I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 789 [Yatales, the King of Demons, joins the chat group] (True King???)

Chapter 789 [Yatales-Oma Zi-O has joined the chat group] (True King:???)

"I see that Gates-san doesn't seem to give up so easily. Although I don't know where your prejudice against me comes from, but..."

On the surface, he spread his hands and acted helpless, but in fact, Tsukuyomi and Sougo both understood that these seemingly irrelevant words could only arouse Gates' anger and make him make irrational choices.

Tsukuyomi is Gates' long-term comrade-in-arms, and Sougo has also learned what kind of person Gates is during this period of time. Of course, he understands how lethal this kind of talk is to Gates.

"But what? You can't escape this time anyway!" As expected, Gates' expression became even more angry, and his eyes were full of ferocity, as if he wanted to eat the person in front of him alive.

"Your despicable fake appearance, I will personally..."

"So I give you a chance to deal with me." Tiandao said with a smile, and he would not be angry because of Gates's trash talk, nor would he fall into a state of unrest because of it.

"I know that Gates is a Kamen Rider, but I am not."

"I am just an ordinary human, I don't have as strong power as you." Tiandao said this sentence casually without knowing why it appeared in his heart, and spoke again.

"However, I can still accept the fight between humans."

"Want a fight? I'll give you a chance to beat me with your fists." Tiandao raised his hand and pointed at Gates, and said with a smile: "Let's have a duel between humans, and the referee's words..."

"Miss Tsukuyomi, leave it to you."

Tendao turned to look at Tsukuyomi: "Compared to this Gates who seems to have super male syndrome and the sissy Sougo, you are more pleasing to the eye."



"Okay." Tsukuyomi agreed: "But should we change the venue of the duel?"

"You choose it." Tiandao extended his hand to invite.

"Tsukuyomi, I leave it to you." Gates crossed his arms and his attitude was still defiant.

The final battle venue was in a park.

In the sound of the gushing spring falling and rippling in the pool, the wind blew through the flowers and brought fragrance to the nose, making people unconsciously linger.

However, this should have been a good place for leisure and relaxation, but it was broken by the sudden tense atmosphere, which gave rise to the rhythm of swords dancing out of thin air.

Gates and Tiandao were facing each other from a distance, and Tsukuyomi stood between the two as a referee.

"I still think that such a fist-to-flesh collision is not very good." After thinking for a long time, even though the atmosphere was in place, Tsukuyomi still felt something was wrong: "No matter which party is injured, it is wrong."

"Then there is no way." Tiandao spread his hands and said with a smile: "I am not Kamen Rider."

"Humph, there are no extra drivers for you to use." Gates snorted coldly: "And I don't think you will lack this power."

"You guys, are you still hiding?"

"Why did Gates slander me for no reason? I'm really not Kamen Rider." Tiandao shook his head and sighed: "And what kind of existence is Kamen Rider, I don't even know."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Gates yelled: "You are so annoying, Tsukuyomi! Can you open it..."

"Then use this." As he said, Tokiwa Sougo, as a bystander, quickly came to Tiandao, holding the time-space driver and Zi-O dial in both hands, and handed them all to Tiandao in the astonished eyes of Tsukuyomi and Gates.

Tokiwa Sougo lent his power to others. To some extent, he was giving his throne to...

"Do you know what you are doing?" Looking at Tokiwa Sougo's smiling face and the space-time drive that was sent out, Tiandao put away his frivolous appearance, stared at Tokiwa Sougo, and said solemnly: "If you want to be a king, you must have power, and your current behavior..."

"I don't think that lending this power to others means giving up my qualifications to be a king." Sougo smiled and said: "On the contrary, as a king, I don't think there is anything wrong with lending my power to my subjects."

As a king, Tokiwa Sougo certainly has the tolerance.

The kind of angry look of calling a miscellaneous cultivator and "you guy!" every sentence has nothing to do with the king.

Even if he doesn't know what kind of king he will become, at least he will work hard from now on.

"Subjects of your majesty?" Tiandao repeated these words, with a smile on his face, and he was obviously in a good mood: "I'm sorry, I'm not anyone's subject, nor am I anyone's subject."

"I am me, and I am also my own king."

"As kings, we can exchange what we have with each other, so..." After taking the space-time drive and the Zi-O dial, Tiandao's free hand fumbled in his arms for a moment, took out a dial and handed it to Sougo.

"I use your power once, and then you can use my power once." Looking at Tokiwa Sougo taking his dial, Tiandao continued: "This is an equal exchange."

"Your dial..." Tokiwa Sougo looked at the dial in his hand, and the year on it clearly showed 2000, representing the origin of this dial.

However, in 2000... Is this guy in front of me the Kamen Rider of 2000?

"Not Kuuga." Tiandao said only these four short words and stopped talking. Instead, he passed Tokiwa Sougo and stood in front of Gates.

Not Kuuga?

Tokiwa Sougo was stunned, looking at the red and white knight engraved on the dial in his hand.

The golden horns and the sword-shaped decorations rising into the sky made the image of this dial show a completely different look.

Different from any previous one.

"Using this power will only make me hate your identity more." Gates looked at someone holding the time-space drive, and did not hide his murderous intentions: "That means you..."

"Aren't you already aggressive? Will you let me go if I don't use this power?" Tiandao pulled the corner of his mouth and was really speechless to Gates.

"Mr. Gates probably hasn't read a book, so he may not understand that some things cannot be stopped."

"To use the words of a friend of mine, perhaps everything you are doing now, the actions you think you can change your fate, is precisely fate... allowing you to change your fate?"

After saying this, Tiandao raised the space-time driver and wore it around his waist in an instant.

This driver, which has been bound to Tokiwa Sougo, should not be used by outsiders, but in Tiandao's hands, he is also driven by him.

The spreading belt surrounds Tiandao's waist and completes the combination.

Resetting the Zi-O dial in his hand, Tiandao pressed the button and activated the dial instantly.


"The more you want to achieve, the less you can achieve." Putting the dial on the driver, Tiandao raised his eyelids: "The more you want to change, the more you can't change your memory."

"Those who play with time will eventually be played by time."

As soon as the words fell, a huge time clock appeared behind Tiandao, and the clock made a sound while moving.


Tendao turned the entire space-time drive around, and his words were calm, but a wave was generated in the flat ground.

The clock returned to zero, and the spreading wheel of time wrapped around Tendao's body, bringing new life in the change.

Masked Rider Zi-O appeared in an instant.

"You guy!!!"

Seeing someone really transform using Sougo's drive and dial, Gates was more certain of the identity of the person in front of him.

"Oma Zi-O! I will never let you go this time!"

Gates, who had completely forgotten what Tendao said, was already overwhelmed by hatred and anger. He only thought about fighting, cool! He could no longer think.

However, Tsukuyomi, who was observing from the side, remembered Tendao's words, and in his careful thinking, he sensed some unspeakable hidden truths.

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