I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 787: Abeluswaruz We aliens are not afraid of Kamen Rider, but

Chapter 787 Aberrut/Swartz: We aliens are not afraid of Kamen Rider, but...

"Hey, that guy over there."

Looking around, Aberrut's memory was still at the moment when he was about to be kicked to death by Soki.

But at that moment, the world in front of him suddenly changed.

From the desolate world where the two worlds were about to interact, he came to a brand new world.

As an alien, Aberrut could feel that this planet was still the familiar Earth. He had lived here for quite a long time, so he was naturally not unfamiliar with the atmosphere of this planet.

So now, did he merge the two worlds before being kicked to death by Soki and achieve the final victory?

"Not like that." Someone who was immersed in the power of his own strength also cast a concerned look at Aberrut at this time. He had always been unruly, but now he had such a strong power, which would only make his already proud character even more terrifying.

"I summoned you to this world, at the moment when your plan was about to fail, and when you were about to be kicked to death by Souki!"

Swartz maintained the form of a middle-aged uncle. Although he was either eating or snatching other people's food when he appeared in Zi-O TV, when he was not eating, he had a stern face and a sense of majesty without anger.

"In a sense, I am your savior." The pride in his identity made Swartz feel that he should be completely above Abelroot.

After all, Abelroot didn't know everything about him, but he knew everything about Abelroot.

"Savior?" Because he still had some doubts about this world and distrust of the shameless man in front of him, Abelroot did not rush to attack, but patiently said it in a pretentious manner.

In the Souki world, as the mastermind and the final BOSS, he did not lack this kind of patience.

"That's right. Am I not worthy of being your savior for saving you like this?" Swartz came to Albert and faced him: "This world is not the one you are familiar with. Although it is still Earth, it is no longer the same Earth."

"Just like the person you are facing now, although I am not a Founder, I am..."

As he said, Albert raised his hand and shook it in front of him. In his hand was a brand new Founder dial.

"You can deprive of the power of Founder that you cannot defeat at will."

Albert was not unaware of anything. In this small dial, he could indeed feel a familiar power. Even the Founder-Genius form that Kiryu Battle Rabbit had lost was looming in this dial at this moment, giving him great pressure.

"The power of Founding Knight was taken away by you?" Albert looked at the man in front of him. As an alien, was he taken away by an alien?

"Strictly speaking, the history of Founding Knight was taken away by me." Weighing the Founding Knight dial in his hand, Swartz turned his back and walked slowly, saying: "And you, just because of my pity, I separated you from the history of Founding Knight."

"Do you understand?" Swartz turned around and shook the dial in his hand: "As long as I want, I can destroy this Founding Knight dial at any time, and your life, the foundation of existence in this world will also be destroyed."

"You should understand, in that case, what will be your ending?"

Swartz smiled, he cut out the history of the ending of Founding Knight from "Heisei Knight Chronicles", just like taking a pair of scissors to cut off a corner of this work, and it became something he held in his hand.

And the condensation of this corner of the fragment is the dial in his hand.

The existence of Abelroot emerged from this fragment, and was completely bound to the Build Rider dial he held.

In other words, as long as this dial exists, Swartz will exist.

If this dial disappears, Swartz will naturally disappear.

Whoever controls this dial will have the power of life and death over Abelroot, and Abelroot has no room for resistance.

"The battle between me and Kiryu Battle Rabbit is just a story to you?" Abelroot's comprehension ability is not low. Swartz has said this to this extent, so he certainly can understand it.

But this is not for him, it should be for anyone, it should be something difficult to accept.

Accept that you are a character in a book; accept that you are a villain in a story; accept that you are just created by someone for entertainment...

The perseverance and awareness required to accept such a truth is unimaginable.

"Yes, that's it." Swaruz smiled and said, "And I separated you and gave you the opportunity to survive in this world for only one reason."

"There is a troublemaker in this world, and that troublemaker comes from another world, and..." Swaruz raised his hand and materialized a pendant in front of Albert.

This final boss who dominated the entire TV plot of Creation Rider and did not die even until the finale of Creation Rider, looked at the pendant, and his face could be said to be: subway, old man, mobile phone.

"The woman who owns this pendant is called Melina." Swartz looked at the image of the pendant and had no intention of materializing the image of that woman: "What I want you to do is to take this pendant from this woman!"

"Oh?" Albert rubbed his chin, and his figure in a brown suit swayed with a hint of surprise: "Is this pendant very important to you?"

"Of course." Swartz answered without thinking: "But don't think that this thing is of any use to me. Even I am acting on orders."

Said, Swartz raised his finger and pointed to the sky, with a serious face: "I am also acting for that adult."

"That. Adult?" In the past, when he was in the Creation Rider world, Albert always spoke like this and tortured others halfway, but now, when he became the tortured party, he also wanted to punch the riddle man in front of him to death.

...I can understand a little bit of the feelings of Kiryu Battle Rabbit in the past.

"That's right, the power of that lord is beyond your imagination. His figure is the greatest god! The ultimate truth of the universe!" Swartz's tone was full of enthusiasm, just like a believer who met the god he believed in.

"That's the master I serve, the king I serve!"

"What Oma Zi-O, it's not worth mentioning in front of him!"

Yes, every time robber wants to find a new king to assist except Oma Zi-O, but all the time robbers are just doing useless work in the end.

The vision of the time robbers is funny. The kings they choose are all worthy of being stepping stones for Tokiwa Sougo on the road to becoming a king.

But Swartz is different. He feels that he has found the real king, and the new king who can really serve wholeheartedly!

That silver figure, huge appearance, no matter how you look at it

"Even if you want me to find this pendant, you have to let me know what the woman named Melina looks like."

Glancing at the dial in Swaruz's hand, Albert took the initiative to lower his posture and chose to become the other party's subordinate.

But don't think he will be so honest.

"That woman cursed her face, and any behavior that dares to depict her face will be detected by her." Swaruz certainly knew that Albert would not surrender so easily, but it didn't matter. As long as he controlled the other party's life, Albert would not dare to be presumptuous.

If Swaruz didn't even have the ability and determination to subdue this guy, then he might as well find a dried salted fish to stab himself to death.

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