I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 729 What will the Heisei Knights be like in the Reiwa era? (Answers come quickly, but they g

Chapter 729 What is the Heisei Knight like in the Reiwa era (Answer: It comes fast and goes fast)

The fatal knight kick launched with the momentum of breaking through the air and driving the waves, this attack of Shining Agito is enough to kick the downgraded Black God to death with one kick, and the power is naturally beyond doubt.

But unfortunately, this attack must accurately kick the Black Demon Beast to be considered the key.

The dark universe core floating between the palms of the Black Demon Beast spreads in an instant and turns into a thorn ball, opening countless spikes like a sea urchin.

Under the conscious control of the Black Demon Beast, all the spikes are fired straight ahead, that is, straight to the front of Agito.

Agito, who descended like light, tore through all obstacles like a bamboo shoot, like a ship cutting through thorns and going upstream in the waves. These diamond-shaped spikes were bounced off by the protective wall constructed by Agito's knight kick, making a ding-dong sound, and could not enter his body at all.

But in this way, the power of Agito's special move was constantly weakened, and the momentum of advancement was naturally getting slower and slower. Until it stopped completely, and was even pushed back by the continuous waves to a farther direction.

At this time, it was actually the best choice to remove the special move, but Agito could not do it. Once he was trapped in the waves and removed the special move, the whistling spikes would instantly submerge him until he was seriously injured.

Facing such an opponent, losing power and being seriously injured would be no different from death.

Fortunately, the existence of Kamen Rider has never been alone.

Accompanied by the sound of the dragon's roar, the red Wushuang Dragon flew from afar.

As the second Kamen Rider to arrive at the battlefield, the gushing fire distorted the space with a burning high temperature, giving Agito a chance to breathe.

Although this was only a moment, it still gave him a chance to land.

Agito turned over and landed successfully on the ground, getting rid of the embarrassing situation.

The fire spewed by the Wushuang Dragon was instantly submerged. The dragon body dodged all attacks while swimming, successfully returned to the ground, and stood beside Agito with Longqi.

"What kind of monster is this?" Where is Soka?" Longqi came to Qian Qiao's side and asked hurriedly: "I remember you said you wanted to fight Soka?"

"...That's Soka." Qian Qiao exhaled and pointed to the devil-like figure in the sky: "I don't know why, he became like this."

"The power from hell? "Agito followed closely behind, even he felt that this existence was difficult to deal with.

You should know that his strength is not weak among the Heisei Knights, and it is truly ultimate.

But even if he launched a special move with all his strength, he couldn't even get close to the opponent.

It took only a moment to reminisce about the past, and the spikes that fell like a rainstorm had forced the three of them to leave their original positions, dodging left and right while moving, looking for a breathing space.

The dense spikes fell to the ground, each of which could cause an explosion, and each one could blast a deep hole in the ground.

Any attack has a peak period, and then it will decline.

But the Black Demon Beast seems to maintain such an offensive continuously, without any interruption at all.

"Let's go together! "Behind the Black Demon Beast, the space rippled. Wuqi and Siqi, who appeared in their final form, attacked together without reservation and hit the back of the Black Demon Beast.

The pinnacles of magic and technology converged at this moment, exerting the most brilliant crystallization and miraculous magic of mankind on the devil.

This is an attack that no Heisei villain can ignore.

But it fell on the body of the Black Demon Beast, and it couldn't even make it shake its body.

The shoulders shook, the body shook violently, and the two were blown away by the tremor between the muscles. It was difficult to stabilize their bodies in mid-air. They danced in the wind like rags, and then fell heavily to the ground, plowing the ground and falling into silence.

The power of the two Kamen Riders was released without reservation, and they couldn't even divert the attention of the Black Demon Beast.

"And us! "The whistling train came rushing over, carrying more Kamen Riders to this space.

Den-O jumped out of the train, gathering the power of Kabuto, Hibiki, W... four knights and rushed towards Blackmon.

Obviously, if the power of the two Kamen Riders is not enough, then more Kamen Rider power will be added on this basis!

But Blackmon also saw this scene.

"Is it the figure coming straight? What a ridiculous attack, you still want to hit me from such a long distance? "Evil Fire laughed mercilessly. Although it couldn't see the front, it was of course clear to it as it shared the line of sight with Evil Gold.

The Dark Universe in the hands of Black Demon Beast separated a part of its power, condensed the scattered attacks into entities, and turned into a black and purple beam of light that rushed straight towards the four Kamen Riders.

The dazzling light instantly enveloped the bodies of the four Kamen Riders and swallowed them in the blink of an eye.

When the light faded, the four people with black smoke all over their bodies also fell from the sky and fell to the ground without any deceleration.

"Ahhhh!!!" With a knife, he split the boulder in front of him, and Gaim roared and ran out on the ground, rushing towards Black Demon Beast.

But Black Demon Beast was standing in the air, and Gaim's figure running on the ground with a knife in hand was somewhat hilarious.

But it doesn't matter. He who made a huge roar was just a bait. He was not the one who really launched the killing move.

The purple dragon tail spread out instantly, wrapped around the body of the black monster, tied it tightly, and restricted its range of movement.

Oz tried his best to end the monster's life with this combo.

"Go! Moon Rider! Emperor!" Feeling the terrifying power coming from his tail, Oz knew that he couldn't hold on for too long, and hurriedly called the only two remaining companions.

The two who responded to the call obviously did not disappoint Europe's expectations.

The figure hanging upside down in the air was against the full moon, and the unfolded cloak was like the wings of a bat, showing his figure in the moonlight. The bright red eyes shone, and the power of the Demon King surged, bringing a stronger burst.

[Ultimate Attack Control]

And the one who acted with the Moon Rider was naturally the Emperor. He superimposed his own power with the card, and rushed out with the Moon Rider, and fell towards the black monster together.

"I told you, didn't I? You guys always like to launch impressive ultimate attacks from a long distance. Do you really think there is anyone in this world who would foolishly wait for you to attack?!"

The Evil Fire roared again, and this time, the five guardians, including it, spoke out in unison.

"Don't look down on us too much!!!" x5.

Five overlapping voices exerted force together, and the Black Demon Beast roared suddenly, and the surging dark power tore Oz's tail in an instant.

There was not even a chance for Oz to escape when he saw the situation was not good. It opened its hands and pulled Oz's body with the gravity of a black hole, forcing him to have no way to escape. Instead, he was pulled back and the neck was caught by the Black Demon Beast.

Not only that, the Black Demon Beast turned around and blocked Oz in front of him, acting as a defensive shield, blocking the ultimate attack of Moon Rider and Emperor Rider.


Oz was hit instantly, and violent sparks burst out all over his body. He didn't even have time to say a word before he was blown away and fell to the ground from midair.

At the last moment, seeing that the situation was not good, Moon Rider and Emperor Rider, who tried their best to restrain their strength, fell into a huge stiffness, causing them to not have time to evacuate. Black Demon Beast seized the opportunity and captured them with both hands, clamping their necks.

"Weak, too weak." Evil Gold once again made a proud voice: "Just relying on your strength, it's impossible..."

"Really?!" Moon Rider grabbed Black Demon Beast's hand and struggled to say: "Then... what about this!"

"Huh?!" Black Demon Beast was startled, and in an instant he felt a very familiar force surging from behind him.

That was... the smell of Armor Hero!

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