I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 788 Swartz I am definitely stronger than Abelut, he was killed in seconds, but I was not!

Chapter 788 Swaruz: I am definitely stronger than Albert. He was killed in seconds, but I was not!

"You want me to rob things, but you don't give me the other person's photo. You make it very difficult for me."

In fact, this matter is not difficult for Albert, but he is not the boss now. He is an employee now!

Even if it is not difficult, it has to be said to be difficult.

"It is indeed difficult." Swaruz would not think so much. Albert did not have an accurate understanding of Melina's strength, which is normal.

But for him, this woman can be said to be overwhelming all realms, which is not as powerful as they can imagine.

So when Albert said this, he did not think there was anything wrong. On the contrary, he replied with empathy, and then the face that was originally stern also revealed a familiar mask of pain.

"If you want to take the pendant from this guy, you need stronger power and more helpers." Swaruz paced back and forth. He thought about it several times in his mind, thinking about what kind of existence can unite with him to fight against Melina.

But no matter how he thought about it, there was always only one organization that came to his mind.


Although they are not beings that travel through time and space, they are also a terrible organization that travels between different worlds, builds bridges, and has a certain degree of control over multiple worlds.

If someone can deal with Melina, Swaruz's mind will first think of them.

But these guys are not a group of good partners.

If Swaruz insists on squeezing out the last drop of value and then abandoning it, then these guys will sweep away even the remaining residues of you, and even death will not let you live in peace.

Joining forces with such guys may not be much reward, but the risk is increased several times.

So Swaruz was a little hesitant, wondering whether he should form an alliance with this group of people.

"BOSS?" Albert stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Swaruz: "Is there anything else? If not, I will solve it in my own way."

"Go." Swaruz waved his hand, not having any dissatisfaction with Albert's choice. Not only that, he also gave him another dial thoughtfully: "And this."

Looking at the dial in Swaruz's hand, the familiar appearance, the particularly eye-catching shape, and the year of 2017 engraved next to the dial, all fully explained one thing.

Even when Albert saw the dial, the smile on his face was about to be lost.

"This is" After taking the dial from Swaruz's hand, although Albert had gained power, he was not happy at all.

Because the Kamen Rider engraved on this dial is none other than himself, the Kamen Rider he used before he turned into his final form (nicknamed Snakeskin Monster).

And this form is now condensed into such a small form, right on this dial.

Even if Swartz hadn't taken it out, Albert wouldn't have felt that he had lost this power.

"Don't be surprised, this is your power, I just returned it to its original owner." Swartz smiled and patted Albert's shoulder. Although both of them looked middle-aged, one was relaxed and the other was very solemn, and who was stronger and who was weaker could be distinguished at a glance.

"…Then I really have to thank you for your reward." As he said that, Albert raised his head and smiled. There was no other emotion added to his innocent smile, just pure joy and happiness for having obtained this power.

"If I have this power, I will have a better grasp on how to defeat Melina."



For a moment, Swaruz laughed up to the sky, and Aberruth also laughed out loud.

The two faced each other, and for a moment, the happy voices echoed between the mountains and forests. The malicious intentions full of conspiracy and calculation startled the flocks of birds in the mountains and fields. When they flapped their wings and flew high into the sky, they also dropped black bird feathers.

But only Aberruth himself knew how hard the hand holding the dial behind his back was, and how unbearable it was.

The next morning, Tiandao got up early and appeared in the Light Forest School.

As a physical education teacher, he was also responsible for welcoming students at the gate.

Of course, this kind of responsibility usually had nothing to do with him.

After all, in the eyes of the principal, how could this dangerous person who had improper thoughts about the students of his own school have the opportunity to stand at the school gate and admire those female students?

Ahem, anyway, this matter has been entrusted by the principal to the math teacher who he trusts the most and has the best ability to do things!


Tian Dao smiled brightly after patting the math teacher on the shoulder, with an expression that he had slept well last night: "What? What were you mumbling just now?"

"What about white silk and black silk?"

The math teacher glanced at the physical education teacher, and a glimmer flashed on his glasses. He had completely seen the sinister intentions of this guy.

Want to trick me?

No way!

"I was just counting the number of students who came to school today." Pushing his glasses, the math teacher looked normal, and his defense was flawless, not giving any chance at all.

"Hey, who are we talking to? To be honest, I am the only one in this school." Tiandao, who was about to continue to exchange a few words with the math teacher, was suddenly put on his shoulder by a hand. From the math teacher's glasses, Tiandao could see who was pulling him and pulling him back all the way.

"I say, classmate Gates, you are too disrespectful to the teacher." Tiandao turned his head and looked at the angry Gates behind him, with a helpless look on his face: "You are a powder keg that explodes at any time. Who has offended you?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Pulling Tiandao's shoulder and turning a corner to an empty alley, Gates kicked away the discarded cardboard boxes piled in the corner with an unusually cold look.

"I must defeat you here! Demon King!"

"Gates!" As soon as these words came out, Tokiwa Sougo immediately ran over and blocked Gates: "What are you talking about?! How could the teacher be the Demon King?"

"And the Demon King you have always thought of is..."

The latter words are not something that can be said in front of others.

But Tokiwa Sougo understands that even if he doesn't say it, Gates will understand.

"That was just my wishful thinking before." Gates took a deep breath: "After all, Tokiwa Sougo is just a name, and anyone can become Tokiwa Sougo."

"And the guy named Tokiwa Sougo who can transform into Zi-O is undoubtedly the one I want to eliminate!"

Gates, who inserted the dial into his waist and was about to transform, suddenly felt his hand empty, and the dial he was holding suddenly disappeared.

Using the white ribbon fluttering behind him, he pulled Gates's dial over, and Tsukuyomi grabbed it and said calmly: "It's a bit too much to suspect the teacher, Gates."

"Tsk" clapped his hands, Gates snorted disdainfully: "Then who else do you think it could be? Apart from that demon king, I can't imagine anyone who can both turn into Decade and travel through time and space."

"You also know that Decade can't do this."

After returning to the correct timeline, Gates and Tsukuyomi made up for their memories of past history, and naturally found out the truth about who the arrogant Kamen Rider was.

"But." Speaking of this, Tsukuyomi didn't know how to explain it.

"Tsk, it seems that Gates classmate will not let me go easily." Tiandao clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Is it the second day of work that has caused dissatisfaction among classmates? It seems that I am not a good teacher."

"It's really sad."

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