I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 573 Tiandao died very cleanly, but was soon hit by an elbow from Lao Da (Must-read chapter)

When two people are in a world of lies from the moment they meet, will they be able to turn everything into a truth that can be believed at the final moment?

Tian Dao didn't know, he didn't even know whether Zimli trusted him.

But at least at this moment, even this apology still sounded like a lie.

"The first meeting between you and me was the beginning of lies?" Zimli was stunned: "Isn't your name called Tiandao General Secretary?"

"My name is Shenshan Tiandao. This is my name." Tiandao smiled: "Zimli, I didn't lie to you this time."

"The Holy Mountain. The Way of Heaven." Zimli recited the name: "The Holy Mountain. The Way of Heaven."

"Ah~ when you call the name of Chief Tendo, the answer you get will not be me."

"But when you call the name of the Holy Mountain and Heavenly Way, no matter where you are, you can hear my response to you."

"Really?" Zimli squeezed Tiandao's hand: "Are you lying to me with this sentence?"

Heaven is speechless.

"It seems that the constant deception has left me with no credibility with you." Tiandao smiled weakly: "You can try calling me, and I will definitely answer you."

"The Way of the Divine Mountain?" Zimli read.

"Yeah." is the affirmative answer.

"The Divine Mountain and the Way of Heaven." Zimli read again.

"Yeah." It was still a definite answer.

Zimli's eyes released a different kind of brilliance. Although her expression was sad, her eyes showed unprecedented brightness at this moment.

Is it the look in his eyes that makes him feel happy because he finally got someone’s truth?

Or something else.

"How many more have you been lying to me about?" Zimli asked.

"Too many." Tiandao stretched out his hand, brushed it from Zimli's cheek, and wiped away the blood stained with his blood: "So many that I can't even count myself."

"Is that many?" Zimli held Tiandao's palm in both hands and pressed it against her forehead. She lowered her head and tried to hide herself: "How many can I detect?"

"I don't know." Tiandao said truthfully: "But you still have a long time to count all those things and find the real me from those lies."

"Maybe it will disappoint you."

Zimli didn't speak, and her trembling body silently told Heaven what Zimli's situation was now.

The statue of the Goddess of Creation, which alone exudes brilliance, looks at the tragedy at her feet with pity like a Virgin.

She was speechless, but there was nothing she could do.

"The Divine Mountain and the Way of Heaven." Zimli's suppressed crying voice sounded, which was already a manifestation of trying her best to stay calm.

But this time, no one answered her.

The person who would respond to this name, who would respond to this call, never gave her any feedback.

"Sacred Mountain Heavenly Way?" Zimli raised her head, her red eyes revealing incredible panic.

"The Holy Mountain and Heavenly Way! The Holy Mountain and Heavenly Way, the Holy Mountain and Heavenly Way!!!!"

Holding someone's body, Zimli called the name over and over again, longing for a response and waiting for an answer.

Just like he promised, as long as you call this name, he will definitely respond.

Then you respond! Why don't you say a word now? Why do I get no answer when I call you?

You liar, did you agree that we would be honest with each other at the end of the day?

Why at the last moment, what you gave me was still a lie.

Our relationship started with a lie, will it end with a lie?

"It looks like he's dead." Su Al smiled: "A guy who overestimates his own abilities and wants to go against the Grand Prix is ​​nothing more than..."

Before he could finish his subsequent words, Su Al had not even had time to take the first step, but he saw that Zimli’s black hair, which had lowered her head, suddenly floated, standing upright, in a windless environment. It was dancing crazily.

"Give it to me!"

The eyes that suddenly raised her head were full of bloodshot eyes. The black and white dress on Zimli's body underwent a huge change. The black completely faded away at this moment, replaced by a white dress, and even her hair turned into pure white. White. Brand new Zimli.

Those eyes that were no different from those of normal people turned blue in an instant, and the pure white clothes were stained with the blood of Heavenly Dao as the only embellishment.


The bloodshot eyes broke through everything that was programmed at birth and broke through the shackles that were programmed.

The emotions Suel considered to be unnecessary, just to create everything that the second goddess had set, were completely annihilated at this moment.

People from the future who cannot shed tears have broken through their limitations at this moment.

Bloody tears flowed from his eyes, and his eyes locked on Su Al.


The bell that symbolizes the activation of the power of the goddess of creation rings, but this time it is no longer the enlightenment that brings about the realization of wishes and reshaping the world, but the death knell that announces death and reads out the words of death.

"Zimli, you!"

Su Al's eyes widened, and he only had time to express his amazement. The next second, his whole body turned into ashes in an instant.

Starting from the feet, spreading upward from the hands, it spreads all over the body of [Suel].

In the blink of an eye, Suair was annihilated by the second creation goddess!

After the blood and tears, there are the flowing tears.

That is the proof of human sadness, the flowing tears of sadness.

Holding the cold hand of Tiandao, Tsumuri felt her beating heart.

"Tiandao. I won't let you leave like this after you lied to me." Tsumuri said dully: "You liar."

"Don't even think about leaving like this."


Before the subsequent words were finished, the space was rippled again. The next second, Su Ai'er, who came hurriedly, came here from the future at the fastest speed and stood in this space again.


As a future person, even if Su Ai'er was sentenced to death by Tsumuri, he could still be resurrected in the future.

In order to avoid being unable to catch up at the critical moment, Su Ai'er had already prepared many bodies, so that he could be resurrected as soon as possible after his death, and return to the place where he died again.

What's more, this time, he had a reason to come.

"You finally awakened! As the second goddess of creation!"

Suel looked at Tsumuri's eyes glowing, as if he saw a rare treasure cultivated by his own hands.

Looking at the reappearing Suel, Tsumuri frowned, as if she saw a pile of shit, which made her feel quite disgusted.

"Suel, you..."

"Go! Tsumuri! It's time to welcome your destiny!" Suel raised her hand high, with a fanatical look: "You were born for the Grand Prix of Desire, even if you become a goddess, you..."

Tsumuri didn't say much, but raised her hand and pointed at Suel again.

But the moment her hand was raised, the bracelet worn on her wrist turned into a colorful and radiant color at this moment, and the colorful colors gathered in Tsumuri's palm.

Then, behind Tsumuri, the huge statue of the goddess of creation also emitted infinite light. In Suel's long goose-like horror, a pair of materialized hands grasped Tsumuri's wrists, suppressing her anger and unwillingness.

Tsumuri followed the glowing arm and looked to the side, and at this glance, she saw a woman in a white dress with a gentle look.

This woman looked at Tsumuri with a loving look, as if she was looking at her own child.

"Guang Guang Ya?!!" Suel exclaimed in horror: "How is it possible! Shouldn't you have already!"

No one listened to Suel's words. The woman named Guang Ya stared at Tsumuri, shook her head in the latter's puzzled eyes, and then pointed to someone lying on the ground.

Tsumuri bit her lip.

As the goddess of creation, Guangya, as the first one long ago, revived from her slumber because she sensed the bracelet she had woven by hand before she turned into a stone statue, and manifested with the power of the second goddess of creation.

Although she didn't move her mouth, everything she wanted to say had been conveyed to Tsumuri through brain waves.

The communication between the two parties was only a moment, and then Tsumuri squatted down and took out the gold coin that Tiandao carried with him on his chest.

It was something sent by an unknown person, just like the bracelet she was wearing.

Guangya looked at the gold coin, and a bright smile appeared on her face unconsciously. She also leaned over and approached Tiandao's face, looking at this familiar face.

It was really as he said, this guy would need her help at this moment.

"Senior Guangya, let's start." Looking at the gold coins in her palm, Tsumurri made up her mind: "Let's do it together."

Listening to Tsumurri's words, Guangya retracted her gaze from looking at the way of heaven, and stood side by side with Tsumurri, facing this dark world together.

The two looked at each other.

Guangya held her hands on her chest, and her gentle face showed a compassionate expression.

She frowned slightly, like a saint descending from heaven to the world, spreading hope.

Tsumurri opened her hands, as if she was hugging something.

She frowned slightly, and was obviously not familiar with the use of this awakened power, but she had to try to adapt at this moment.

Although the movements were different, both Guangya and Tsumurri were controlling their duties as the goddess of creation.

Fulfilling the wishes of others.

But this time, they were not fulfilling the wishes of others.

One was for the promise made long ago.

The other was to let this world have traces of his existence again.

The two goddesses of creation, the power of prayer that connects heart to heart, brought a miracle beyond the miracle itself.

The bell of creation rose and fell, the double power of creation, the prayer of the two goddesses, at this moment, brought a power that runs through the past, present and future, even time and space cannot hinder it.

It is no longer the world that others pray for, but the world that the goddess prays for.

With a sudden deep breath, Tiandao suddenly opened his eyes, his chest panting violently and his head sweating, indicating that he was experiencing a very terrible dream before.

Opposite him, Suel maintained the same posture, also looking around in shock, and his posture sitting on the ground made him look a little confused.

"Why am I lying here?" x2.

It would be better if he didn't speak. The two people who attracted each other's attention as soon as they spoke immediately contracted their pupils after seeing each other.



Suel took out the Vision Driver and transformed into Kamen Rider Di Ni in the blink of an eye.

And Tendao took out the Ninja Token and transformed into Ninja Fox in the blink of an eye, also becoming Kamen Rider Red Fox.

The two got up from the ground, roared and ran towards each other without saying a word, punched each other in the face, and hammered them back several steps.

But under the statue of the goddess of creation, Tsumuri, who was wearing a pure black dress and even her stockings turned pure black, looked at the two people who were fighting, and naturally brushed the corners of her mouth with her fingertips.

The corners of her mouth were raised, revealing a wicked smile.

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