I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 58 To be honest, although this broken sword is difficult to use, its damage is really high (

"Get ready, everyone rush in together!"

Sugita and Ichijo, as the commanders on the front line, each led a group of people, one blocking the front door and the other blocking the back door, and they must succeed in one blow, and absolutely not give any chance for the unconfirmed life form to escape.

"Remember not to act on your own. One person alone can never be the opponent of the unconfirmed life form. That would only be a waste of life." Sugita told the people behind him, and after everyone nodded in succession, they rushed in together.

Although the stun grenade thrown in first had exploded, there was no expected scream. Ichijo and Sugita did not dare to be careless, and they all thought that this kind of thing had no effect on the unconfirmed life form, so they held their breath and acted together.



"Die for me!"

The front door and the back door broke through together, and Ichijo and Sugita each led people to rush in. The attack that was originally expected did not occur. The entire warehouse was empty, as if nothing had happened.

Ichijo quickly joined Sugita, and the two gathered in the center of the warehouse. They were not used to the cruel and weird decorations placed here.

The torn and fragmented human models, the toy dolls tied with thorn chains and screaming, and several knives and forks combined together to form a strange pattern.

And the bloody pattern like a symbol carved on the wall.

Coupled with the dim incandescent light, this warehouse looks even more weird.

"Is the information false?" Sugita asked unconsciously.

"It shouldn't be." Ichijo turned and said, "Maybe there is another way to let them slip away. Look carefully, maybe there is..."

Before the subsequent words were finished, a violent vibration sound came from outside the warehouse. This sound was not small, and it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Outside!" Ichijo and Sugita's eyes lit up, and they immediately ran out of the warehouse and headed towards the location of the loud noise.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! Everyone, hurry up!"

"Officer Ichijo, Officer Sugita! A large number of unidentified life forms have been found, a large number of unidentified life forms have been found!"

"No. 1 is here too! Steel Mask No. 1 is here too!"

"Currently in a standoff! Please give instructions!"

"Surround them all, but don't shoot, wait for No. 1 to deal with it." Ichijo was in a good mood.

It was really timely to appear, God's way!

"No. 1 has stopped them!" Sugita also became excited, shouting with full momentum: "Everyone, let's go to support No. 1!"

"Squid?!" Looking at the squid falling from the sky, looking at the bloody hole on its silver-white back that was scratched, everyone looked at each other for a while, not knowing what happened.

This kind of wound... It's obvious that it has nothing to do with Yanlong or Kuga, but more like...

"I just passed by and saved its life, that's it." Vulture's voice sounded from afar: "It's from your Mei Group, right? I'll leave it to you."

"Vulture..." The moment the other party's voice sounded, Rose recognized its voice and its identity.

Vulture of B9 of the La Group is also qualified to be the host of this Kijiru game.

In terms of strength, Vulture is not weak. After all, it is a member of the La Group and its combat ability cannot be underestimated.

"Do you still need to say thank you?"

Such words are obviously what the Gurongi want to say but can't say, so they can only hold it in their hearts.

The only one who is qualified to say this is probably Rose.

The squid's groan is still echoing in everyone's ears, but no one intends to go up and help it.

... Help it, not finishing it off is already a consideration of the feelings of the same race.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." The vulture's voice came with the wind: "There is a guy who came with me."

"This is the surprise I brought to you, please accept it~"

The sound of the vulture flapping its wings gradually faded away, but the surprise he mentioned aroused everyone's suspicion.

The vulture must have no good intentions, but what kind of surprise can it bring...

This idea was completely forgotten by everyone after the light and shadow horse that broke the speed of sound suddenly fell from the sky.

"This is..." The piranha looked at the familiar red figure and was very unhappy: "Surprise?"

"That's really unexpected." Bat looked at Yanlong with his eyes slanted. He had already secretly surrendered to the wolf king and had expected the appearance of Yanlong.

This guy... Is his injury finally healed?

"Yanlong..." Rose girl saw Yanlong again, and this time, he was stronger than ever before.

Rose girl could feel this change, but in just one month, from no threat before to the current slightly threatening level, this kind of short-term strengthening is real.

…No wonder Daguba is so optimistic about Yanlong.

This speed of strengthening…

Jumping down from the light and shadow horse, Yanlong stood in front of a group of Gurongi, and raised his hand, still pointing at the squid that was still wailing on the ground.

“Gurongi!” This Gurongi was not calling for a certain person, but for everyone here.

“Are all of them here? Very good!” Furious, Yanlong had no intention of retreating even though the enemy was outnumbered.

Summoning the flaming sword, Yanlong held the sword in one hand, standing alone.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're not going to challenge all of us, are you?" The piranha opened his arms and laughed at someone's arrogance: "Or do you think that you are invincible after becoming a flame dragon?"

"Piranha!" Chameleon grabbed the piranha who was about to approach the flame dragon and said: "Look carefully, he is not the same as the flame dragon we know."

"Not the same?" The piranha glanced at the chameleon, and then looked at the current flame dragon carefully.

"Oh~ there is an extra knife?" The piranha understood, but still felt it didn't matter: "It's just an extra knife, what can it change?"


Is the piranha eating human brains and eating its own brain? What do you think an extra knife can do?

Can you still use the previous method to deal with the flame dragon? !

"You are very angry." The rose girl glanced behind her. Because of some special reasons, she didn't want to stay here, so she wanted to leave before the police came.

There was one person among the police who chased after her, and she didn't want to meet him.

At least not now.

"Angry?" Yanlong sneered and said, "What do you think my anger is?"

"Such a girl who has not yet started her own life was killed by you, and such an innocent person is just one of the thousands of lives under your command!" Tiandao raised his hand and held it fiercely in front of him: "She is just a number in the credit book for you, but for her friends and her parents, she is her good friend and their beloved daughter!"

"And you just moved your hands, saw it casually, and took her life casually!"

A raging fire ignited in the azure goggles: "Don't you deserve to die?!"

"Deserve to die?" Chameleon also spoke: "In our opinion, it is you who deserve to die, Yanlong!"

This view that those who are not of my kind must have different hearts is limited to the positions represented by both parties.

Gurongi and Yanlong are in a dispute over incompatible positions.

"Waste of time." But the impulsive rhino could no longer bear it. Before both parties finished speaking, it stood up and stood in front of Yanlong.

"If I kill the Flame Dragon, I will be eligible to participate!"

The corner of the Rose Girl's mouth curled up slightly.


The bright silver body became active in an instant, and the muscles all over the body expanded, making the rhino's body bigger and increasing its physique.

The carapace-like chest guard on the chest can block most of the damage for it.

"Come on, Flame..." The rhino roared to the sky, happily releasing its long-suppressed killing intent.

It didn't take long for it to experience this wanton feeling, and a blade engraved with flame patterns immediately chopped down on its head.


Bending his arm, the arm guard formed by the hardened biological muscles on his arm blocked the slash of the flaming knife, but it was also the first time for the rhino to face the flaming knife directly, and he didn't have an accurate understanding of the sharpness of this knife.

Therefore, even if he blocked the flaming knife, the rhino still felt a piercing pain from his arm.

"Let's go."

The Rose Girl didn't want to stay for long, so she signaled the bat beside her to help the squid, and the group quickly left, wanting to evacuate safely from the side.

But how could the Flame Dragon let her do what she wanted?

"Humph! Want to escape?!"

The blade was raised, and the Flame Dragon turned around suddenly. The Flame Dragon turned the Flame Blade into a Flame Dart again, spun around and threw it towards the Rose Girl.

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