I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 813 I have finished talking nonsense in the previous chapter, and I don’t know what to say i

"Thank you for your hard work, Gates."

Putting the unconscious Gates on the ground, Shi Wang looked at his charred and embarrassed appearance, his eyes hidden under the mask brewing emotions that were not visible to others.

At this moment, how do you feel when you see Gates like this?

What is flowing through my heart at this moment is more anger or madness.

Zhuang Wu couldn't tell the difference.

But he knows one thing clearly, that is, the person in front of him must pay the price, and the person who hurt Gates must be completely defeated!

Taking a deep breath, Shi Wang didn't say much, and directly took out the dial given to him by Tiandao from his arms. After straightening the outer ring of the misaligned dial, he pressed the start button.

【Yatales! 】

A mechanical sound came from the dial, and the moment the prelude played, Shi Wang strengthened his mind.

Although he didn't know whether it was right to use this one-time opportunity here, but as the teacher said, if you keep it as a trump card, it would be equivalent to having no trump card.

The so-called trump card is the power that you can use when you need it!

As long as you feel you should use it, that’s no problem!

"Yatales?" Suddenly hearing the power of the four-word Kamen Rider, Albert quickly straightened his mind, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

The four-character Kamen Rider, isn't that as powerful as him and Swaruz?

In his current state, if King Shi still has the ability to win, fighting him would be tantamount to seeking death.

After all, he is the one who can take Soki's power away, and Soki is a Kamen Rider who can kick him to death.

Rounding things off, Shi Wang is far more difficult to deal with than Gates.

And the power he is about to show now may be his true form that can take away the power of Soki!

"Want to have a wheel battle?" Albert raised his hands in front of him, and the black hole that suddenly appeared behind him enveloped him.

The space rippled, and Albert, who was in the black hole, obviously did not intend to continue fighting where he was.

"Let's leave the fight between us to next time, King of Time." Through the gap at the edge of the black hole, Albert and King of Time met their eyes.

Even through the armor, both sides can fully perceive each other's gaze.

The anger of the King of Time boiled in the calm.

Albert's murderous intention brewing in the coldness of the forest.

"Croz's power will stay with you for the time being. Next time, our second battle..." Albert's voice lingered in the air, causing the King of Time who was about to transform to put down his arm: "A pair of Whether it’s one versus two, there will eventually be a moment when we face each other!”

There was a hint of cold wind in the air, and Albert was no longer in front of him. King Shi stared at the empty space, put down his hand, and silently muttered someone's name: "Albert..."

This final BOSS, who clearly came from the Souqi timeline, confronted me, and even made me almost die once...

But with the Chuangqi Dial in his hands, he couldn't reach the upper limit of being able to defeat Albert.


Looking at the unused dial in his hand, Shi Wang felt confused for the first time.

"You are so confused!"

He slapped Zhuangwu on the head. When the latter covered his head and cried out in pain, Tiandao returned to his seat and looked at Shiwang with disdain.

"Compared to that guy over there who is sleeping on the bed, you are stronger than him. Why are you still confused?"

"Are you confused about how to use the power of Chuangqi? Then go and use the power of Chuangqi even more."

"Are you confused about Albert's actions? Then go find out why he did what he did."

"Or do you feel confused about taking away the knight dial?"

Three different directions were given in succession, and Tiandao was also observing Zhuangwu's expression to see which of the three could touch his mind.

Then Tiandao discovered that all three were touched.

"Albert is not Souqi's opponent, he will definitely be defeated by Souqi." Zhuang Wu's voice was a little dry, and it was obvious that he had confused questions about his behavior: "But facing the same opponent, But I was unable to suppress Albert in any way, even when we met face to face for the first time..."

"No need to worry about it." Melina took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Faced with Alberut in black hole form + trigger, Kiryu War Rabbit can't fight with the basic form."

Don't ask, although the finale of the Souqiu is indeed the final sublimation of the basic Souqiu and then kicks Alberut to death, but at that time Alberut was not in the form of a black hole trigger, but in the form of a basilisk.

So facing Alberut in the form of a black hole trigger, Basic Build Rider is really looking for death: JPG.

"Since you feel that you have not developed enough, then develop the Genius form of Chuangqi." Melina said lightly: "In the end, Chuangqi will be able to compete with the black hole trigger."

"Chuangqi-genius form?" Zhuangwu was stunned, but he was not surprised by this statement. After all, although he himself was not the final one yet, he was not too generous in changing forms.

"That's right, as long as you activate the genius form, you will gain unstoppable power." Although she didn't know why, Melina had a faint smile when she said this, but among the many people present, not much Knowing what she meant behind her smile, she simply didn't care about it.

"By the way, who are you?" Tsukuyomi had been focusing on Kaido since the beginning, especially when she saw him sitting on a chair as if he was familiar with everyone, she felt embarrassed.

"Me? My name is Kaido Dashu." Kaido waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"I am an old friend of Tian... Kado Shishi. You guys can talk about your own things, don't worry about me."

Haidong, who almost exposed Tiandao's name, remembered the awkward play of the two at the last minute, so he changed his words urgently and quickly said Kado Shishi's name.

"Really?" But Tsukuyomi would not believe it so easily. She still retained a trace of suspicion and looked at Haidong up and down, trying to see a possibility of mischief from him.

"Okay, since you are so unconfident." Tiandao said, and handed the Siqi dial he had picked up before to Sougo: "Then fight with me."

"Ah?" Sougo's mind didn't turn around, and he didn't quite understand why he turned to this aspect.

"If you don't have confidence, I will give you some confidence. If you are not strong enough, then grow in the battle." Tiandao snorted coldly: "But you have to be prepared to fight with me."

"I will not show mercy."

Because of the long-term communication with Shenshan Xinzhe, Tiandao felt that he was still very experienced in how to teach people.

After all, Shenshan Xinzhe had demonstrated it in person, Tiandao could do it even if he copied it.

"...If it's a teacher, I'm willing!" Sougo clenched his fists: "I have to become stronger!"

"In this way...I can protect everything around me!"

Little did he know that Sougo, who had found a "father" for himself, was now clenching his fists, with a face full of ambition and enthusiasm.

The boiling blood at this moment will only make him regret it in the future.

He will soon taste the price of gaining power.

"Those two guys! What's going on!"

The three time robbers escaped from the battlefield under the super collision, still in shock.

Although the three were only affected by the attack instead of being directly hit, even if it was just the aftermath, it was far beyond the endurance limit of the three.

After using their own means to escape, the three who were separated reappeared at the port. Ur covered his chest, sweat trickled down his forehead, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Even if he escaped from death, he was still frightened.

"Hey, boy." Ur, who was still in a tense state, was like a frightened bird. Even if it was just an ordinary greeting, he was startled.

After taking several steps back, Ur looked at the other party with a frightened look.

A man with a straw hat on his head, a red and white plaid shirt, a wreath around his neck, and a fishing rod in his hand sat on a rock, staring at the sea with his eyes fixed on it. In the sparkling waves, the waves of life were washed away.

The magenta camera and juice and vegetables placed on the side were placed together, which seemed to be a wonderful vacation time.

Ull rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw.


"Shh, don't talk." The man raised his finger to his mouth and whispered.

"The fish is about to be hooked."

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