I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 782 Chonghuang, full fire!

"What's this?"

Obviously, the Chonghuangshi King had never seen the Imperial Cavalry in this posture.

No. I should say that the Imperial Cavalry like this is really still an Imperial Cavalry? And not anyone else?

"As you can see, Yatales appears in the form of a Kamen Rider." What Tiandao said was indeed correct, and it was indeed the case.

"Although it's like this because Yatales serves as the built-in system of the new armor, but it doesn't matter."

"No matter what the armor looks like, it just needs to be strong enough."

As he spoke, the blank watch on Kamen Rider Yatales's chest suddenly lit up, and instantly revealed the image of a Kamen Rider.

Then, five figures walked out from behind Tiandao, not from the card, nor from the gate of the times, but really walked out from behind Tiandao, standing on his left and right respectively. Side, and it is exactly the same as those Kamen Riders summoned by King Chonghuang before.

"No need to insert a card?" Chonghuang Shiwang was stunned. Although he didn't know much about other aspects, there was absolutely no way he could admit his mistake regarding the dial on the chest of the new armor.

The Imperial Cavalry system, which drives cards to switch forms, actually uses dials?

Is it even his own strength?

Without the need for orders from the summoners of both sides, the two sides collided in a moment. The battle of the knights summoned as summoned objects could not interfere with the two sides facing each other.

Again, the king versus the king, the general versus the general. The immobility of the coaches of both sides naturally means that the battle between the two sides has not yet begun.

[I can feel that the time flowing in this guy does not belong to this era. Is it from the future? 】

Yatales's voice sounded in Tiandao's mind. As a general of the Ming Realm, he was attached to this armor at the moment, which meant that his own perception was also placed in the outside world.

As a collection of four elements, he who dominates the ether can certainly feel this sense of time dissonance.

[He comes from the future, and I probably come from the future too. 】

The difference is that Tiandao came to 2016 from 2018, but the person in front of him is different. He came here from a farther time.

[Do you need me to send it back? 】

Yatales was not polite and spoke directly.

[In our bright universe, there are also a group of beings who often travel through time and space. They disrupt history, causing a series of butterfly effects to occur, and then triggering huge crises. 】

[The Catcher King is responsible for correcting the wrong timeline and arresting these rebels. 】

It can be seen from this sentence that although Yatales's main responsibility is not responsible for this, he is not unable to deal with such people.

"Don't worry, just play with him." Tiandao raised his head and looked at King Chonghuang opposite: "How about it? Your Majesty, the future Demon King, you might as well let me see your power."

"Shut up!" It's okay not to mention the two words "Demon King". As soon as he said these two words, King Chonghuang Shiwang jumped up as if he had been stabbed in the foot, and his emotions were extremely intense.

"I will never become such a king! I will never become the King of Demon Time!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chonghuang Shi Wang pressed the relief on his body, summoned the Hundred Insect Sword and took it in his hand, and rushed directly towards Tiandao with the sword.

The dial on the chest flashed with light, but in a moment, a weapon of the same style spit out from the dial and was grabbed by Tiandao's armor-covered arm.

This is also the Hundred Insect Sword.

The two sides collided with each other holding the same weapons. They were both blank weapons without adding any other insect instruments. They were also the most basic body swords. Naturally, they were evenly matched at the moment of the collision, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

It was divided with one blow, but in an instant, Chonghuang Shiwang threw away the Hundred Insect Sword, pressed the relief again, summoned the big orange pill in his hand, and stepped forward to chop it down on the head.

Tiandao, on the other hand, did not change his weapon. He just held the Hundred Insect Sword horizontally above his head and blocked Ouchimaru's blow.

However, the Chonghuang Shiwang in front of him is no longer the fledgling he was when he first got the space-time drive. Now he has quite a lot of combat experience.

The moment Ouchimaru was blocked, the blade of the sword moved downwards against the blade of the Hundred Insect Sword, and sparks shot out during the friction between the two weapons.

Using the collision of weapons to attract the opponent's attention, the free hand pressed the relief on the body again. The next second, the sword rider jumped out of the golden portal emerging in mid-air.

Holding the Awakening Sword, he roared and thrust straight down, aiming at Tiandao's fragile neck, hoping to kill him with one blow.


However, this sudden blow did not work, because at the moment when it was about to hit, the flaming saber protruding from Tiandao's back blocked the blow, allowing the sword rider to return in vain.

The Yajituo who appeared and the sword rider who landed on the ground were in a stalemate with each other, and they went away together. During the confrontation with each other, they also started fighting.

In an instant, the insect instruments flying from all directions swarmed around the Hundred Insect Sword, completing the combination one by one and completely taking shape.

When the emperor was worshiped, the king knew that something bad was going on at the first sight.

"It's too late!" The insect instrument returned to its position. Tiandao first stimulated the power of the beetle, causing the Hundred Insect Sword to produce a huge red light blade, making the power of this attack huge.

Then he activated the power of the thunderfly, setting off a storm carrying lightning out of thin air.

The sword tip pressed down, forcing the big orange pill to tilt to one side, and Tiandao leaned over and swept across, and the red lightsaber slashed heavily on Chonghuang Zi-O's waist.

But even if Chonghuang Zi-O had no defense at all, this attack did hit him, and it did not cause much damage to Chonghuang Zi-O.

It was just a slight stumble to the side, and Chonghuang Zi-O completely withstood this attack.

With his own armor data, the power of a single insect instrument used by the Hundred Insect Sword could not shake him at all.

"Huh?" But it was obvious that facing the fact that he was not knocked out, Chonghuang Zi-O himself was a little confused and did not expect this at all.

Tiandao immediately seized this opportunity.

Armored beetle, thunder dragonfly, sword scorpion, wasp.

The four insect instruments were driven at the same time, and the originally pure red lightsaber instantly became gorgeous. All the insect instruments were fully activated, and only at this moment did they burst out a terrible attack that would annihilate everything into atoms.

The four insect instruments were activated at the same time, and this attack did knock Chonghuang Zi-O out.

But it just made him fall to the ground in a mess and roll several times, with a few sparks on his body. Other injuries cannot be said to be non-existent, but they can only be said to be minimal.

"Has the power of Heisei no longer been able to harm you? Sokou Zi-O!" If the power possessed by Sokou Zi-O cannot harm Sokou Zi-O himself, then the entire Heisei series is just a joke for him.

But is this really the case?



After only a moment of communication, Yatales, who fully understood the requirements of the Heavenly Dao, immediately began to adjust his strength, and the dial on his chest locked on the first Kamen Rider of the Heisei era, Kuuga.

At the same time, the golden horns on the forehead of Kamen Rider Yatales also resonated with the sword-shaped decorations on his temples.

He lowered his body, and there was no special effect on Yatales' body, as if this blow of lowering his body was just an ordinary flying kick.


He lowered his body and ran. After a short acceleration, Kamen Rider Yatales soared into the air, and his figure in the air was in a knight kicking posture.

Chonghuang Zi-O, who had just climbed up from the ground, was ready to welcome him. He had his hands on the relief and was ready to summon the knight.

But in a flash, Chonghuang Zi-O on the ground suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by a brand new figure.

He suddenly raised his foot with one foot backward, and the side kick and flying kick collided with each other.

Both sides maintained this posture and looked at each other.

Yatales and Blade King.

Shenshan Tiandao and Melina.

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