I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 812 My group friend gave me a black mask. I am very happy. I will wear a condom when we meet

After the last stroke, the picture was finished, and Melina threw the brush away.

On the scroll in front of her, all the details of the battle between the Dragon of the Universe - Draco and Aberrut were covered, without any mistakes or omissions, so perfect that it seemed as if Melina had taken the picture herself.

With her hands open and her five fingers together, under Haidong's gaze, the messy scroll on the table that Melina brushed over became perfect in an instant. All the drawing papers were gathered together, self-revised and arranged, and finally superimposed, becoming a perfect... comic?

Melina even thought of writing a title like [Burning Battle! Aberrut VS Draco] on the cover.

With the pictures of the two men using their ultimate moves and the energy fluctuations that were manifested, the tension of the picture can be said to be extremely perfect.

Just when the book was revised, Haidong heard something falling to the ground. He was untied by Melina and immediately opened the door to look outside.

Except for the white smoke rising from the ground, the earth-shaking destruction caused by the battle between the two seemed like a dream. The two people who returned to the "real" world looked at the completely undamaged environment around them and understood what happened before.

Aberrut took off his armor and gasped for breath. The scene of the previous nirvana came to his mind.

Draco, who "came alive" from the distant universe, swooped down towards him.

The dragon swayed between the stars, but faster than Draco was the cosmic dragon Draco, which rushed to the front in the shape of a flying kick, that is, Gates.

Turning the land into a domain, falling in the dark night with the posture of a knight kick, Gates seemed like a falling meteor in the dark night.

Behind this meteor, the Draco was chasing.

More and more starlight appeared around Gates, and more and more meteors emerged from the darkness until they turned into a sky full of star showers, falling from the universe and flying towards Albert.

The dragon chased the meteor shower, and the starlight in the sky became the most brilliant brilliance at this moment.

The meteor shower was in front, and the dragon was behind, and finally all gathered on Gates' flying kick.

With the power of one person, the Draco meteor shower that was rare in a thousand years was reproduced, and at this moment, it turned into a blow.

As the first victim, he took the blow of the Draco meteor shower with his own strength. This move of the Draco meteor broke through Albert's ultimate move, so that his condensed black hole failed to swallow the meteor shower, and finally caused the dragon to break through the darkness and hit him heavily.

Although Albert detonated the pierced black hole at the last moment, he could not avoid the fact that he was hurt.

So after returning to the "real" world, he was forced to cancel his transformation and return to his human form.

Kneeling on his knees, he felt the huge physical exhaustion and exhausted mind after the defeat, and had to gasp for a few times.


The combat boots stepped on the ground with a crisp collision sound, and Gates could not keep standing. He knelt on one knee, but did not cancel the transformation, but still stood between heaven and earth in the posture of clothing.

It was clear who won and who lost.

"Is this... the strength of this world? I'm really taught you a lesson." Albert stood up with difficulty. Although he was seriously injured, as an alien, he was several streets ahead of the earthlings in terms of recovery ability. Even after such a short time, he recovered enough physical strength to stand up.

Although Gates was not an ordinary earthling, but an earthling from the future, it was no different in the end.

"Alberut!" Although Gates was half-kneeling, he still had the momentum of a winner: "Give back the dial of the Creation Rider!"

"You guys are always so arrogant to say such things in front of others." Alberut covered his chest, but within a few breaths, he had almost recovered and now seemed to have the strength to fight again.

As an alien, the advantage is fully reflected in Alberut.

"It's a pity that your emotions are not strong enough to surpass my power." Alberut laughed softly: "In my eyes, you are even worse than Kiryu Sento."

Kiryu Sento, that was the moment of the final battle, and he used the emotions that belonged to humans to burst out with extremely strong fighting power at that moment.

Although it was only a moment, that moment was enough to surpass any previous battle, and he would not give himself any time to rest and recover, and emptied his blood bar with one kick.

The guy in front of him couldn't do such a thing.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Gates didn't want to say anything more to this guy. Since he was the winner, it was inevitable that he would take what he should take, and he would not have any chance to speak to Albert.

Although he couldn't get up for a while, he was obviously better than the one who was beaten and released the transformation, and the winner was undoubtedly.

"It seems that I still need to let you understand the most essential difference between life and life." Albert smiled. Although he was smiling on his face, he was actually cold in his heart.

Gates's repeated unreasonableness and provocations finally made him angry.

Recalling the time when he lived on Earth before, no one could make him so angry.

He took out the driver again, transformed again, and appeared in front of Gates as a Kamen Rider again, which formed a sharp contrast with Gates' weakness that he could not get up at this time.


"I forgot to tell you that although you and I are both super ultimate, and you and I only have ultimate power but not ultimate life form, but"

Albert stretched out a finger, seemingly explaining something to Gates, but in fact, he was measuring how much power he needed to knock Gates down.

"I am only one step away from the ultimate life form."

Gates did not understand what this meant, but Haidong in the room took the time to look back at the new picture drawn by Melina, and immediately came to the window and shouted.


Gates looked back in surprise.

"It means that although he has never had all the ultimate life forms, his endurance, recovery, and energy are far beyond that of ordinary humans!"

"That is to say!!"


Before he finished speaking, Albert appeared in front of Gates, brewing a black hole attack and instilling it into his feet.

With just one upward kick, Gates, who was still in the transformed posture, was kicked into the sky, swallowed by the black hole in mid-air, and completely disappeared.

"In other words, I am stronger now."

Standing on the ground, Albert pointed to the sky with one hand. The moment the words fell, the black hole that suddenly opened again in the sky suddenly exploded, tearing the space of the sky apart, and also let Gates, who was in it, enjoy the killing caused by the self-explosion of the simulated black hole, how terrible it is.

Falling from the sky in a free fall, Gates was covered with black smoke and obviously lost consciousness.

And this scene, Haidong had already seen it in Melina's pen.

But he did not rush out to help, nor did he rush out to catch Gates, but sat beside Melina, staring at the painting pen without blinking.

The advance knowledge was enough for Haidong to put down his worries.

Just as Gates was about to land, a figure suddenly flew out from Sougo's room, hugged Gates' body, and landed steadily on the ground.

Turning around, Kamen Rider Zi-O held Gates in a princess hug and faced Abelud.

His body, which was seriously injured before, has now recovered as before, and there is no longer the misery and embarrassment at that time.

Obviously, at the last moment, he finally recovered completely.

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