I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 328 The First-Leg Friend of Happy Meeting

Seeing that Mochizuki Ayano was about to be caught up by the breeze, alarms sounded from all directions, and several iron doors engraved with runes fell from all directions in the corridor, turning into an iron cage that covered the sky and the sun, and the breeze transformed by "No. 4" stuck in it.

After bumping into one of the iron doors that was surging with spiritual power, "Number Four" snorted coldly and appeared.

"Hmph, do you think you can trap me like this? The wind is pervasive..."

"Section Leader Mochizuki, please go inside first, the Spirit Eliminators Association and our people will be there soon!"

Someone was shouting from a loudspeaker in the corner.

Looking at the iron gate with cracks constantly erupting and gradually deforming behind it, Mochizuki Ayano ran towards the inside without hesitation.

Presumably, some detectives discovered the body of his colleague and activated the alarm.

These iron gates engraved with runes and impenetrable to spirit bodies are the emergency control measures of Lesson 9.

In order to prevent weird and resentful spirits from invading the interior of Lesson 9, when the alarm is activated, personnel located in other locations will take over, remotely control these isolation doors, and isolate and control the supernatural things inside. People from the Hunters Association came to reinforce them.

Covered by falling iron doors, Mochizuki Ayano tore off the wound on her arm wrapped around her cuff, and ran towards the deepest part of the corridor stumbling.

Behind her, there were endless toothache cutting sounds.

"Section Leader Mochizuki, be careful... that guy cut through the isolation door and seems to have run into the exhaust duct."

The lights in the corridor suddenly began to flicker.

"Wait, even the power supply, start the backup quickly..."

As the sound from the loudspeaker in the corner ceased, the entire corridor was plunged into darkness.

It seems that the power supply was destroyed by the other party.

"Now, let's see where you are going..."

A gust of wind gushed out from the exhaust vent above, turned into the man in black robe, and stopped in front of Mochizuki Ayano.

In the darkness, Mochizuki Ayano stood up like an angry kitten, staring at each other with a pair of pretty eyes, and her left eye instantly turned golden.

However, due to the short distance and the delay of the "memory screen", the flame created by the pupil technique did not hit the man who transformed into wind again this time.

"Sorry, I have already seen through this technique."

Following the whisper, in the dark corridor, the figure of "No. 4" reappeared not far behind Mochizuki Ayano.

"...If you want to use this to delay time and wait for support, there is no need for it."

He seems to enjoy the feeling of turning into a breeze and switching positions frequently to play with opponents.

"After killing you, I can easily leave through air ducts, pipes, and gaps at any time."

Stepping slowly and gracefully along the corridor, No. 4 slowly stretched out his hand to the mask on his face, and asked the girl in front of him the "proposition of the same style for women with gaps": "Am I... pretty?"

"It seems that we can only substitute players..."

Watching the other party's movements, at the end of the corridor, Mochizuki Ayano, who had exhausted her spiritual power and could not retreat, murmured softly.

As the man gradually took off the mask, an incomparable sense of fear enveloped Mochizuki Ayano, and drove back the "Mochizuki Ayase" who was about to come out.

Her body couldn't help but knelt down on the ground, clasped her arms, and kept trembling, falling into some of the most painful bloody memories in her heart.

Blood, endless blood.

Corpses, from the porch to the living room are covered with corpses.

There are also men and women who hold themselves in their arms with closed eyes, stopped breathing, and smile happily.

Yes, I killed those people...

And, dad and mom.

"Clah la la la la..."

The sound of rushing water mixed with the sound of footsteps broke the silence of the venue and brought Mochizuki Ayano's consciousness back from the endless memories of fear.

Because of the side effects of the resentment, "Number Four" whose mouth began to burst into tiny bloodstains, froze for a moment, followed the source of the sound to his left side,


On his right, a wooden door with a male logo was gently opened.

"Why is there a sudden power outage? Will the police station not be able to pay the electricity bill? The house hasn't been completely unblocked yet..."

Walking out with an indescribable aura was a tall, blond man with a cigarette in his mouth, frowning, and fierce eyes.

While whining, his hands were still adjusting the position of something between his legs, attaching the belt.


Shocked by the strong breath on his body, "No. 4", who had just taken off his stuffy mask and was about to enjoy some fresh air, felt his stomach churning.

This smell is like a room-temperature popsicle that has been forgotten for a summer vacation, milk that has been stored in a thermos for more than ten days, and a can of herring that has been opened and left in the dormitory, but the vacation has been extended for four months.

The one who walked out of the toilet was naturally Sousuke Araki who was woken up late at night, came to eat ramen, and went to the toilet to solve personal problems after being on standby for half a day.

"Who are you……"

"It's actually you!"

Looking at each other, the two people who had "first-legged acquaintance" in the warehouse recognized each other at the same time, smiled at each other, and showed joyful and cruel eyes at the same time.

"Hey? Your kid was also arrested, no wonder that girl suddenly called me here, just to testify, right..."

"Hey, God help me, it's better to come by coincidence than to come here! I will solve you together and give the chairman a surprise."

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and in the darkness, the two shot at the same time.

"Number Four" under the gloomy black robe immediately put back on his mask and drove his "divine power" into a breeze, trying to cut this kid into pieces.

The last time I was in the warehouse, I was under the side effect of the grievance, so that the other party caught the loophole, this time...

"Long time no see, let's come in and catch up on the past."

Not to be outdone, Araki Sousuke stretched out his hand, grabbed the neck of the man who had just squatted down and was about to use the "law of causality to whip his leg", and lifted him up like a chicken.

"How can it be?!"

In mid-air, "No. 4" discovered in horror that his "divine power" had failed again.

He, who had turned into a breeze, was caught by the other party, and his figure appeared directly. He could only be like a female character in a certain movie who faced a strong man and could only resist weakly, and finally gradually fell into pleasure. Was pulled into the men's bathroom.

The corridor, which was originally full of darkness and killing intent, instantly became quiet again.

In the sight of Mochizuki Ayano, who was shrouded in fear and unable to move, the moment the man in black robe finished activating his grudge, the toilet door opened.

The man in black immediately put on his mask and turned into a breeze, as if he wanted to kill the person who opened the door in the toilet, who was invisible from her perspective.

However, a strong arm full of tattoos stretched out from the men's toilet like a life-threatening ghost or a great white shark that chooses to eat people, and grabbed at the breeze...

The black-robed man immediately emerged from the breeze, was grabbed by the neck in a "friendly" way by the arm, and was pulled into the toilet mercilessly.

As the door of the men's room closed, there was a long-lasting "crackling" mixed with the sound of flushing water and something breaking.

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