I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 57 As we all know, the main blade of the flaming sword is used to kill the enemy, and the se

We were still chatting one second, and the next second we were separated forever.

Perhaps there are too many uncertainties in the world, and accidents always come one after another, catching people off guard.

But... such an accident should not have happened.

So why did such an accident happen here?

This was an accident that should not have happened.

People who should not have died died, and things that should not have happened happened.

What about the people who should have died? What about the things that should have happened?

Therefore, someone is needed to turn the established facts into the truth of real existence.

Gurongji did not want to kill anyone accurately, but randomly selected a target. If he was selected, he could only consider himself unlucky.

Because it was just selected by probability and killed by probability.

But... Gurongji, who should not have appeared, appeared, creating an accident that should not have happened, making the uncertainty of life richer.

But is the uncertainty of life originally possible? !

This kind of accident that shouldn't have happened has happened. Should the victim consider himself unlucky, and then everyone will criticize it, turn a blind eye and act indifferent?

Because it's just someone else who died?

The red flame pattern on the flaming knife flashed a glimmer, and the blazing blood echoed with the Yanlong armor, boosting the power of Yanlong at this moment.

With the knife in hand, agitated thoughts rolled in his mind, and high emotions stirred in his chest. Yanlong held the knife with both hands, grabbed the white blade that degenerated into the handle, lowered his body, and held the flaming knife across his chest.

Although it was the first time to use it, although the shape of the flaming knife made Yanlong unable to start, and although he didn't know how to use the flaming knife at all...

But he felt that it should be used at this time.

If he didn't cut the squid into pieces, he would not be able to get rid of the hatred in his heart.

"Knife?" But seeing the appearance of the flaming knife, the squid was obviously more surprised than Yanlong.

Gurongi and Yanlong have fought back and forth so many times, but Yanlong has never taken out a knife. Yanlong has always been a boxer and has only two weapons.

A long-range flame bow, a spinning flame dart, and close combat is just boxing, never anything else.

This is also the fact that Gurongi has always been familiar with.

But now, Yanlong, who has reappeared in the modern world, took out a knife in front of him.

A weapon that he has never seen and never thought of.

This kind of thing that is beyond his familiarity and the sense of loss of control beyond everything he knows makes the squid feel particularly panic in his heart.

"Playing tricks!" When frightened, he will use some behavior to cover up his inner fear. This is the case for people, and Gurongi is the same.

Putting one hand in front of his mouth, the squid spits out ink and flies towards Yanlong.

But Yanlong, holding the flaming knife, did not dodge this time. Instead, he swept the knife horizontally and chopped down, using the part of the blade that touched the ground to deflect all the ink. Continuous explosions sounded on both sides of Yanlong's body, but none of them fell on Yanlong.

If you are not familiar with the use of the flaming knife, first-time users usually ignore the end of the flaming knife, that is, the blade at the other end, and only use the normal side of the blade that touches the ground as a normal weapon.

This is also reflected in Yanlong.

The actions of resisting ink are all carried out with the main blade, and the secondary blade has basically never been used, and it is treated as a decoration throughout the whole process.

"Back off! Back off!" He kept spitting ink to stop Yanlong from approaching, but the sudden appearance of a flaming knife interrupted all the fantasies of the squid.

The attacks that originally made Yanlong dodge left and right were now all taken by the flaming knife, and the squid could only watch Yanlong approach.

Approaching halfway, the fear in the squid's heart exceeded the fighting spirit at the moment. He did not choose to continue attacking, but turned around and looked at the river not far away, jogging all the way, wanting to jump into the water.

Yanlong did not intend to give the squid this opportunity. He jumped off the ground and held the knife in both hands in the air, and chopped it down with the straight blade, leaving a clear knife mark on the squid's back.

The blazing blade cut a bloody scar on the squid's body, deep into the bone marrow.

The squid screamed and fell to the ground. Regardless of the pain in his back, he rolled and crawled to get into the river.

"You are like this now, where is the previous arrogance?" Yanlong stood up. Although the flaming knife is difficult to use, the damage of the flaming knife is very high. When facing the supernatural beast in the original TV, usually a few cuts will make the supernatural beast unable to bear it.

"You are not a Flame Dragon at all!" The squid turned over and shouted, releasing the fear in his heart: "Flame Dragon... He doesn't have this knife at all!"

"..." Too lazy to say any more nonsense to the squid, the Flame Dragon held the knife with one hand and pressed the button with the other hand.

The button on the right is used to summon weapons, while the button on the left is used to use the killing card.

Just as he put his hand on it, before he had time to summon the killing card, the bird feathers that fell from the sky came down in an instant and passed over the head of the Flame Dragon.

The black wings covered the sky, and a pair of sharp claws went straight down. The sharp claws flashed with a flickering light. In the rapid fall, they were still caught by the Flame Dragon.

This was a fatal blow to the head.

Without time to summon the killing card, the Flame Dragon raised the flaming knife and held it across his head to block the eagle attack from the sky.

But he misjudged the strength of the opponent's attack, so that although he blocked it, he was repelled and forced to stay away from the squid.

It circled from high altitude and fell again. This time, the vulture did not choose to attack the Yanlong again. Instead, it grabbed the squid's back with its sharp claws. The sharp claws were deeply embedded in its flesh, even if the squid's scream was right there. Echoing in his ears, the vulture did not have any sympathy.

Pulling the squid and flying into the sky again, the vulture rushed into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Want to run?" Withdrawing the flaming knife, Tiandao summoned a horse of light and shadow to sit on the horse, and immediately chased him, not giving the other party any chance to escape.

The squid...it must die here today!

Shinagawa Ward.

"Steel Mask Man No. 1 appears in Area B and is fighting Unconfirmed Life Form No. 21." The Metropolitan Police Department has received this information since the Flame Dragon appeared to fight the squid, but they can't get it out at the moment. body.

Because with the help of the Mikado, the Joint Operations Center focused its energy on destroying the nests of unconfirmed life forms, and they were unable to help Yanlong.

"How's it going?" Faced with an unconfirmed life form, especially if it is the opponent's stronghold, no one will feel nervous. Even one is not immune.

"It should be here." Glancing at Shimazawa who was comforting the Mikado behind him, Police Officer Sakurai continued: "The Mikado didn't leave after chasing the Mikado here. Moreover, a body was found behind the warehouse. After careful comparison, the body was confirmed to be that of the warehouse owner."

"When will Sugita arrive?" Ichijo looked at his watch and asked anxiously.

"Because I don't know the specific characteristics of the unconfirmed life form, Officer Sugita went to collect the shock bomb." Sakurai continued: "I hope it will be useful."

"Yeah." I can't say for sure whether it's useful or not, but you have to try everything to find out, and you have to analyze their weaknesses.

Inside the warehouse, Rose Girl and others also discovered the police gathered outside, but no one felt nervous about it, thinking it was nothing more than that.

But... limited by the rules of the game, except for the game participant Squid, other Gurungi are not allowed to fight back even if they are hit by humans, otherwise they will be deemed to have lost their qualifications for the game, so although all the Gurungi are not afraid , but also found it very troublesome.

Mainly just a little frustrated.

"Human..." The bat licked its mouth, its instinct to drink blood made it ready to move.

"If it's you, you really don't have to abide by the rules of the game." Piranha glanced at the bat: "How about it? Do you want to leave everything outside to you?"

The implication of the piranha is that the bat has lost its qualification to play and can go out to kill people.

"Hmph." But the bat doesn't want to be a show-off. Even if it is not restricted by the rules of the game, it will not be fooled into working for the piranha.

"Let's go." You can tell without looking. Rose Girl's superhuman five senses allow her to clearly hear the movement outside even if she is in the warehouse. Therefore, she has already recognized who is leading the team this time. came out.

"Tsk, when I can participate in the game, I must make them a target." The piranha sneered and said: "It's really..."

"Then we have to wait until the squid comes back." Rose Girl interrupted the piranha: "Now, leave!"

The piranha wriggled its mouth, but still did not dare to say anything.

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