I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 730 It's the end of the month, brothers, it's time to give me the gold coins (clas

As beings that have been entangled with the Armor Heroes for so long, the Dark Five Guardians will never make mistakes about the power of the Five Elements.

It has almost become an instinct, an instinct that allows them to understand everything instantly as long as they sense it.

And in this world, if anyone can cause the greatest harm to them, it is of course this group of hateful Armor Heroes!

So, the Black Demon Beast, who turned back instantly, had already seen the three copybooks standing on the ground, slightly tilted, and aimed at it.

The three copybooks stood in a mutually beneficial posture, arranged one by one, and the final posture was completely formed.

"Five Saints Must Kill!"

After seeing this overly familiar scene, the Black Demon Beast immediately cried out in anger, and immediately threw the two guys in his hands to the side, so that he could free his hands to deal with the upcoming attack.

"Three Elements Must Kill!"

As the final and last killer, Tiandao will never let down this opportunity created for him by many Kamen Riders.

With the push of Tiandao's palm, the Fire Sword instantly penetrated the three calligraphy pieces in front of it, carrying the remaining power of the Three Saints of Tiandao, and rushed towards the black demon beast together with the final killing.

"Come on! Just three elements! Even the stronger five elements have not been experienced by us!" Both palms gathered in front, filling both hands with the power of the dark universe, and building a set of shields composed entirely of energy to block in front of him.

Facing the speeding Fire Sword, he was ready for a hard fight.


The sword of the Fire Sword hit the shield with a thunderous momentum. The high-speed rotating Fire Sword was like the most ferocious drill, emitting the most extreme sparks in the confrontation with the dark power.

Light and darkness, the world of light and the world of shadow, two interdependent but opposing forces are staged again in this strange world.

"Just three lines of killing, I'll fight you back!" After noticing a crack on the shield, the black beast immediately infused more powerful dark power to resist the attack.

For it, losing to the Five Saints' Killings was a great achievement, but if it lost to the Three Lines' Killings, it would never forgive itself.

You know, in this form, it has only lost to the Ultimate Armor, how could it lose to a mere Xingtian?

The power of the Three Lines... is not enough to defeat you! "The stalemate has made Tiandao feel a little pressure, and it is impossible to retreat at this time.

Tiandao gritted his teeth, and the other hand that was free immediately took out the chip of the God of War Xingtian, inserted it into the Xingtian summoner, and completed a further liberation.

"God of War Xingtian, upgrade! ”

[War God Xingtian, Upgrade]

As the mechanical voice fell, the red energy light was released from the armor, further liberating the original basic posture, showing more complex and powerful changes.

Since the War God Xingtian appeared, Tiandao's energy has been further strengthened.

But even the War God Xingtian can't bring any enhancement to the power of the three lines.

But it doesn't matter, the strengthening of energy is enough to make Tiandao turn the Fire Sword faster.

"Tiandao! Go!" The Heisei Knights lying on the ground looked at Tiandao with expectant eyes. All of them paid for the decisive blow at this moment.

"It's still not enough! "The stalemate will not change at all because of the cheers of others, but if this stalemate can be broken, the balance of victory will tilt to the other side.

It's just that... Black Demon Beast, who came to this world alone, is in a state of isolation and helplessness, and the world of Kamen Riders is certainly not just the Heisei Riders.

So, the Showa Riders showed up at this time!

They jumped out of the underground world and used the most powerful ultimate move in a transformed posture. The glorious Showa Riders released the convergence power of the Showa era to the back of Black Demon Beast with pure numerical values.

"Tian Dao, let us create this opportunity for you!" As the leader, No. 1 naturally took over the sound of these words.

"Let's attack from the front and back and draw the final curtain for this battle together! "

As these words fell, the Knight Kicks of the Showa Knights all hit the body of the Black Demon Beast. The absolutely powerful Knight Kick brought the possibility of a breakthrough to this stalemate.

Continuous explosions sounded behind the Black Demon Beast. The impacts again and again made it difficult for the Black Demon Beast to maintain its shield. The energy was cut off during the release process, but it was repaired in an instant.

The Black Demon Beast gritted his teeth and would rather die than retreat.

It would rather be attacked by these unknown Kamen Riders in turn than take the three-line kill of Tiandao.

Compared to the Kamen Riders who might hurt it, the Armored Warriors, as old opponents, naturally made them more afraid.

It looks like the Black Demon Beast is indeed at a disadvantage on the screen, but in fact, this is what the Black Demon Beast did on purpose.

"Come on, come on!" Evil Water shouted, "Don't underestimate the darkness from the shadow world! This darkness that can accommodate all matter, elements, laws, and even concepts, let you see it now! "

As soon as the words fell, the five elements of the shadow world began to rotate, releasing an extremely strong attraction.

Even if they are the five elements of the dark world, they are still the five elements. If they can achieve mutual generation and transformation among each other, they can naturally form an endless cycle.

Therefore, the Black Monster at this moment has undergone completely different changes from the previous Black Monster. Like a black hole, the power of the Showa Knights was completely absorbed by the Black Monster while surging, absorbing all the energy of the knights. Clean.

No matter how complicated the system of the Showa Knights was, it turned into pure power at this moment, and was transformed and absorbed by the black monster, becoming a help for him to become stronger.

The ability to absorb energy is not unusual for Darkness.

"Suffer it, our power!"

Just like positive and negative magnets being firmly attracted, after the Showa Knights realized something was wrong, they couldn't retreat easily even if they wanted to.

The legs kicked by the knight were sucked in tightly, and they became external batteries, and all their energy was plundered by the black monster with a forceful attitude.

Therefore, the Black Demonic Beast released pink light all over its body. Under the gaze of everyone, the Black Demonic Beast gradually grew larger and gradually transformed into a giant beast.

From its original body of just over three meters tall, it grew little by little, until after plundering all the power of the Showa Knights, the Black Monster's body also grew to a height of nearly 30 meters.

This is how abundant energy appears in the outside world, and the changes in his body shape naturally illustrate how terrifying his current strength is.

"Use your power for me!" The body shook slightly, knocking back all the Showa Knights who had been drained of their power, causing these people to fall like dumplings one after another, just like the Heisei Knights. On the ground.


Standing in mid-air with a body of more than 30 meters, the black monster opened its hands and roared wantonly, completely releasing the energy surging in its body, unabashedly showing its power.

"It's so enjoyable! You guys are not very good at it, but you are really great as a battery!" Obviously, this is the power from the sun that the Black Monster felt during the absorption process.

That was the power from the Imperial Stone in Minami Kotaro's body. It was not only as warm as the sun, but also full of creativity, which made Black Monster very satisfied.

Just like when a person eats delicious food, he will express his admiration from the bottom of his heart.

He took the initiative to break the shield in front of him, and the power of the three-line sure-kill was no longer able to pose any threat to the black monster. Just the power of shattering the shield completely offset the power of the three-line sure-kill, and even burned him. The sword flew away.

"Come on! God of War Xingtian!"

The voices of the five guardians overlapped together, and a figure more than thirty meters high swooped down, approaching the way of heaven.

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