaches are actually the same, and they are all very common."

"So why did this Mr. Frog come to me? I am not a princess, and I can't turn you from a frog into a prince." He took out the paper towel on the table and wiped off the blood on his hands. Although the remaining smell had not dissipated for a long time, at the moment, this frog was more worthy of attention.

"Do you know that you are being watched by the gods?" The frog said unhappily, "Otherwise I wouldn't come to you now."

Yes, this frog is the quack quack who appeared in the previous chapter and said he was coming to find Tiandao.

But unlike what was agreed before, quack quack came to find Tiandao this time not entirely out of his own ideas, but also with additional requirements.

A request from a god.

"God?" As soon as Tiandao heard the word god, his PTSD suddenly broke out: "God again?"

It can't be that this world was created by the Black God as he thought. And the mastermind behind this Desire Grand Prix is ​​really the Black God, right? !

Because of the Black God, Tiandao is now a little scared of everything with the word God.

"You look a little scary to me." Guagua La looked at Tian Dao's reaction and was dumbfounded: "You haven't really seen God, have you?"

"The God of Creation~" Tian Dao spread his hands and said helplessly: "So, can you please introduce yourself? And by the way, tell me why this God wants me to do something."

"My name is Guagua La, and I'm a spectator of the Desire Grand Prix, that's all." Although the organizers of the Desire Grand Prix strictly prohibit spectators from contacting contestants, who is Guagua La... No, what kind of frog is it?

He is one of the biggest sponsors of the Desire Grand Prix!

Even if he really comes to contact the contestants, what can the Desire Grand Prix do?

Besides, I, Guagua La, came here at the behest of God.

God is watching me, this frog! I came to contact the contestants because I was ordered to do so!

What's the problem?

If you have any questions, don't tell me, tell that great god.

"Tsk, there are spectators as expected." This was not beyond Tiandao's expectations. It was already called a competition, so it would be strange if there were no spectators.

"Of course a competition needs spectators, but the spectators will not be seen by the contestants..." Tiandao touched his chin and pondered for a while: "Are you hiding in the different dimension? Or in the folded space?"

"You can understand it as expected." Guagua La said in a tone of "as expected": "Okay, I won't say anything more, I will only convey the words of the god."

After saying that, Guagua La cleared his throat.

"The real answer is not in this era. This world is not as simple as you think."

"The answer is not in this era?" Tiandao was stunned: "This god... does he know something?"

"What a coincidence, I am curious too." After Guagua La finished retelling, he also raised his frog head and said curiously: "Once these words were spoken, I became curious about this world."

"What is the real answer? Where is the world not simple?"

"You are asking me, right?" Tiandao rolled his eyes: "Don't I know it too?"

"Well... Anyway, this great god asked me to tell you this much." The frog jumped from the table to Tiandao: "Then the next question is my personal problem."

"No comment." Tiandao stood up: "I am going to clean up the room. Please go back to where you came from, the messenger of God."

" Hey! Don't be so cold! "Forced to jump off Tiandao's shoulder, Guagua La looked indignant: "After all, I am your supporter! Kamen Rider - Red Fox!"

"Kamen Rider - Red Fox." Tiandao repeated: "Kamen Rider..."

"That's right." Guagua La nodded: "The Desire Grand Prix is ​​a game that shows different emotions that different people will show in different situations. What we, the audience, can find in the players is the quality we want to see."

"Quality?" Tiandao squinted: "What is missing is what you make up?"

"That can't be said." Guagua La opened his mouth: "In short, I am your supporter."

"From you, I see the appearance of the hero I imagined, the appearance of the real Kamen Rider!"

The frog raised his forelimbs and then covered his white belly.

I have to say that the picture is very impactful and very two-dimensional.

"The real Kamen Rider?" Tiandao turned around: "Why? Logically speaking, Kamen Rider has always existed at all times."

"Ah... you are right, there are many Kamen Riders who wear armor and cover their faces." Guaguala did not deny it: "But... these are just false and empty existences."

"What I want to see is a real hero! A real Kamen Rider!"

Guagua sounded enthusiastic.

"And I saw you, I saw you standing up to protect mankind and defeating the evil demons!"

"So I designated a contestant, and it's you!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Tiandao finally understood why Zimli suddenly came to find him and asked him to become a Kamen Rider and participate in the Desire Grand Prix.

"It turns out it's you." Tian Dao finally understood why he was participating in the competition: "Why did Zimli suddenly find me?"


Gua Gua La answered of course: "If a being like you doesn't participate in the Desire Grand Prix, then there won't be any fun in this competition!"

"It seems that you know a lot about the Desire Grand Prix." Tiandao sat back on the sofa. Guaguala, an insider who obviously knew a lot, was here, so he started to talk.

"Can you tell me then? Will the people who die in this game be resurrected in the real world?"

"Yes!" Gua Gua La answered quickly: "No matter how many people died in the meantime, after the final decision is made to create the God of Desire, the world will begin to reset, and all the dead people will be able to be resurrected."

"Then what kind of power do you think it is that can satisfy a person's wishes and even reshape the world?" Tiandao asked back: "The reason is that the origin of the Desire Grand Prix comes from where?"

"I don't know about this." Although Guagua knew it, he would not say it out loud.

This goes against the rules of the Desire Grand Prix and is prohibited.

"Let's put it another way." Tiandao continued: "I once had the honor to meet a Creator God. In my eyes, only a Creator God has such power to reshape the world at will."

"So I have always suspected that behind the Desire Grand Prix, there is a Creator God."

Tiandao actually refers to the Black God.

But maybe even he didn't know that he was right to a certain extent.

The reward of the Desire Grand Prix, this power to reshape the world, does come from the God of Creation.

"Have you ever seen a God of Creation?" Gua Guala said in a skeptical tone, "Don't tease me. There is no God of Creation in this world."

Then, Guagua started talking about the Big Bang, the collision of galaxies, the formation of planets, the origin of life, etc. He talked endlessly and with gusto.

Highlight an approach to science.

Tiandao did not interrupt him, but went to the toilet to find a mop and began to wash the floor to sort out the lingering smell of blood.

Let’s wait and see when it touches on the origin of frogs.

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