I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 781 779 Yatales I will represent Heisei, inherit Showa, and welcome the future (Zi-O 01?)

Chapter 781 779: Yatales: I will represent Heisei, inherit Showa, and welcome the future (Zi-O/01:?)

The will energy flows through Tiandao's body in the surge, and radiates to cover the Decade armor, causing the Decade armor to be covered by strong will energy.

The power that moves with the heart will naturally change with the heart.

Will energy is the power that can bring miracles as long as you insist on yourself and believe in yourself.

This kind of power may be easier to accept if it is described with two other words.


However, this kind of power that can only be stimulated when the atmosphere and emotions are in place, representing miracles, can be materialized by Mingjie, and even used as a regular power to practice, develop and grow, which shows the power of Mingjie.

So it is not difficult to understand why the difficulty of will energy practice is so high.

Therefore, even if Tiandao does not know what the fierce fighting state of Decade armor is like, as long as he firmly believes: Yes, there must be!

Then the fierce fighting state of Decade will definitely appear.

Therefore, the Emperor's armor was in the energy of the mind, and the entire armor was wrapped in a brilliant red light.

The Kamen Riders he had summoned before also emitted a strong light.

"Ahhh!" Tiandao roared, and the heart of belief brought the power of miracles. As long as he wanted, the posture that could be realized was born at this moment.

"Emperor Armor! Fighting Upgrade!"

[Armor Upgrade]

The built-in language system, which was originally Neon language, instantly changed to authentic Shenzhou language. Not only that, the Emperor's armor itself began to undergo extremely drastic changes in the strong red light.

Jumping from one type to another.

A process from not existing to the first birth.

From not existing to the result that it can be achieved.

The posture that actually does not exist, the miracle that can be achieved in theory, was reproduced in reality at this moment.

Just as Tiandao himself is a miracle that transcends fate, Emperor in his hands also showed the possibility of transcending himself, and also made Melina, who was standing on a building not far away and looking here, tremble in her heart.

Beyond fate?

Decade armor?

Is it possible that Decade of Tendao could not have, but he could accomplish it?

"Decade's fighting state?" This sudden change, especially the birth of special effects, made Chonghuang Zi-O feel bad, so he stopped the action he was going to summon and carefully watched the changes of the Decade on the opposite side.

Does Decade still have a fighting state? Why in the timeline where he was, no Decade showed this appearance?

The card box broke in an instant, and countless cards flew out of it, circling above Decade's head.

It can be seen that in addition to the cards of the knights, these cards also have corresponding special cards, or cards for further form switching, all of which are suspended above Tendao's head, like a swimming dragon, stirring up countless gusts of wind.

Countless sound effects, the standby sound when Kamen Rider transforms, and the sound effects played when the form switches, and they are played in a progressive manner.

The loudest sound on the surface comes from the Heisei Knights of the new decade.

Noisy but exciting, just like the surging and vibrant future of the new decade, you can feel it from the music.

And the fainter sound effects that exist as the background come from the simple and unpretentious Kamen Riders of the old Heisei era.

Even though the Kamen Riders of the new era have abundant vitality and future, it is always the predecessors who silently shoulder all of this as the pioneers of the Heisei era.

"Fighting state! Upgrade!"

[Armor fusion]

Suddenly, a voice different from any familiar voice sounded. If it was a mechanical sound before, then this time it was a completely deep man's voice.

And this voice is not unfamiliar to Tiandao.

[Yatales? What's wrong with you]

[I received an order from the king to use your world as a springboard to go to the Ultraman universe and find the king of that world there. 】

Yatales' voice resounded in Tiandao's mind. Although the outside world was undergoing a passionate transformation, the face-to-face communication between the two still existed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

[Well done, the so-called willpower needs to be used in this way. ]

Yatales stood in the universe full of stars, his bright yellow figure was particularly shining, with the huge earth as the background, he gave a thumbs up and praised.

[Believe that you can do it. If you doubt yourself and feel that you have your limits, then miracles will not come. ]

[Willpower is the power that can call miracles, but what is really important is that you believe in it yourself. ]

[As long as you think you can, then do it, nothing is impossible. ]

Although Yatales is not proficient in the cultivation of willpower, at his level, his lack of proficiency is also difficult to compare to ordinary people.

This kind of humble statement is just for listening.

[Then, I will be your current combat state armor's intelligent system, stay in your armor and fight side by side with you. 】

【But as a mutual help, Tiandao, I need you to go to the edge of this world and take me to the passage between the universes. 】

【Can you accept it? 】

"Of course." This answer did not sound in the sea of ​​consciousness, but was acknowledged by Tiandao himself in the outside world: "I'd love to fight side by side with you!"

"General of the Ming Realm, the supreme general who commands thousands of soldiers, please give me more advice in the future."

[Just fight with peace of mind, I will do my best to assist you]

As soon as the words fell, the will energy on Tiandao's body suddenly burned.

If it was still the rising air waves before, although the armor was being transformed but slowly, then now, the will energy burning on Tiandao's body is the flame in the forge, melting the Emperor's armor on his body in an instant, and reshaping and changing it.

The original Emperor's style armor has disappeared, and a brand new look has emerged one by one under the joint promotion of Tiandao and Yatales.

The black leather jacket is matched with white armor, and the appearance of the body is revealed in front of him, which is the basis of everything.

And on this basis, brand new armor and brand new patterns began to be described.

The red breastplate covered the entire chest, and the emerald gem in the center of the chest was particularly eye-catching, flashing different lights like a roulette wheel.

The shoulder guards that spread out to both sides were the same color as the breastplate, but they were painted with undulating patterns, like the curve of life.

The azure goggles remained unchanged, and the towering sword-like decorations made his figure look quite sharp.

The next moment, countless cards hovering above Tendao's head flew down and attached to the new armor.

Forming shoulder guards on the arms, skirt armor at the waist, leg guards on the knees, and collars at the neck...

And more cards were spread one by one behind Tendao, gradually forming a black cloak, completing the final change.

The next second, three cards, representing the first Heisei Rider Kuuga, the last Heisei Rider Zi-O, and the first Kamen Rider 01 of the Reiwa era, floated in front of Tendao and did not move.

Tiandao stepped forward and passed through the three cards.

The golden horns on his forehead opened, the wheel on his chest turned into a blank dial, and the feet of his lower body added a touch of emerald lines.

[Kamen Rider-Yatales! ]

The moment the transformation was completed, the exciting sound effects also came to the end, but the high-pitched male voice also happened at this time, saying words that made Tiandao unable to hold back.

[You will represent Heisei, inherit Showa, and pass on the future! ]

The moment the sound effect completely stopped, it was almost like Yatales, who changed the color and some details, was completely formed and stood in front of Chonghuang Zi-O.

Compared with the real Yatales, apart from the slight changes, isn't there an extra cloak? !

Tiandao rarely complained.

Yatales, you are really good!

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