I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 731 You don’t understand, the people of the Shenshan family are omnipotent in front of their

Do you know what the style of a giant demonized creature diving down from the sky towards an armored man is generally called?


One is Seven is still chasing me.

The other is why wdnmd Kageyama became Ultraman.

But no matter which one it is, it is full of complaints about a guy with a wrong style appearing in a life-size special effects set.

Obviously, this is the case with the current Black Demon Beast.

This more than 30-meter-tall figure is not good enough in the Ultra Studio, but in a life-size set, it is quite mighty and domineering, which is unimaginable.

So Tiandao's response is also very simple, that is, he immediately took out the second-order dial of Zi-O and raised it above his head. The rotating clock instantly affected the surrounding environment, stagnating the time flowing downstream, and then turned the notch of the clock to completely reverse it.

The power of the Zi-O Second Stage dial is the power to turn back time. In the original work, it can even change the fact that Kado Kado was killed, and reverse the death that happened to Kado Kado Kado, thus resetting the situation of death.

So Tiandao took out his trump card without saying a word, and used the power of Zi-O Second Stage to try to turn the state of Black Demon Beast back to the time when it was not giantized. This is better than facing this terrible monster in front of him.


Tearing the dial of the clock into pieces, the five elements of the shadows around Black Demon Beast reversed the mutual generation to mutual restraint in the rotation, and thus burst out a terrible power beyond the ordinary world.

The five elements restrain each other, push each other layer by layer, and superimpose each other. This is not a multiplied force, but a multiplication on the basis of multiplication, completely surpassing the limit.

The power of Zi-O Second Stage was torn into pieces, and the light emitted by the dial itself became dim in an instant.

Obviously, the behavior of Black Demon Beast tearing time has a huge impact on Zi-O Second Stage dial, and even makes the second stage dial fall into stagnation.

"Enough of the fancy power!" The overlapping voices of the five guardians emerged together, and the arrival of the black demon beast without any deceleration brought great pressure to people.

"Now, let me see the power of the God of War Xingtian!"


The swooping figure fell on the ground in an instant, and the rubble from the bombardment shook the sky and flew in the air. The traces of the ground crack spread to the surroundings, creating a barren land in an instant.

In the sudden smoke and dust, the God of War Xingtian leaped up, and when he was still in the air, he had summoned the fire and electric gun, which was a combination weapon of fire and lightning.

There was no aiming. Facing such a huge body, there was no need to aim at all. Tiandao directly pulled the trigger and fired a continuous beam of light into the waves, like a dividing line that could divide yin and yang, separating the real world from the illusion.


The sound waves vibrated the air, and the sound waves that spread outward flattened everything, and also shattered the beam of the fire and electric gun, turning it into countless scattered red light particles, flickering unwillingly in the air.

With one hand, he formed a hand knife, gathered his energy on it, and used it as a blade to cut off the strong wind that was blowing in his face. The God of War Xingtian took a step back slightly, but in the blink of an eye, he realized something was wrong and immediately started to change his shape.

The huge figure of the black demon beast suddenly appeared, and the heavy fist fell and hit the ground where Tiandao was originally standing.

Obviously, if Tiandao did not start the shape change at that moment and leave the original place, he would definitely not be able to survive with the heavy punch at this moment.

"Don't think about running!"

The overlapping voices contained cold murderous intent, and the black demon beast also disappeared from the original place, chasing Tiandao who was in the shape change state.

The two sides fought fast, flashing and jumping in the air, passing through countless streams of light. In the brilliant brilliance, one appeared, but left again in a breath.

The latter reappeared, revealing a murderous look of chasing prey, and disappeared again.

In front of the fallen Heisei Knights and Showa Knights, Tiandao, who had not fallen yet, was obviously their last hope.

"Fire Punishment Wind and Cloud Palm!"

The God of War Xingtian suddenly appeared, slapped his palms one after another, and huge flaming palm prints fell continuously.

The God of War Xingtian, who had landed in advance, had taken the lead in grasping the place where the black demon beast landed. The flaming palm print almost hit its face the moment the black demon beast appeared, making a loud explosion.

However... even if there were more palm prints slapping down, they could not cause more damage to the black demon beast. The burning ability of the Fire Punishment Wind and Cloud Palm was annihilated the moment it touched the black demon beast's body, and it did not work at all.

"Not enough!" Evilwood roared. It had always been hurt very little, but only at this moment could it feel the explosion of damage. It was so happy.

"Not enough, not enough, not enough!"

"God of War Xingtian! Is this all you can do?"

The black monster came with high pressure, and Tiandao had no choice but to leave the place to avoid being caught by the black monster.

If the fire and electric gun and the fire punishment wind and cloud palm can't do any damage, then the fire punishment Qiankun split is naturally just for fun.

Although there are many weapons, at this moment, it is indeed the last resort.

"There is no other way... I can only try it!"

With his mind set, Tiandao raised his hand, took out the chip of Tianlie Sword and inserted it into Xingtian Summoner. In an instant, the broken Tianlie Sword appeared in Tiandao's hand, becoming his last hope.

If the three-line sure kill launched by Huoxing Sword before was not qualified, then now he could only try again with Tianlie Sword.

"Three lines..."

The three-line sure kill that had just been brewing and had not yet taken shape only had a hint, but the black demon beast had already appeared in an instant, and one claw fell down to smash the three copybooks in front of Tiandao, and grabbed the sword body of Tianlie Sword with an extremely domineering attitude.

"The farce ends here!"

Throwing the Tianlie Sword away casually, the black demon beast's other hand quickly punched and hit the god of war Xingtian's belly directly.

No, with the black demon beast's more than 30-meter-tall figure, this punch almost hit Tiandao's entire front, and just one hit knocked him out, turning into a meteor flying into the distance.

"Don't even think about running!"

The five guardians were still not satisfied, and they started to chase after the armored warriors, determined to give Tiandao the final blow.

Therefore, the departing black beast did not see the Tianlie Sword thrown by it spinning in the air, and when it was about to fall to the ground, a white hand grabbed the hilt and played with it carefully.

"This is..."

[Yes, this is the sword that Tiandao used to fight against the world at the beginning, but because of its own characteristics, it was destroyed by the world]

Such a voice came from the mind of the girl with black hair and black skirt.

[I can't leave this world, so I can only leave this to you]

"Tsk..." The girl waved her hands, looking unwilling: "That guy, without this sword, can't he do anything? Where did his ability to open up the world go?"

[As the goddess of creation, I and you, who are also the goddess of creation, can lift the curse on this sword if we pray together]

In another world, the goddess with white hair and white skirt stood in the sea of ​​flowers she opened up, clasping her hands in front of her and communicating with her other self.

[Use our power]

"Tsumuli... I really don't know how much you are going to pay for him."

[Didn't you agree to come to this world so straightforwardly because you were worried? Tsumuli. ]

The protection that the frank goddess and the tsundere goddess jointly bestow on someone is enough to make them notice and descend when he encounters a crisis.

"Then repair this sword." Heizimuli held the Tianlie Sword upright in front of her: "Then, we will go and laugh at that guy!"

"He was beaten so badly."

"What a scumbag~"

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