Fire oranges are similar in appearance to oranges.

But there was a weird smell from the inside out.

In the field of vision of the qi-watching technique, Roger could see that every fire orange tree was filled with blood energy soaring to the sky.

Its thickness is comparable to that of the Red Tide Corpse.

With a solemn expression, he groped into the depths of the orchard.

There, he found a large number of traces of hand-picking.

"It seems that Cindy didn't lie to me."

"Humphran has been growing this fire orange."

"In order to attack the village of Longya, he was ruthless and ruthless. He could do such insane things."

Roger was clear.

These fire oranges are for the refugees of the swamp.

The marshlanders were originally descendants of humans who survived the disaster.

Under the years of magic pollution.

Both their brains and torsos were severely deformed.

Therefore, most of the marshlanders have also mastered some "spell-like" abilities. (Note 1)

Compared with real spells, these spell-like abilities are of course just child's play.

It can only be called "magic" at best.

Even the strongest among the Zedi refugees lost their subsequent ability to cast spells after throwing two or three "Little Fire Bullets".

Therefore, the magic ability of the Zedi refugees has always been not worth mentioning.

But in the last friction with Longya Village, Cindy found that the spell-like abilities of the refugees in the swamp had been greatly enhanced!

Humphrey even set up three "Mage-like groups".

They directly obeyed Humphrey's orders and used spells with similar elements, causing great damage.

According to Cindy's after-the-fact calculations.

The destructive power of a "mage-like group" is equivalent to a normal mage at the peak of the 1st ring.

This is very abnormal!

The spell-like ability of the Zedi refugees has lasted for decades, even if there is room for enhancement and improvement, it will not appear so suddenly.

The problem lies in this kind of "fire orange".

After several months of undercover investigation by Cindy.

She discovered an astonishing fact——

Consuming fire oranges can greatly enhance the spell-like abilities of the marshes.

With a little training, an ordinary refugee can become a member of the "Mage-Like Group".

Taking a large amount of fire oranges for a short period of time can push this strengthening to the extreme.

But everything has a price.

Consuming fire oranges will greatly shorten the lifespan of the swamp refugees.

Zedi refugees generally live to be 30 years old.

However, after taking Huotangerines, many refugees have died of sarcoma bursting on their necks.

The death was said to be very tragic.


In fact, Longya village originally wanted to migrate normally.

But the way to the east was blocked by Humphrey.

He not only has the "Mage-like group" in his hand, but also the ballista traded from the gray dwarves.

The latter is what Sitaroya Muse fears the most.

No matter how powerful her blood is, she is just a young dragon now.

If you are not careful, you will be slaughtered.

And Humphrey himself also has the power to make the emerald dragon feel jealous.

That's why the migration road of Longya Village has been delayed.

This situation may have been stalemate.

Until Humphrey accumulated enough strength to launch a full-scale attack.

But the appearance of Roger changed all that.


Leaving the orchard in the dark.

Roger drove the shadow cloak and mixed into the village of the refugees in the swamp.

Compared with the reeds, the building condition here is slightly better.

The people who live there also seem to be awake most of the time.

But compared with Tongma Town.

It's more like a village built by goblins.


"There's a there anyone in line ahead?"

Roger touched it cautiously.

Ahead is an open field, possibly a small square.

Two queues, one left and one right, are proceeding in an orderly manner.

All are very quiet.

This is not common in settlements of marshlanders.

Roger observed for a while and found that the team on the left was mostly men, while the team on the right was all women.

Males are generally over the age of 15.

Females are the opposite, under 15 years of age.

The youngest looks to be in his early 10s.

At the end of the male queue are baskets of fire oranges.

The person in charge of distributing the fire oranges was a big man with scars all over his face.

The sarcoma on his neck was swollen very badly.

His movements are agile and his speech is fast:


"Quick, next."

The people in the queue stepped forward one by one, and left after receiving.

Roger noticed.

Each Zedi refugee can receive two fire oranges.

All the people who received the fire oranges devoured them impatiently, even reluctant to peel off the skin.


Scarface was talking, when suddenly there was a bang!

A man who had just finished receiving fire oranges had his head exploded without warning!

A lot of blood spattered out.

Part of it splattered on Scarface's lips and face.

The latter licked his lips, poohed, and then wiped his face with the colorless clothes.


He said.

The team moved forward slowly.

No restlessness, no sound.

Only the numb faces of the refugees from the swamp.

Roger stared silently at the headless corpse.

Can not speak for a long time.


Leave the male queue.

Roger approached the other team.

Compared with the numbness and hunger of the men, the situation of this team seems to be a little different.

It's all quiet though.

But Roger clearly felt that the faces of these girls were full of longing and joy.

This procession is leading to a big house.

There are guards guarding the door of the house.

These guards also looked sallow and emaciated.

Roger touched it lightly.

Along the way he heard girls whispering:

"I heard that after becoming Lord Humphrey's bride, you can receive a small basket of fire oranges at once."

"Then you don't have to go hungry."

"I really hope I can be more confident and have more children for Mr. Humphrey..."

Roger stopped in his tracks.

It wasn't that the words of these girls had a great impact on him.

Instead, he saw a "gem of true knowledge"!

This thing is very restrained from the ability of the stealth class.

He wasn't sure if the Cloak of Shadows could defeat the effects of the Gem of Knowledge.

After hesitating for a while, he chose a detour and went around to the back of the big house.

With the help of the ladder, he climbed up the high fence and carefully looked into the courtyard.

Just at this time, a young girl walked out of the house in a faltering manner.

She was still carrying a small basket of fire oranges.


The girl suddenly cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

Roger's eyelids twitched.

The girl's originally flat lower abdomen swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just ten minutes, it swelled to the point of being pregnant in October.

She rolled on the ground in pain.

Someone ran out of the house, and the reprimand was indifferent:

"If you are told to leave after giving birth, you will not listen."

"Now you have to trouble us."

The girl was sweating from the pain on her forehead, but finally someone came to help.

not for a while.

The sound of falling to the ground came from the courtyard.

Roger witnessed the process of the baby growing from the ground to the size of five or six years old.

It only took an hour or so.

This is definitely not something that can be explained by distortion!

This girl just entered the big house today.

When she came out, she brought a five or six-year-old boy with her.

Her face has also aged more than ten years!

Roger held his breath, and looked at the big house carefully with the breath-look technique again.

In addition to the more intense blood.


He was about to get a little more aggressive and go deep into the big house.

At this moment, the data column that had been silent for a long time finally moved.


"The number of rings of your specialty - Breathing Technique has been increased"

"The priority of the hope skill has been greatly improved"

"You got new information"

"You are aware of the ritual of the Blood God"


(Note 1: Spell-like spells, that is, special abilities similar to spells, the difference is that spells are acquired after learning, while spell-like spells are born naturally)

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