I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 808 The four riders are done, I have become Tang Monk!

Chapter 808 Siqi: It's over, I'm Tang Seng!

There are many kinds of power in the universe, which will only be more than the power of the planet, not less.

No one should think that the power contained in the planet, whether in quality or quantity, can exceed the universe, right?

Aberrut is not an earthling. He is an alien who came to the solar system from other planets and came to Earth after destroying the Martian civilization.

He started his own plan here, and finally awakened his emotions on Earth.

He was injected fiercely by the Genius Form of the Creation Rider!

And the power he possesses, the characteristic of carrying the power of the universe, is the black hole.

When the star burns to the limit and the bright star in the universe comes to the end, the moment it is about to die, the star collapses and changes.

The collapsed star becomes an abyss that even light can never escape.

Black holes are one of the common phenomena in the universe and belong to the basic changes of cosmic phenomena.

But this change is controlled by one person at this moment and becomes a power that can be exerted with a wave of the hand.

The power of the universe: black holes, plus the ultimate power of Abelut himself, are enough to allow him to cross the ultimate wall, see the scenery behind the wall, and surpass those guys who are trapped under the barrier and can't move forward.

But obviously, in addition to black holes, there are all kinds of power in the universe, and different changes are taking place in various places in the universe.

And these changes are waiting for life forms to explore and control.

It's a pity that ultimate life forms are not common, and those with ultimate power can't stay in the universe for too long without any protection.

The possibility of finding the cosmic power you want in the vast universe is lower than finding a needle in a haystack.

What stands in the way of the ultimate becoming the super ultimate is obviously not just the existence of the barrier, but also various other factors.

Kamen Rider is also restricted by the wall and has to look up at the existence of the high wall. This will not change because of the identity of Kamen Rider.

But unfortunately, among Kamen Rider, there is a very special existence.


Unlike ordinary Kamen Riders, Siqi's existence is extremely special, which can be seen from his rocket-like appearance.

And this rocket-like armor brings Siqi a power different from other knights.

If the strongest power used by other knights is the ultimate power, then Siqi also uses the ultimate power.

But unlike the ultimate power of the planet, Siqi's ultimate power is the ultimate of the power of the universe.

The ultimate born on the planet cannot obtain the power of the universe because of the existence of the [wall]. And Siqi became the ultimate because he was full of abundant cosmic power.

The general ultimate lacks cosmic power, but Siqi is different. He is the opposite.

He lacks the ultimate power of the planet.

From this, a strange algorithm is derived, that is, any ultimate can cross the [wall] and become a powerful existence beyond the ultimate as long as it obtains the power of Siqi.

And Siqi only needs to obtain the ultimate power of any planet to cross the [wall] and become an existence beyond the ultimate.

Siqi dial, I think it is the most important power for Zi-O. "Tiandao said with a smile. In fact, his words were not only explained to Gates and others, but also to Haidong.

He just wanted Haidong to know the specialness and importance of Siqi dial, and then...look at his eager but unattainable appearance.

Not to mention that this can attract Haidong's attention to Siqi dial to the maximum extent, so that Tiandao can figure out what this guy's real purpose is.

He doesn't believe that Haidong just wants some equipment.

"As long as you use Siqi dial and match it with the power of any knight, when the ultimate power and the power of the universe are combined, it will be a natural thing to cross the obstacle of [wall] and become super ultimate. "

Tian Dao tossed the Siqi dial in his hand up and down. He could feel at least three eyes were fluctuating with the ups and downs of the Siqi dial. Obviously, what he said was enough to attract people's attention.

"Oma Zi-O, is it Super Ultimate?" Gates moved his eyes away from the Siqi dial. He was also the first person to move his eyes away and asked such a question.

"It should be more than that." Tian Dao himself faced Oma Zi-O, so he had a more accurate understanding of Oma Zi-O's strength: "He should have gone further on the road of Super Ultimate, touched the existence of another [wall], and even surpassed it. "

"It means that Super Ultimate is just one step closer to him, but it is still not his opponent?" Gates exhaled. This time, he completely cut off his nostalgia for the Siqi dial: "Such a weak power is not what I want!"

"What I want is the power to defeat Oma Zi-O! "

Gates growled. He had stronger desires, and this power that could only reach the super-ultimate level was not worth his attention.

Perhaps Gates fell into the devil's madness because of Oma Zi-O, but this persistence made him the first person who could escape from being captured by desire.

"Before defeating Oma Zi-O, let's find a way to get rid of Aberroot first." As he said that, Tendao threw the Siqi dial to Gates, and took a few steps forward. While he was busy catching the dial, he also put Krosz's dial in front of him.

"Albert's goal must be this." Tiandao signaled Gates to take the Crozier dial: "Having taken away the power of the Creation Rider, his next target will definitely be Crozier."

"I need to treat Sougo, I can't get away, and Sougo can't be disturbed."

Putting his hand on Gates' shoulder, Tiandao said lightly: "Can you do it, Gates?"

"...Who do you think I am?" Although Gates fell into silence at first, he soon spoke in the gratified eyes of Tsukuyomi.

He gave an answer as expected, although he said he hated it.

"…Whether he will become Oma Zi-O, I will personally witness it with my own eyes." Holding the Siqi dial tightly, Gates said firmly: "And you, I will never..."

"The life and death of the Demon King is in your mind." Tiandao said: "Whether you want to be firm in your idea of ​​traveling back to the past, or choose to give yourself the trust of your friends during this period of time, it's all in your mind."

After saying this, Tiandao passed by Gates and came to the unconscious Sougo's bed. He took out the Zi-O second-level dial from his arms and placed it in front of Sougo.

With the power of the Zi-O second-level dial, it only takes a moment to turn back the time on Sougo, allowing Sougo to recover to the moment when he was not injured.

But Tiandao didn't want that kind of effect, so he deliberately slowed down the speed of time flowing backwards, waiting for the moment when Gates made a choice.

This is the most important thing.

"Tsukuyomi, protect everyone." Gates held the dial tightly and told Tsukuyomi. After he left, only Tsukuyomi, who could still drive the Spacetime Magic Machine, had a certain combat capability.

So Gates could only pin his hopes on her.

"Go and fight with confidence, Gates." Tsukuyomi nodded. At this point in time, she would never let Gates down.

Putting the Kross dial into his pocket, Gates opened the door and rushed out to the outside world.

No matter what the cost, he would do his best to stop Aberruth!

"Tsukuyomi." Not long after Gates left, Tiandao suddenly called out to Tsukuyomi: "The Spacetime Magic Machine has an accurate search function, just enter the name to find a person."

"Yes, it does have such a capability." Tsukuyomi nodded.

"Then let's go find Kiryu Sento and Manjo Ryuga." Tiandao pondered for a moment, then said: "If I'm right, Kiryu Sento should have remembered everything he fought for as Kamen Rider."

"This is Aberroot's re-creation of Souki."

Souki was originally created by Aberroot, even Kiryu Sento is a hero created by Aberroot.

Aberroot will never ignore Kiryu Sento.

He who took away the Souki dial will definitely find a way to rebuild Souki again.

Just like in TV.

And Manjo Ryuga is Evol's son.

How could Evol leave these two people out?

"If Gates can't stop him, then Kiryu Sento will have to come." Tiandao squeezed his eyebrows.

"I didn't expect that Souki and Evol would meet again in this world."

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