I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 329 God's People

In the dark corridor, it took a full three minutes before the aftertaste of fear that enveloped Mochizuki Ayano completely dissipated, allowing her to recover from the state where she could not control her body at all.

At the same time, Sousuke Araki, who put on his trousers and looked satisfied, just pushed the door out of the men's room.

"Eh? Mochizuki, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Those two bowls of ramen are too small. It's only enough to stimulate my stomach to move and empty the inventory. It's not filling my stomach at all..."

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Mochizuki Ayano at the end of the corridor looking at herself with strange and complicated eyes while maintaining the "duck sitting".

Under the meeting of eyes, he greeted with a little sweat on his forehead, pretending to be calm.

"Ara, Mu, Zong, Jie..."


Looking at this shameless guy who saved his life again, Mochizuki Ayano's flushed cheeks puffed up like a puffer fish.

Having witnessed the scene just now, she naturally no longer thinks that the other party is some kind of blond gangster with a simple mind and well-developed limbs.

The one who can easily press this man with terrifying ability, which even Siena can't defeat, to rub against the ground twice, must be at least a strong person above the Exorcism Exemption Level [3].

Chaotic thoughts, full of questions, and countless memories kept flowing in Mochizuki Ayano's mind, and finally gathered into one sentence...

"...You bastard! Big liar! Big idiot!"

Her legs were numb and unable to move, but her brain was extremely clear, she rubbed her vocal cords with all her strength, and roared out.


half an hour later.

"Who am I... Where am I... Who did me..."

"Number Four" with a bruised nose, a wet body, and a mask opened his eyes in a daze.

The overly strong breath on the wet mask and the tearing pain all over his body made him wake up in an instant.

At this moment, he was being held in handcuffs and alone in a completely sealed interrogation room that seemed to be made of special materials.

On one side of the room, there is a huge mirror that occupies the entire wall, reflecting his frightened and haggard figure under the black robe.

"Your Excellency, are you finally awake?"

Mochizuki Ayano's silvery voice came from the speaker in the corner.

In the next room, looking at the cell through the one-way glass, there are two other people besides Mochizuki Ayano and the detectives who came to help.

A white-haired old man in Taoist robes and a middle-aged monk holding Buddhist beads.

It was Tokimoto Ichiro and Kobo who came here on behalf of the Spirit Eliminator Association after receiving the call for help from the ninth lesson.

The two highly respected spirit eliminators joined the supporting agents before carefully entering the toilet.

Immediately, the man in black robe was found unconscious, with his whole head stuck in the flush toilet with a strong "user breath".


After waking up consciously, "Number Four" in the room snorted coldly, and subconsciously wanted to escape with the wind.

"Uh...how could..."

However, the "source of divine power" in the body did not respond to his call.

"You guys, what did you do to me?!"

In other words, he couldn't feel the existence of the "source of divine power" at all.

Looking down at the handcuffs covered with talisman paper on his wrists, "Number Four" had unconcealable panic flashing in his eyes.

"Your Excellency, you don't need to bother. Under the effect of the outer binding seal, I am afraid that even a pure resentful spirit will not be able to incarnate into an invisible..."

Tokimoto Ichiro gently stroked his beard and yawned.

Although for some reason, the "outer binding seal" of the handcuffs was not triggered, and the opponent could no longer use the ability.

However, as long as the result is the same.

"Singyue Yuta, the former deputy director of the Emergency General Hospital, on behalf of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, I have formally arrested you on suspicion of organ trafficking, abuse of supernatural power, multiple murders, and illegal assembly..."

Through fingerprint and DNA extraction, Lesson 9 has confirmed that this man is one of the main culprits in the "Organ Harvesting Case of Mercy Emergency General Hospital" who disappeared ten years ago, Vice President Yuta Singyue.

This is the first time that Mochizuki Ayano has issued a formal arrest statement to such an extraordinary person in the few years since he joined the ninth class.

After all, after many "cleanings" decades ago, half-demons whose blood has awakened or humans who have mastered ghost-like abilities through "sacrifice" and "possession" rarely appear in front of the world.

"Hey, arrest? Do you think this will make me submit?"

Hearing Mochizuki Ayano's words, "No. 4" who was wearing a mask in the room showed a disdainful expression.

"When the 'True God' comes, your world will be crushed!"

"God? Your Excellency is clearly using a ghost-like ability, but you are still deceiving yourself and worshiping a god?"

Hearing the man's enthusiastic words, Tokimoto Ichiro couldn't help but sneered and spoke.

"Hahahahahaha... stupid!"

Hearing the words from the speaker, "Number Four" couldn't help covering his face and laughing wildly, his eyes full of contempt.

"...What is a god, what is a ghost, is not defined and promoted by the ruler in the end! How have the false gods in your mouth ever looked at us and answered our prayers?"

"However, the 'True God' is different... As long as you believe in Him and pay the price, you will definitely be able to obtain the corresponding 'gift'!!!"

"In my eyes, as long as you can give me strength and let me transcend this humble life, you are a true god!"

"People of the true God, never surrender! Aum!!!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the hand of "No. 4" gradually stretched out to the mask on his face.

"Be careful, he's about to launch that grudge..."

Seeing the other party's actions, Mochizuki and Ayano and the others were clearly prepared and left the observation room directly.

The shadow shrouded in fear in the corridor still remains in her heart to this day, and it has become a new scar that will never heal because of her "photographic memory".

The reason why he didn't rashly remove the grudge on the opponent's face before was because he was worried about accidentally touching the terrible fear effect or causing the transfer of side effects.

"Am I pretty?"

"No. 4", who didn't know how many people had left the room, still faced the one-way glass in front of him and asked the "proposition".

As the mask was lifted, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

The side effects of this grievance seem to fade over time...

How long have you fainted?

However, it was too late.

"Uh ah ah ah ah..."

In the empty cell, "No. 4" wailed in despair.

Looking through the one-way glass mirror, on his pale face, the corners of his mouth on both sides have been cracked directly to the back of his head...

After waking up, he lost the power of the sickle weasel, and he couldn't even stop the bleeding and pain. He could only fall helplessly on the ground, watching the blood gushing out...

When several agents rushed into the room, "No. 4" was already out of breath, lying on the blood-stained ground with big gray eyes open.

The huge crack extending from the corner of his mouth almost split his entire head in two, leaving only a trace of scalp connected.

"Confirm the death of the target. Record: The suspected [Gap Woman's Mask] resentment has the side effect of splitting the corner of the wearer's mouth."

An agent took out a voice recorder and calmly took notes.

"The side effects of this grievance are so terrifying..."

The three Mochizuki and Ayano, who returned to the interrogation room, were speechless for a moment as they watched the tragic scene in the next room.

Even if the mask was removed before the interrogation, it is estimated that the black-robed man would still die.

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