I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 538: Heavenly Dao Ge Ye Hong Tai! I will kill you! (Shen Cheng Hey)

"Let's not talk about anything else."

After cleaning up and removing the last bit of blood, Tiandao sat back on the sofa.

Looking at the frog who finally stopped talking and stopped making noises in his ears, he spoke again: "You said I was watched by the gods, what kind of gods were they?"

"I dare not say." Guaguala said only four words: "The affairs of the gods are not something I can figure out, and I dare not make any comments."

"Tsk, that's right..." Tiandao curled his lips: "They are all a group of self-centered guys who only care about their own ideas and thoughts and act on their own."

The Black God is indeed very strong, but Tiandao will not treat the Black God well.

Although he is not sure whether this world was also created by the Black God, but he is muttering here, does the Black God have the ability to jump out and beat him up?

"You can only say this kind of thing in this era. In the era before the gods disappeared and after the gods appeared, you will definitely be hit by the gods for saying this." As a future person, Guaguala has seen the appearance of gods.

It is better to say that on the future earth, the planet has become like that but has not exploded, which is already the result of the blessing of gods.

"But anyway..." Before the subsequent words were finished, there was a sudden knock at the door.

Tiandao turned his head and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. It clearly showed the words 22 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Someone is still coming to the door so late?

No... Maybe it's not a human, but the kind of ghost who opens the door and finds that there is no one outside, and then turns around and stands behind him.

Or maybe he looked through the cat's eye on the door and saw a bloody person looking at him through the cat's eye.

A classic plot of horror movies.

But adhering to the idea that the more skilled you are, the more courageous you are, Tiandao was not afraid, but turned around and fumbled under the sofa for a moment, pretending to take out something, but in fact he used the limited energy to materialize a silver-purple sword.

So in the eyes of Guagua La, Tiandao took out a silver-purple sword from under the sofa and walked to the door aggressively, which made it speechless.

"Hey! What if the person outside has a gun?"

"Humph, what do you know?!" Tiandao snorted coldly: "Seven steps away, the gun is faster; within seven steps, the sword is faster!"

Of course, the sword is faster. If I shoot passionately with a gun, I will be beaten into a sieve, and the other side may not lose a hair.

Do you think I don't want to use a gun? !

Hiding sideways by the door frame, Tiandao took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. The other arm raised high was holding a sword, ready to strike the newcomer at any time.

Then, just as Guguala and Tiandao were holding their breath, Tsumurri, dragging a lot of bags and carrying a suitcase, came in with a chuckle.



“What are you doing?!” Tsumurri had a stern face, but when she turned her head and saw Tiandao standing beside her with a long sword raised high, she was also shocked.

Is he going to be a swordsman and hack me to death?

"Ahem... why is it you?!" Putting down the Titan Sword, Tiandao looked at the uninvited woman: "What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

"As you can see, I moved in with you." Tsumeli returned to her numb face, became emotionless again, and spoke mechanically: "Your popularity has never been higher since the start of the Desire Grand Prix."

"You are undoubtedly the favorite to win, so..."

"Wait a minute." Tiandao raised his hand to interrupt Tsumeli's follow-up: "So how popular am I?"

"If the top of the favorite to win is set to 100, then you now have a full 98 points." Guagua looked at the real-time updated popularity list, and then said: "The second place is even It's not even half of yours, only 31 points. "

"It can be seen that you are really liked by too many audiences." Guagua La said affirmatively: "Sure enough, real heroes are so popular no matter where they are."

"Then why are you here?" After understanding his terrifying popularity, Tiandao asked Tsumurri: "It's not necessary for you to come to interview overnight, right?"

"No, it's not an interview, but a real-time report." Tsumurri had a stiff face: "Your popularity is unprecedented, and you have created a new game mode for the Desire Grand Prix. Everyone is curious about what kind of person you are; they all want to know what you usually do; they all want to know what the identity of a person like you is. "

"So I came. "


Although Tsumurri expressed it very clearly, and Tiandao also understood it, but because of this, Tiandao was a little unbelievable.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that she will live and eat with you during this period. No matter what you do or where you go, she will live broadcast in real time and record everything about you." Guagua La lay on the table with its back, and the whole frog turned over with laughter, revealing its white belly.

Its front and hind limbs clapped like humans, accompanied by a deep laugh and the sound of biobio made by the flapping of its flippers, which was really full of sarcasm.

Tiandao ignored the frog who was laughing over there, but stared at Tsumuri, waiting for her answer.

"That's it." Although Tsumeli didn't want to come, as a game guide, this opportunity to promote the popularity of the game and take the game to the next level was in front of her, and the assignment of the game administrator gave her no right to refuse.

This was the first time she encountered such a situation.

"What if I sleep?" Tiandao pointed at himself.

"Live broadcast while you sleep." Tsumeli had no expression.

"What if I go to work?" Tiandao continued to ask without giving up.

"Live broadcast while you go to work." Tsumeli still had a stiff face.

"What if I go to the toilet?!" Tiandao used his trump card.

"Live broadcast while you go to the toilet." Tsumeli ignored Tiandao's trump card.

Tiandao: ? ? ?

No, you have to live broadcast when you go to the toilet? No privacy at all, right?

"Because the audience is really curious about you and wants to know everything about you." Tsumeli turned around and closed the door: "So before the game enters the final stage, I will always be by your side, live broadcast in real time, and record everything about you in the form of a documentary."

"Please rest assured, everything about you..."


With one hand pressing the wall behind Tsumuri, Tiandao relied on his height to press Tsumuri under him again.

But this time, Tsumuri did not show a panic expression, but looked at Tiandao directly, without fear.

"If I want to do something with you, will you also broadcast it live?" He leaned close to Tsumuri's ear, and the warm breath swirled in the cochlea, and penetrated into Tsumuri's mind little by little, making her face unconsciously rosy.

Just like a boiling kettle.

"Of course!" Tsumuri's stiff face was a little bit unbearable: "It will also be broadcast live!"

"But don't forget, you haven't become the God of Desire yet, you can't do that kind of thing to me!" Tsumuri quickly added, fearing that she would suffer.

"It means that after I become the God of Desire, I can really do something to you?" Tiandao smiled slightly. As a man of the Kamiyama family, Tsumuri, a novice in the art of speaking, is no match for him.

"You don't object to me doing that to you."

As they got closer, their noses even overlapped, and Tsumeli's face became more rosy.

"I..." Tsumeli spread her hands and pressed against Tiandao's chest: "Tsumeli Souji, please be more sober!"

"I'm the game guide, yes..."

"Don't worry, I'm not that anxious." Tiandao took a few steps back, not letting Tsumeli's eyes only focus on him.

"Eh?" Tsumeli was stunned: "You don't refuse?"

"Will refusal work?" Tiandao spread his hands: "Even if I refuse here and tell you to get out of here righteously, this live broadcast will not end."

"On the contrary, this live broadcast will be hidden in various locations around me, still recording everything about me indiscriminately and reporting in real time."

If this was when Tiandao was at his peak, the abundant will energy would be enough for him to find where these cameras were.

But now...

"So instead of that, it's better to be open and aboveboard." Tiandao crossed his arms and said with a smile: "And..."

"Don't you have me?"

Tsumuri: "Eh?"

"Compared to being sneaky and shady, I am satisfied with you, a beautiful woman, by my side to record everything about me no matter what."

As he said that, Tiandao grabbed Tsumuri's wrist, which made Tsumuri, who was originally calm, panic.

"What are you going to do?!"

"Live broadcast of me sleeping." Tiandao said with a smile.

"How can you broadcast in real time if you don't sleep with me?"


Wait! You are not really going to do that in front of the camera! Are you really going to!


Super dimensional space.

The white hair covered his face, and the white armor was so conspicuous on the red sofa, reflecting the joy on the face that should have been serious.

The white robe was draped over the sofa, with a microphone in one hand and a camera in the other. He was obviously a mighty god, but at this moment he seemed to have transformed into a reporter and announcer.

His grinning mouth was hard to control, and the corners of his mouth were harder to suppress than the big orange pill.

"Hello, audience friends, whether you are an old senior from the Showa era, a senior from the Heisei era, or my juniors, I am Kamen Rider - Gaim."

"Because I have become a god by chance, I am now using my power to cross dimensions and broadcast a super-time and space live broadcast for you."

"Everyone, please look, this is the first and only steel plate masked man in the Heisei era. His name is Kamiyama Tendō. I think everyone should be familiar with him."

[Moon Rider: 6]

[Sword Rider: Senior? ! ]

[Star Coin: OMO]

[Agito: WTF! Is it so exciting? ! ]

[W: Senior Tendō is so domineering. 】

【Chiqi: You are the one who hurt me, Senior. I have to make it a done deal! 】

Looking at the scrolling bullet screen and the exploding information below, the smile on a certain god's face became brighter and brighter.

"Obviously, this Senior Tiandao is not the Senior Tiandao we are familiar with, and he is not accompanied by Miss Melina."

"But even so, what we know now is also the secret of Senior Tiandao's mysterious past that has never been known!"

"Shh! Will it be Miss Melina, whom we are familiar with, who will win the first prize, or Miss Tsumuri, whom Senior Tendao fell in love with at first sight, who will be the real winner?!"

"Kamen Riders! Let's look forward to it!"

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