
"You are aware of the ritual of the Blood God"

"The Ritual of the Blood God: A mysterious ritual, the creatures in the ritual will gain a great desire to reproduce and the speed of reproduction, at the cost of the vitality of the mother's body"

"Insight (+60) takes effect!" (Note 1.)

"You perceive the statue of the blood god"


In the dark.

Roger's eyes seemed to have penetrated the obstacles of the big house, and saw a mysterious stone statue.

The stone statue has only a head, eyes but no pupils, and the inverted triangle face is covered with fine lines of blood.

Roger only looked at it for a short while before he felt some pain in his temple.

"Sure enough, are you a cultist again?"

When he was in the orchard, he vaguely guessed Humphrey's background.

And now, his guess has been confirmed.

Although I don't know the origin of this blood god, but it is the source of all abnormal phenomena.

Maybe Humphrey is just a pawn.

No wonder even the Emerald Young Dragon felt afraid.

But Roger didn't mean to give up.

Mystra is where the cultists run all over the place.

If he encounters one and runs away, then he may really have to stay in Xinshou Village for the rest of his life.

"Keep watching."

While the people in the yard left.

Roger rolled in.

After a few vertical leaps, it disappeared into the darkness.


the following few days.

Roger was collecting intelligence in the villages of the swamp refugees.

Sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake.

For Roger, he will only choose to make a move if he is fully prepared.

Things were bad in the village.

Humphrey accelerated the speed of handing out the fire oranges.

Every day, people are "headshot" by sarcoma on the neck, the frequency is getting faster and faster, and the number is also increasing.

In addition to the strong smell of magic power, there is also a dull and dead air in the village.

And every night.

Humphrey would hold the "Ritual of the Blood God" in his big house.

In just a few days.

Almost all women go through the dreaded process from pregnancy to aging.

Their children are also growing at the speed of monsters.

Babies who have just landed can grow into teenagers in a few days, and initially possess combat effectiveness.

These children are more monsters than ordinary marshlanders.

They are thin and have long limbs.

They seem to prefer crawling to walking on two feet.

They were speechless, expressionless, and refused to be near their mothers.

They only obeyed Humphrey.

Humphrey fed them a lot of fire oranges, and these children's ability to digest magic power was obviously stronger.

Many of them gain powerful spell-like abilities.

Only a few people were accidentally headshot.

Time passed day by day.

Humphrey's appearances were getting shorter and shorter.

He locked himself in that big house and never came out.

Roger knew that there was not much time left before Humphrey attacked Longya Village.

"It's time to do it."


Roger found Cindy and chatted with her about what he had seen and heard in the past few days.

"We really don't know who the god of blood is."

"After all, in Mystra, there are too many evil gods with heads and faces..."

Cindy mused:

"If what you see is true, then Humphrey should be the spokesperson of that evil god."

"Well... are you afraid of getting into trouble?"

"If it's a problem in this area, you don't need to worry too much; the existence of the curse of annihilation blocks the sight of most evil gods, and it is actually difficult for them to stretch out their minions. Like Humphrey, the evil gods can already find it." The strongest spokesperson."

Roger nodded calmly.

"I can assure you that after killing Humphrey, the blood god will not come to trouble you."

Cindy solemnly promises.

Roger thought for a while:

"I'm going to kill Humphrey tonight."

"But there are two things that need the help of Lord Muse."

"First. Give me the blessing of the Emerald Dragon God in advance."

"Second. I need her to come forward in person. Well, you don't need to make a real move, just fly around."

Cindy showed hesitation, and after a while, she nodded uncertainly and said:

"All right."

"I'll convey what you mean."



Roger walked erratically on the edge of the reeds.

He is blessed with the "Blessing of the Emerald Dragon God".


"Blessing of the Emerald Dragon God: Your perception, intelligence and strength are increased by 1 point respectively"


Because it is a random addition, this result can only be quite satisfactory for Roger.

Among the six basic attributes.

What he needs most is agility and perception, followed by strength and physique, and intelligence and charisma are the most useless.

Needless to say, agility and perception. Strength and fitness also determine the basic quality of the body.

Intelligence represents the degree of affinity for the elements and the study potential of the magic field.

Roger's magical immune physique is naturally not speculative with the original element.

As for the charm... don't mention it!

"It's equivalent to an extra point of strength and 1 point of perception for nothing, so it's okay."

Sneaking into the village of the swamp refugees along the path of reeds, Roger started to head towards the designated location.

Along the way, he saw several swamp refugees get their heads shot.

One after another, it's like a fireworks display.

His heart was a little heavy.

"It's almost there?"

When thinking so.

Suddenly there was a loud dragon chant in the sky!


"It's a dragon!"



Suddenly there was a noisy sound in the village.

The refugees who still had a sliver of reason looked at the sea-blue figure in fear.

"Why are you all staring blankly!"

Humphrey ran out of the big house and pulled up his belt deftly:

"Go push the ballista!"

"Mage-like group, assemble!"

With the appearance of Humphrey, the order in the village can be continued temporarily.

The refugees moved in a daze.

call! call! call!

The dragon in the sky flapped its wings frantically.

The gusts of wind blew up and overturned many low houses.

"Hurry up!"

Humphrey commanded loudly.

Suddenly a guard ran over:

"Lord Humphrey!"

"The orchard is on fire!"

Humphrey was stunned for a moment: "Their goal is the orchard?"

"You bring some people over there to put out the fire!"

The guard immediately led a group of people away.

After a while.

Another person ran over to report:

"Lord Humphrey!"

"The warehouse where the ballista is stored is on fire!"

This time, Humphrey really couldn't sit still!

He was in a hurry to take people to put out the fire.

But before he had gone far, he suddenly stopped in his tracks!

"has a problem!"

Humphrey shook off his subordinates with a grim expression, and strode back.

Not long after, he returned to the outside of the big house.

In the chaotic square.

No one seemed to notice that a stealthy figure was coming out of the side door of the big house.

The man was bowed, holding something wrapped in linen in his arms.


Humphrey was furious.

This roar startled the man, who grabbed the package and ran away!

Humphrey didn't have time to think, grabbed a knife and rushed over.

The man ran extremely fast, and rushed out of the village after a few ups and downs.

But Humphrey wasn't slow either.

Even the distance between the two sides is still getting closer little by little.

The two are in front of each other.

In a short time, he rushed out for two or three miles and entered the swamp with a more complicated environment.

The sound of the wind is getting tighter.

Humphrey's mind suddenly shuddered.

"be cheated!"

that moment.

He saw the thing held in the arms of the figure in front fall down.

It fell into the swamp with a puff.

It turned out to be a huge sand potato!


Accompanied by this abnormal sound, the furious Humphrey suddenly stepped on the air.

The scene in front of me began to spin around!

"It's a trap."

The word just popped out of his head.

He felt a piercing pain!

He looked down.

Under that deep pit, unexpectedly how many bamboo nails as long as forearms were buried!


A scream of pain came from the bottom of the pit.

It was as if the most ferocious beast had fallen into the trap of the most cunning hunter.

above the pit.

Slowly a face shrouded in shadow emerged.

it's dark.


(Note 1: There is an error in the previous article. It was written as insight +6, but it is actually +60. It has been revised.)

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