I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 572 Suel, children, I am done

"Hehe, how is it? How does it feel to be betrayed by the woman you love?"

With his hands folded across his chest, Su Ai'er did nothing. He watched Tian Dao being stabbed by the person he wanted to protect, the woman he loved. He was so happy.

"It has something to do with you." Tian Dao retracted his gaze from Tsumuri behind him, and did not even intend to look at the blade in front of him. Instead, he looked directly at Su Ai'er: "I remember someone told me before that there was a back door left in Tsumuri's consciousness."

"The person who left that door is you, Su Ai'er."

Although it is a little late to think of this now, even if he dies, Tian Dao must know clearly how he died, rather than die in an unclear way with resentment.

If he wants to die, he must die clearly.

"So what?" Su Ai'er raised one hand slightly, looked at Tian Dao and sneered complacently: "What can you do now, Tian Dao Zongsi."

"The hand that was unwilling to let go no matter what, gave you the final blow at this moment." Su Ai'er's tone was happy, but there was also a hint of dissatisfaction in the joy.

Obviously, someone's too clear mind and clear cognition made Su Ai'er's original pleasure much less.

"It's just that you borrowed her hand to give me this." As he said, Tian Dao not only did not stabilize his injuries in front of Su Ai'er, but also took a step and walked forward.

It seemed that the short knife with some unknown power was gradually separated from Tian Dao's chest, but the sharp blade created a new sword mark at the moment of scratching the wound, bringing a second injury and a heavier injury.

But Tian Dao didn't care, and walked forward until the blade completely separated from his chest.

At that moment, the blood gushed out like a faucet that had been accumulated for a long time, spraying on the ground.

The hot blood from the chest dyed the dark ground red, and the blood stains spraying from the back dyed Tsumuri red, and also dotted the pure white goddess statue with plum blossom-like traces, making the goddess statue and the goddess, at this moment, like blooming dangerous roses, bloody and beautiful.

The blood that slid down the cheek slowly gathered from under the eyes to the chin, like blood and tears flowing silently, causing Tsumuri's lifeless eyes to have violent emotional fluctuations.

Unable to maintain the transformed posture, Tiandao lifted the transformation and returned to human form again.

But because of this, this fatal injury became even more uncontrollable. Even if Tiandao covered the scar on his chest, he could not stop the hot blood from gushing out of the wound.

His face turned pale in a very short time.

"It seems that you will die without my help." Su Ai'er had no intention of moving forward again, but stood there to taste the taste of someone's life entering the countdown, which made him addicted and happy.

"Tian Dao, what a ridiculous ending."

"Any ending is not a joke." Tian Dao gritted his teeth and spoke with his last strength: "Don't worry, even if my body will be annihilated here, my will will be inherited by someone again. One day, the Desire Grand Prix will still get out of this world!"

"This will will turn into flames and be passed down from generation to generation!"

Su Ai'er:...

The relaxed and happy mood was ruined by a few words. Su Ai'er snorted coldly and waved his hand to summon a floating cannon behind him.

"In that case, I will annihilate your will as well!"

"In this darkness where no one can come, your will will be forever silent with the goddess statue!"

As soon as the words fell, the floating cannon that was ready to fire had already emitted a flickering golden light, but at the critical moment, it was interrupted by a sudden exclamation.

"Tiandao player!"

Coming in front of Tiandao all of a sudden, his eyes had recovered from the dull state, and Tsumuri regained his consciousness, but at the moment of regaining consciousness, he felt the cold touch of the orange dagger in his hand and the blood left on the blade.

The warm blood on his face was gradually turning cold, and Tsumuri looked at the figure who was half-kneeling in front of her and covering his chest along the traces of blood on the ground in a daze.

The blood that was still gushing out was enough to explain a lot of things.

Tsumuri dropped the short knife in her hand in fear, and ran towards Tiandao with a scream, hugged Tiandao's body, looked at him in panic, and looked him up and down.

"Tendao player! Why are you! I...I am..." Tsumuri panicked. No matter how angry she was with Tiandao, she definitely didn't want him to die.

And now, she hit Tiandao without knowing it.

It was still so fatal.

People in the future don't have the function of crying, so even if Tsumuri's eyes are red, she can't trigger the emotional module that she doesn't have.

"It wasn't you who did it." Tiandao grabbed Tsumuri's wrist and looked at her panicked little face. The pale lips caused by excessive blood loss made Tiandao look very scary: "It was Suel who stabbed me, Tsumuri."

"Suel" Tsumuri looked at someone standing leisurely not far away, and just saw Suel's existence.

It was Suel who didn't maintain the transformed posture and also lifted the transformation.


Tsuki called out Suel's name in a voice that she herself had never expected, mixed with extremely strong emotions.

"When I created you, I didn't add such an extra emotional module for you." Suel squinted his eyes and looked at Tsuki: "Could it be that you..."

"Suel!!" Tsuki called out again, and some kind of emotion that seemed to be about to explode filled her heart, making her roar loudly and release this emotion to her heart's content.

She didn't understand, but she did it.

"What's wrong with calling my name again? The one who gave him such a blow was you! Tsuki!" The guess in his heart needed to be verified, and Suel planned to tell it all here and stimulate Tsuki severely.

If the wishes in Tsuki's body began to work, if Tsuki, as a game guide, finally awakened the wishes she carried, then the second goddess of creation could almost be declared a success.

Su Ai'er suppressed his excitement. He didn't expect that the appearance of Tendou Souji could awaken Tsumurri as the second goddess. This was a pleasant surprise.

"How could you...you!" Tsumurri didn't know what to say. It was difficult to find words to describe Su Ai'er in her shallow swear words system.

So much so that she wanted to curse him, but didn't know what to curse him at this moment.

"Tsumurri" pulled Tsumurri's hand. Tendou couldn't keep the half-squatting action, and sat on the ground. Then he lay on his back and stared at the dark sky.

The black spots and colorful colors that filled his eyes had flashed in front of his eyes. They were signs of excessive blood loss, dying, and consciousness falling into the dying moment.

"Tiandao!" Tsumeli squatted down quickly and held Tiandao's hands with both hands: "You are me"

"As expected, I am me." Tiandao smiled weakly: "Although it is you, I knew that I would have this retribution."

"Retribution for always deceiving you."

"Deceiving?" Tsumeli was stunned.

"Yes, because I really don't know what kind of expression to use to face you." Tiandao turned and said: "When you know that even my name is a lie I made up to deceive you, how can I tell you my true feelings?"

"Can I open my mouth and keep saying I love you?"

"The relationship between you and me started with falsehood."

Tsumeli panted a few times: "But at this moment, it ends with sincerity."

"Tsumeli, I'm sorry, I have been lying to you."

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