I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 606: Ba Niu, you better stay away from me, otherwise I don’t even know what personality I ca

"Huh? Everyone is here."

Anyone could see Zimli's good mood as she happily entered the lounge while humming an unknown ditty.

But... the current situation is so corrupt, why can Zimli still be happy?

"Zimli...you..." So in shock and uncertainty, Jean could only ask cautiously: "Did anything happy happen?"

"Of course." Zimli answered matter-of-factly: "A contestant is the first to be resurrected. Isn't it worth being happy?"

"Resurrection?" Gene was stunned, but before he could speak, he saw Guagua, who was sitting on the same sofa with him, suddenly put his head in his hands, hid his face between his arms, and let out a lament.

"Ah...what should I do now? I promised that guy and promised to protect Jinghe." Guaguala's voice full of annoyance sounded: "That guy Su Aier, I don't agree with Jinghe at all. To participate in the competition, he insisted on saying that it was necessary!”

"That guy, I think he is just seeking revenge!"

Everyone knows that Su Al was beaten like a dead dog by Tiandao, and this will soon be spread in the future.

After all, the figure who suddenly appeared in the future world to control the dragon and fight the god-evil disciples was completely seen by the future people in the 3.5-dimensional world.

Shenlong may be unfamiliar, but Tiandao himself is not unknown at all in the future.

This is thanks to the Grand Prix of Desire.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Jean rubbed his temples: "Isn't it obvious that Su Al doesn't have much energy?"

"You are slandering Mr. Suel like this, I can pretend that I didn't hear you." Chirami, who was wearing a magic mirror and dressed like a comedian, came to the crowd with a box and put all the ID cores currently in his hands. Pour on the table.

"No matter what, this wrong world of Ba Niu needs to be corrected." Chilami clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention: "I announce that the Desire Grand Prix will begin again!"

"Are you still open?" Guagua glanced at this guy who had no self-awareness: "Hey, you have to be tough when you get your belt back."

"But do you know what you did before?"

There was only rising anger hidden in the suppressed voice. Guagua's eyes were cold, and he didn't have any good impressions of the game administrator who took over from Kiroli.

"No matter what you say, I am the game administrator, and my responsibility is to start a new round of competition after one round of competition." Chilami twisted his waist and came to Guagua La's side: "Then That’s it now.”

"What a nonsense!" Gene completely disagreed with this approach: "Kamen Riders, even if you release the Kamen Riders, they are no match for Ba Niu! It will only increase casualties."

"Then we... just watch here and do nothing?" Chilami looked around and put forward his own opinion: "Can he still be invincible in the world if he dominates the bull?"


Chilami suddenly shouted, but received no answer from Zimli, causing him to cast his gaze involuntarily, but he saw Zimli holding the remote control and turning on the big screen.

"You seem to be less anxious." Looking at the old god Zimli, Chilami felt that the authority of the few remaining administrators was being challenged: "Now! Immediately! Immediately! Let me choose. Contestants!”

"Can you give that mouth a rest?" Zimli glanced at Chilami, and suddenly she sat on the sofa and crossed her legs: "You scream louder than anyone else in front of us, but in Bei I don’t dare to fart in front of Roba.”

"It's time to take a break."

Without even intending to turn around and speak, Zimli turned on the projected TV, her eyes never leaving the curtain for a moment.

"Zimli!" Although what Zimli said was true, how could Chilami allow others to tell everything she had done?

This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!

"Tsk, you're really annoying." Glancing at Chilami, who was walking towards her aggressively, Zimli fumbled for an orange short knife from under the sofa and laid it on Chilami's chest. in front of him, forcing him to see the situation clearly.

"You..." Chilami swallowed and did not dare to continue speaking.

"Your approach of treating the contestants as consumables ends here. The audience won't like to see that kind of one-sided killing." Zimli turned on the TV and her pupils slightly dilated: "The audience wants to see It’s an exciting, real battle.”

"You mean, Ba Niu... someone went to deal with him?" Gene quickly reacted: "Who is it?!"

Zimli did not speak, but displayed the location of Ba Niu on the big screen, and the surrounding scenes were also realized.

And at this moment, in addition to the domineering bull's transformation - Azuma Daozhang, another person who shouldn't be here also came into everyone's eyes.

"That's it!!" Guaguala's attention was immediately attracted: "Sakurai Keikazu?!"

"How is that possible! Wasn't he..." Guagua pointed at another person in the screen.

"Why would he!"

"Yeah, why did I come out of hell." Standing in front of Azuma Taoist priest, looking at this man who is thin but full of energy, the way of heaven stands here.

But in the eyes of outsiders, he is no one else now, but Sakurai Keikazu.

After integrating Jinghe's scattered will into his body, Tiandao used the ability of existence change to replace his exposed image with Jinghe, so people thought it was Jinghe who was resurrected.

Faced with Azuma Taoist Priest's question, Tiandao loosened his collar and continued: "Because if I don't understand some things, I won't be able to feel at ease even if I die."

"Taili..." Azuma Taoist Priest looked a little strange when he saw the person who had been pushed off the cliff by his own hands and turned into foam and died again. "How did you come back to life?"

"Then let's talk about it first." Tiandao turned to speak: "You have won the victory and reshaped this world into your ideal world. How do you feel now?"

Priest Azuma:…

"If I remember correctly, you said you wanted to eliminate all Kamen Riders, and you would not hesitate to join the evil demons for this." Tiandao took a step forward: "Now, your ideal world is right in front of you, you..."

"The Kamen Riders haven't disappeared yet." Azuma Daozhang said: "The world I want has not been built yet."

"Do you want to do it again? Become the god of pleasure and make a wish to destroy all Kamen Riders again?" Tiandao snorted coldly: "This kind of wish... is like a joke."

"Although the Kamen Riders haven't disappeared, the Desire Grand Prix no longer exists." Azuma Daozhang was also not to be outdone: "The next step is to eliminate the remaining Kamen Riders."

"Do you really think the organizer has disappeared?" Tiandao said with a smile, "Or is this what you think?"

"Taili, what do you want to say?" Azuma Taoist Priest was too lazy to continue: "Tell me your purpose!"

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth." Tiandao didn't bother to make any subtle moves: "You must have taken refuge with the evil demon disciples."

"Yes." Azuma Taoist priest admitted frankly.

"If you win, it means that the evil demons who died in the final game will be resurrected in the new world, but the dead humans will not, right?"

Priest Azuma:…

"Why, don't you dare to answer?" Tiandao asked: "Are you afraid to answer, or you didn't think of this at all, or..."

"Yes!" Azuma said with a long sigh of relief, and then said: "That's right."

"You would admit it so decisively, which really made me look high." Tiandao raised his eyebrows: "Then you should also know how many human lives it took to build this world of yours."

"Why, once is not enough, do you want to do it again?" Tiandao squinted his eyes: "Use other people's lives to fulfill your wish."

"The world is like this. If you want to be happy for yourself, you will definitely make others unhappy. For this, you just need to work hard for your own wishes." Azuma Daochang answered without hesitation, because this is what he already has. Enlightenment: "It will be the same even if it happens again."

"The Grand Prix of Desire cannot be eliminated, and people will continue to die because of it..."

"Is that the reason why you took your life?!" Tiandao interrupted Azuma Daozhang's subsequent words.

"Taili, you are still like this." Taoist priest Azuma shook his head: "You don't understand anything at all."

"Anyway, you are no longer a Kamen Rider, just live peacefully in this world." Azuma Daochang breathed out: "What happens after that has nothing to do with you, I..."

"Do you really think that I am no longer a Kamen Rider?" Tiandao raised his hand: "As long as people like you exist, I will still be a Kamen Rider."

"In that case, I will send you to be eliminated again." Azuma Daozhang took out the desire drive and zombie deduction: "I can eliminate you once, and it will be the same this time!"

"Well said, I'm just waiting for your words!" Tiandao grinned.

"Let me see the power you gained with your lives!"

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