I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 807 Daguba Tiandao-san still remembers what I said, I am so happy (Tiandao, go away)

Chapter 807 Daguba: Tiandao-san still remembers what I said, I am so happy~ (Tiandao: Go away)

"Hey! I just came here to take advantage of the situation and see if I can pick up some trash, don't do this to me."

There are wolves in front and tigers behind, no way to retreat and no way to advance. Haidong now feels that the Kroz dial in his hand is so hot, as if the power of the dial is leaking out and burning his palm.

"You asked for it?"

Clapping his hands, Tiandao was very satisfied when he saw Haidong tied up: "Not bad, it seems my skills haven't deteriorated."

"...Do you want me to praise you?" Haidong pulled the corner of his mouth and looked at someone over there: "It turns out that the rumors passed down by the time robbers... no, it should be said that the rumors passed down by the wanderers outside the world are true."

"Miss Melina, you really found it..." Haidong Dashu is also a being walking in different worlds. In the mouths of wanderers outside the world, the name of this woman is more frightening than the Time Administration.

Such a fierce woman actually found her destined king and was willing to offer her loyalty.

And this person is his old friend.

"It has nothing to do with you." Melina didn't even raise her head, reading the book by herself, but her cold tone showed the fact of her silent attitude.

"I gave you a chance, Haidong." Tiandao confiscated Haidong Dashu's lance. Seeing Haidong's unnatural expression after noticing that his treasure had been taken away, Tiandao sneered and spoke.

"Are you feeling sad now? I took away your treasure, and you showed that expression."

"Your current mood is the same as those whose treasures you took away!"

"If I don't let you feel their feelings, you will never understand."

Tian Dao snorted coldly, moved closer to Hai Dong, looked at his self-supporting appearance, and curled his lips in disdain: "You are a habitual thief."

"Such treasures should naturally belong to those with virtue." Hai Dong Da Shu's expression changed a little, and then returned to normal in an instant: "Just like you are stronger than me, so you took my treasure, isn't it natural for me to take treasures from weaker guys than me?"

"Don't change the concept for me!" Tian Dao is not the kind of person who can be fooled by a few words. Hai Dong Da Shu's tricky theory seems to make some sense, but it is actually bullshit.

"But, since you said so." Tiandao smiled: "I will return your treasures to their original owners immediately after I take them away. Will you also return the treasures you took away to their original owners?"

"Of course!" Haidong replied without hesitation: "With you setting an example, I will of course return all the treasures I robbed..."

As he spoke, Haidong Dashu stopped talking, not only because he calmed down, but also because he saw the half-smile on Tiandao's face, and immediately understood a lot.

"I'm afraid that the moment I let you go, you will run away." Tiandao said softly: "Then you will completely forget your promise to me and ignore it."

"Haidong, your credibility with me is not much higher than zero."

Not much higher than zero is also a high EQ answer. To use a low EQ answer, that is, I have never believed in Haidong.

"Tsk... You took my weapon away. I can't open the dimensional wall. What are you afraid of?" Haidong Dashu felt a little bit of pain. It was rare for him to tell the truth. Doesn't this guy know how to believe him?

At the end of his rope, he was really sincere!

"Whether you are afraid or not is another matter. You..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of Sougo's house was pushed open by someone. The door hit the wall and was repelled with a loud bang.

But before that, Gates rushed in with the unconscious Sougo on his back, and Tsukuyomi shouted on the side.

"Hurry up and save him! Sougo is seriously injured!"

The two of them were in a hurry and quickly sent Sougo to the room.

Tiandao glanced at Haidong Dashu who was shrinking his head and not speaking in front of him, and walked towards Tokiwa Sougo's room.

Haidong Dashu didn't dare to move, because even if Tiandao left, the woman sitting on the sofa reading a book was definitely a stronger deterrent than Tiandao.


When Tiandao walked into the room, Yueyomi was treating Sougo's wounds, and Gates was standing aside, exuding an aura of keeping strangers away.

Sougo, who was lying on the bed, frowned. His clothes had been stripped off. The dust on his face mixed with blood made him look miserable, but he was also being wiped carefully by Yueyomi.

There were many scratches on his arms, and a certain twisted power lingered all over his body, making Sougo's body look a little strange.

When space and time passed through Sougo's body, the two would be distorted at the same time, which was enough to show what kind of power Sougo was defeated by.

"This is not the power of the earth." Standing at the door and just taking a look, Tiandao was particularly sure of this fact.

Tiandao, who had communicated with the heaven and earth on the earth, knew what the power of the earth was like.

Although the world is different, the earth cannot change. It is the same.

"Did you meet aliens?" Tiandao thought for a moment before giving the answer.

"Albert, the strongest BOSS Chuangqi has faced, he is indeed an alien." Gates clasped his hands hidden under his sleeves, and the turmoil in his heart was obviously not the same as the calm on the surface.

"As expected of the King of Time, he was able to be hit by an ultra-ultimate blow without dying." But what Gates didn't expect was that Tiandao suddenly clapped his hands with a look of admiration.

This suddenly made Gates, who was about to explode, unable to bear it anymore.

Turning around, he grabbed Tiandao's collar and asked fiercely: "What's there to be happy about?"

"Do you know what the ultimate means?" Looking at Gates's face full of anger, Tiandao smiled and didn't care about this guy's incompetent rage: "Albert's sure-killer Zhuango can bear it. It’s okay, but what if it were you?”

"Can you bear it?"


"What is the ultimate?" Tsukuyomi wiped Zhuango's face clean, looked at the tense atmosphere here and spoke quickly, trying to ease it.

"The end point of evolution that the beings living on the planet can reach is the ultimate." Knowing that the few in front of him are illiterate, Tiandao didn't mind doing some more popular science: "And the existence of the ultimate , divided into ultimate power and ultimate life form.”

"The ultimate life form is an existence that is above the ecological circle and cannot be erased even if there is mass extinction of species."

"The ultimate power is used to describe those beings who have not reached the point of the ultimate life form, but have the power to compete with the ultimate life form."

"And once you reach the ultimate, you will face an existence called the [Ultimate Wall]."

"It is impossible to break through the ultimate wall by relying solely on the power of the planet. If you want to break through the barrier and see the farther scenery, you need the power of the universe."

Looking at the confused expressions of Gates and Tsukuyomi, Tiandao knew that his explanation was actually playing the piano to a cow.

The harm of not reading books is really great.

"Not the power of other planets, but the pure power of the universe."

"Albert, there is no doubt that he has controlled the power of the universe, broken through the ultimate wall, and transcended the ultimate existence."

I didn’t understand a lot of the first words, but Gates understood the last two sentences, namely how to become stronger and how strong Albert Lut is.

"In other words, is the power of the universe controlled by Alberto a black hole?"

Gates recalled the scene where Albert suddenly appeared and killed Shogo instantly with a sure kill. The black hole that opened up in that moment was a terrifying abyss that even light could not escape.

Is that the power of the universe that Albert has obtained?

"But Kamen Rider is not without the power of the universe."

With that said, Tiandao showed the dial in his hand.

A dial named Bastard.

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