I’m Really Not Targeting the Mages

048 The Forbidden Curse of Exterminating the World (Please recommend)

Cindy nodded helplessly.

The two came to a deserted place.

The Dragon Priest straightened out his thoughts and said slowly:

"Before you tell the essentials, you have to know a little bit.

In Mystra, there used to be a very ancient kingdom.

Its name is "Taron". "

Roger said calmly:

"I already know that."

Cindy was not surprised.

She just nodded, and then asked with a smile in her eyes:

"Then do you know that there are other prehistoric civilizations besides Taren? "

Roger shook his head honestly.

The Dragon Priest looked straight at Roger with his exotic eyes, and his tone gradually became serious:

"The Ethereal Society". "

"This is another synonym for prehistoric civilization."

Roger raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Magic civilization?"

In Mystra, the aether is the old name for the element.

Cindy affirmed, "Indeed."

"According to the information we have, Taren was once the ruler of Mystra, and Taren's king sits on all the territory of this planet.

until the catastrophe struck—

I believe you have heard it from other places, it is a very terrifying "world-destroying curse".

The curse destroyed Talon.

Since then, Mystra has been plagued by magical pollution, and only a handful of people survived the disaster.

Horrible magical pollution has made the planet's environment uninhabitable.

But at the same time, it also quickly gave birth to a more prosperous magic civilization.

And the leader of this magical civilization is the "Ether Society" I just mentioned.

Not long after.

The "Ethereal Society" replaced Tarun's rule and became the supreme regime of Mystra.


Speaking of this, Roger, who had already had an ominous premonition, slowly picked up the conversation:

"However, the "Ether Society" has also become a prehistoric civilization. "

Cindy pursed her lips and nodded subconsciously:

"That's right."

"The "Ether Society" was also destroyed by the curse of the world-destroying curse. "

"This is the secret I'm going to tell you—the curse of the world annihilation, not just once."

Roger took a deep breath.

Following Cindy's description, his thinking jumped quickly.

"Talen and the Aether Society were destroyed by the "Forbidden Curse of Destruction" at two points in time respectively. "

"There is a first time, there is a second time, there will naturally be..."

"the third time!"

That moment.

Roger's face became extremely ugly.

What a bad secret!

If what Cindy said is true, then Mystra's situation is ten thousand times worse than he imagined!

"When is the third time of the forbidden curse?"

After a while, he calmed down and asked.

Cindy's slender eyelashes trembled slightly:

"After killing Humphrey, I will tell you the exact time."

"If you're interested, we can chat about some gossip."

Roger was silent for a while, his voice somewhat dry:


"The value of this secret... is indeed enough."


From Cindy's mouth.

Roger got three secret messages about the "Forbidden Curse of Destruction".

The first one is about the curse itself.

Destroy the two forbidden curses of Taron and the Aether Society.

In fact, it is the embodiment of a spell in two time periods.

in other words.

The forbidden spell released by the gods not only cleans Mystra in all directions in space.

The same is true in time.


The second and third articles are related to the "Ether Society".

After the destruction of Taron.

The "Ether Society" has conducted in-depth research on the forbidden curse of eradicating the world.

Their leader wrote the precious research content into a manuscript.

It's a pity that the second curse came too suddenly, and this manuscript was buried in the dust of history.

The mother of Sitaroya Muse was a powerful emerald dragon lord.

She once visited the leader of the ether society.

According to her memory.

The manuscript was kept in a floating laboratory, which was guarded by a large number of arcane constructs.

After the collapse of the Aether Society, the Emerald Dragon Lord once went to the ruins to find this manuscript.

It's a pity that I returned without success.

And before the second World Annihilation Forbidden Curse came.

Some mages with a sense of crisis predicted the arrival of the forbidden spell in advance.

They are going to work together to build a "golden house" that is immune to magic, hoping to survive this catastrophe.

But some accidents happened during the casting process of the golden house.

Then nothing happened.

The Lord of the Emerald Dragons has also searched for traces of the Golden House.

But because of some special reasons, she was forced to leave the remains of the Aether Society.

She finally left Mystra after giving birth to Muse's brood of dragon eggs.

And the remains of the ether society are now called——

gem city.


taron. Qingquanzong headquarters. ether society.

All the clues point to Gem City.

This made Roger a little itchy.

this night.

He stayed up all night.

All brain cells are extremely active, and they have been deliberating over and over again the deep logic hidden behind this information.

Why did the gods want to destroy the world?

The mages of the Aether Society encountered an accident in the process of building the golden house, but was it really just an accident?

Where are the golden house and the secret manuscript now?

How did Sitaroya Muse's mother survive the curse? Physical resistance?

Cindy mentions that she left Mystra and went to other planets.

Then how did she do it?


Roger felt as if a Hundred Thousand Whys was on fire in his head.

There are too many things he wants to know!

He repeatedly forced himself to calm down and not think about it, and then he fell asleep at dawn.

Dusk the next day.

Roger, who temporarily put these problems behind him, embarked on the road to assassinate Humphrey.

Head north on Lettuce Avenue.

Then follow Cindy's guidance and turn to the east.

After walking for more than ten miles, Roger saw some low buildings among the reeds.

This is the gathering place of the refugees from the Zedi.

After the gray dwarves flooded into Huangshi Island, they had a fierce conflict with the refugees.

Humphrey originally wanted to join forces with the duergar.

Who knew that the irritable gray dwarves drove away the swamp refugees first.


Humphrey built a village in the east of Huangshi Island to absorb the countless refugees in the swamp.

After leaving Huangshi Island.

His power seems to be on the rise.

It was getting dark.

Under the cover of the reeds, Roger gradually approached the village of the refugees in the swamp.

Along the way, he saw many swamp refugees.

These people are very scruffy in appearance.

Although it has a human-like appearance, its aura is not much different from that of a monster.

Like the duergar, the marsh rogues have warts, large and small, on their necks.

They seem to have difficulty controlling their emotions.

Roger had seen more than once the scene of violent wrestling among the swamp folk.

Their eyes are glazed, their faces numb.

Sometimes just stand there motionless, like a statue.

But sometimes, like zombies, they bite at any creature that approaches them.

Roger silently tested it with the Guilty Mark.


In the judgment of the mark of evil, the swamp refugees belonged to the category of "monsters".

However, he did not attack these people, but quietly walked around.


Outside the village of Zedi, in a heavily guarded orchard.

With the help of Ti Yunzong's skills, Roger easily climbed over the five-meter-high wall and entered the orchard.

A strong and blazing magical breath rushed over.

"What a high abundance of magic power."

Roger pinched his nose and touched one of the fruit trees.

There are sparse yellow fruits growing on the fruit trees.

He grabbed one casually and checked it in the palm of his hand.


"Dirty Fire Orange (Magic Power Abundance 13): A highly distorted magical plant, eat with caution"


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