I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 607 I don’t eat beefJPG【OK! The shortest title is achieved】

Azuma Michigami, who lost to Ukiyo Hidetoshi several times in the Desire Grand Prix, finally won his first victory after joining the evil demon camp.

And unlike Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who made very abstract wishes after each victory, Azuma Michigami's wish after winning was to get the power to defeat all Kamen Riders.

If you wish for power, you will have this invincible power in the world you create, which means that you are invincible in the world you create.

The combination of the Desire Driver and the purple zombie deduction, Azuma Michigami, who was supposed to transform into Kamen Rider-Ba Niu (zombie form), showed the power he got from wishing in the new world.

The huge golden bull horns soared into the sky, extending forward like a demon, and the bright cloak swayed behind him. There was no other additional increase.

Because in the final analysis, the power to defeat all Kamen Riders is just a buff, not a form.

With this buff bonus, Tyrannosaurus has not changed much in appearance, but he is the most terrifying opponent for Kamen Rider.

"Tari, it's not too late to give up now." Tyrannosaurus raised the chainsaw in his hand: "As long as you give up becoming Kamen Rider, you can live in this world as usual!"

"I didn't crawl out of hell just to give up." Tiandao smiled, and to the outside world, it was Jinghe who smiled indifferently.

"Sakurai Jinghe... How come he seems to have changed like a different person?" Gene looked at everything that happened on the screen. Although he was a supporter of Ukiyo Hidetoshi, he still knew a little about the personalities of other contestants.

"Strange... Why do I feel this attitude? Why do I look so familiar..." Guaguala supported his chin with his hand and pondered: "Sakurai Jinghe... How come you..."

Listening to the doubts of the two sponsors and the audience, Tsumuri smiled happily.

This feeling of knowing the answer only by yourself and others needing to guess and watching others suffer is really good.

"You climbed up from hell just to become a Kamen Rider again?!" Raising the chainsaw sword, Ba Niu's voice was a little distorted: "You really are..."

"I will die with half of the people in the city." Tiandao interrupted Ba Niu's words. There were too many fragments of will that permeated the entire city, so many that even if he, a cultivator of will energy, did nothing, he could feel the distracting thoughts that covered the sky and the sun.

Too many wills cried out and were unwilling before dying.

That kind of resentment and pain made Tiandao dare not radiate his will energy at all.

This was a more terrifying scale than the killing karma created by Da Shocker.

"I came back from hell and was willing to be sent out by those people." As he said this, in full view of everyone, Tiandao (Jinghe) took out a red... camera from his pocket?

"The flame of revenge against you is burning." Wearing the Xingtian driver on the belt that suddenly appeared around his waist, Tiandao raised his hand and pointed at Ba Niu in front of him.

"Your wish is to get the power to defeat all Kamen Riders, right? The standard for the Goddess of Creation to fulfill her wishes is to use the happiness of others to realize the happiness that belongs only to you."

"How many people have built up your invincible power?"

The coldness in his eyes was gradually covered by murderous intent. Although compared with this era, Tiandao is already an antique, but in the era where Tiandao lived, if such a thing happened to a Kamen Rider, who would dare to believe it?

The glory of Showa and Heisei, will it be trampled and insulted at this moment?

"For the happiness of the whole world, sacrifice the happiness of a few people..."

"That means!!" Tiandao suppressed Ba Niu's subsequent words with a louder voice: "Do you think you are invincible? Can you save the world?"

"As long as I am here, the Desire Grand Prix can no longer recruit contestants. As long as there is no Kamen Rider, the Desire Grand Prix will..." Ba Niu wanted to say something, but was stung by the cold ridicule.

"Stubborn." Red and white light began to wrap around his body: "No matter how much I say to you, it's a waste of words."

"You stubborn bull who never thinks he's wrong, you're the one who deserves to eat everyone's pancakes."

With Tiandao as the center, the originally windless environment suddenly blew up with a strong wind, rolling up the fragments of will that others couldn't see dancing in the air, as if countless people were shouting something together.

The strong wind whistled up, and the whimper of the wind seemed to be a curse with questioning and resentment, roaring hoarsely.

"Xingtian Armor, combine."

[Xingtian Armor]


The Xingtian Armor, which had been hidden by Tiandao since entering this world and had never been used, finally appeared at this time, showing its own glory in this world.

No matter how much it was hidden in the bottom of the box, no matter how much it was used as a trump card, when it had to be used, it would be used without hesitation.

The azure goggles flashed a ray of light, and the painting style was completely different from the entire Polar Fox world. It was not an animal image, but more like a Robocop-style armor, which was unveiled here.

"...Tai Li?" Seeing [Jinghe] transform in front of him, but not into Kamen Rider Tai Li, Ba Niu looked at this completely unfamiliar posture and was quite confused.

What is this? Where is your desire drive? Where is your ninja deduction? What is this posture?

"Do you feel it? The wind brings the questions of those who died and the hatred of their wrongful deaths."

He patted the card box on his waist and inserted the chip into the summoner. The Fire Sword turned from virtual to real and was held in Xing Tian's hand.

"Go, let's count your evil!"


Two heads came to the big screen, staring at the brand new [Sakurai Jinghe], both Guaguala and Gene were quite surprised.

"Do you also feel that this style is familiar?" Guaguala scratched his hair: "Let's not talk about this completely unseen posture, what he said just now, and that temperament, are not like Sakurai Jinghe."

"It's more like that person..." Gene silently added the last sentence, and after the two looked at each other, they said at the same time.

"Tendou Souji!" x2

"Didn't that guy disappear?" Gene asked back: "And this... is obviously Sakurai Keikazu."

"That guy can't be measured by common sense!" Guaguala suddenly became excited, and he was completely different from the distressed him before: "What do you think his power was before he became Kamen Rider-Red Fox?"

"We all overlooked one thing, that is, before becoming Kamen Rider, that guy might have been Kamen Rider!" Guaguala clapped his hands and said with certainty: "And that power, he gave it to Sakurai Keikazu!"

"So the current Sakurai Keikazu is actually Tendou Souji?" Gene asked back: "And this posture..."

"Just watch! The end of Tyrannosaurus is here!" Guaguala was in high spirits, his face full of excitement: "If there is anyone in this world who can defeat Tyrannosaurus now, it must be him!"

With a fanatical tone, Guaguala murmured like a believer.

"He can do everything beyond common sense, anything impossible!"

"No matter what you become, the final outcome will not change!" Holding the chainsaw sword, Ba Niu rushed forward bravely and approached Xing Tian.

"Your power full of sins gave you confidence, right?" The Fire Sword was raised, and Tian Dao snorted coldly: "This sin, let me judge!"

Judging on behalf of the heaven has always been the unchanging setting of Xing Tian's armor, and this is also the authority appointed by the Black God.

When the sinful Ba Niu met Xing Tian who was judging on behalf of the heaven, the relationship between the two sides was so clever.


The moment the chainsaw sword and the Fire Sword came into contact, the powerful buff effect, the special attack against Kamen Rider, did not trigger, making Ba Niu stunned.

"I am not Kamen Rider." Xing Tian's mechanical voice sounded from the inside of the armor: "Your power that only targets Kamen Rider is ineffective against me!"

Exerting force with his arms, Xing Tian pressed Ba Niu back, pushing Ba Niu's body all the way back.

The bonus only for Kamen Rider had no effect on Ba Niu, so without the wish bonus, he was just an ordinary Kamen Rider with zombie deduction.

He exerted force with his arms to shake Ba Niu's hands, and Xing Tian passed by Ba Niu. The Fire Sword passed by Ba Niu's waist, creating large pieces of sparks.

Without waiting for Ba Niu to fall to the ground, Xing Tian turned around and grabbed Ba Niu's cloak and pulled it back, and the Fire Sword was across his neck.

Without any nonsense, Xing Tian swung the sword suddenly, and the blade passed through Ba Niu's throat.

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