I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 345 Seimei's Tale

"I see. Unfortunately, it was your misfortune to meet me."

As if he got the answer he wanted, looking at the woman in front of him who was getting more and more crazy and caressing his body, Abe Temple stopped asking questions, and instead murmured something softly.

"The bride of the net, also known as the new vura, is transformed by a spider, good at seducing men, likes to eat blood, devours heads..."

The net bride, also known as the new vura, is said to be a monster that turns a spider into a human form.

During the day, they look like beauties to seduce men, and at night, they reveal their original forms as spiders, sucking all the men's blood and taking their heads to eat.

"You...wait, why you...you haven't been..."

After the mask, the expression of "No. 12" became a little surprised.

It stands to reason that under the teasing of his desire-inspiring pink poisonous mist and perfect body, no matter how determined the mind is, the spirit remover will also be inspired by the desire in the bottom of his heart, addicted to the flesh and unable to extricate himself, until the head is completely squeezed dry, Shrunk and turned into its own "face head".

But in front of him, this handsome man under his control, his eyes are really, too calm.

Through the depths of those beautiful eyes, she seemed to see the calm but extremely deep sea under the moonlight.

"...weakness, fire."

The Abe Temple hanging upside down, in the quiet eyes, reflected the strange mask of "No. 12", and...

The raging flames that suddenly erupted behind her and soared into the sky!

The flames that seemed to burn everything bloomed from the [Sun Wheel] long knife on the spider web, and quickly flowed along the black line.

When "No. 12" reacted, the long knife [sun wheel] originally bound by the black silk thread had somehow penetrated her abdomen.


The scorching flames entered her body with the thick, hot thing, erupting like a volcano in her body.

Two-day first-class · five rounds · scroll of fire.

A few days ago, Matsumoto Ginji, who did not know what had happened and returned with gray hair, had imparted all the essence of these two days to Abeji.

"Since Seimei-sama in the Heian-kyo era, I, Abe, have recorded the ghosts that I have eliminated in detail..."

"...that classic is called Qingming Yihua."

Abeji flipped and fell, and unhurriedly pulled out the long knife from the opponent's belly.

"If you choose to become a ghost, you should be prepared to be killed."

"Even if you defeat me...so what...it's...too late..."

"Number Twelve", whose whole body was like coke, spit out the internal organs that had turned into coke, and slowly fell limply to the ground with a fanatical cry.

"...The miracle is coming, no one can stop it, Aum!!!"

No longer looking at the breathless "No. 12" behind him, Abeji narrowed his eyes and stared up at the night sky covered by resentment.

"It's not just Wraiths... Chimanqi, Tianxiegui, Qingfangzhu..."

The black mist surged like a gust of wind, and countless unrecognizable ghosts from Abeji Temple swept out from the center of Taito District like locusts crossing the border, and spread in all directions.

"That's it, are the ghosts walking in the night?"


"The gates of hell are open, resentment is revived, and Tokyo has come to the season suitable for the entanglement of hidden energy field life forms..."

When ghosts were raging in the area of ​​resentment, Hanyu Mai was holding the "Eye of Reality", like a paparazzi secretly filming stars "doing hair, reading scripts, and playing badminton", hiding behind the invisible light curtain. Watching quietly in the alley.

"Such a spectacular hidden energy field life form migration is like a school of fish rushing to land with a tsunami..."

In the viewfinder frame, several black figures of different sizes and shapes, even devouring each other, slammed into the invisible light curtain in mid-air, as if they wanted to get out of the cage, but were caught by the The light curtain of heaven and earth bounced back fiercely.

Immediately, the camera's line of sight moved to the side of the light curtain...

There, a man dressed as a priest was sitting on the roof of the car, meditating with his eyes closed.

"What principle does this priest use to maintain the light curtain and restrict their activities..."

Just ten minutes ago, a man dressed as a priest, surrounded by self-defense members with live ammunition, came to this main road.

After the Self-Defense Forces arranged for people to lead the crowd including the two to the shelter, the priest sat cross-legged on the roof of the car, muttering words, as if he was in charge of guarding the light curtain here.

"What is the nature and how is the energy that constitutes the light curtain and cancels out the hidden energy field..."

"Sister, they all said that filming is prohibited, are you sure you want to continue? Will it be counted as obstructing official duties..."

Behind Mai Hanyu who was muttering to himself, Atsukai and Luto with a worried face, checked the mobile phone in his hand that had no signal in distress.

The stubborn Mai Hanyu naturally didn't want to miss this kind of big scene, honestly went to some refuge, and just looked for an opportunity to leave the crowd and sneak back.

"Hmph, the seal of the evil god has been lifted, and the initial jihad is about to begin. In order to follow the footsteps of truth, who cares about these ignorant rulers..."

"Hey, keep your voice down, your lines are even worse than a cult, I'm afraid it's not as simple as being arrested!!"

Ignoring Atsukai Ludou's complaints, Hanyu Mai continued to shoot with her head indifferently.

"Yu...Miss Hanyu..."

Accompanied by the sound of small footsteps, two figures appeared at the entrance of the alley.

"Woooooo, Araki-kun, you're finally here..."

Seeing the person coming, Hou Hai Lu Dou suddenly showed joy.

The panting two were Araki Sousuke and Kotori Yumaumi who ran all the way from Sotokanda to the agreed meeting place.

"Hurry up and persuade the old lady to leave with me. The Self-Defense Forces said that this is sarin hallucinogenic gas released by a cult. If you accidentally inhale it, your body will become very strange. Not only will you see all kinds of strange things, There will be life-threatening..."

"...to... sarin hallucinogenic gas? What?"

After trying to pronounce the name that was tricky, Araki Sousuke panted and glanced at the dark and silent city not far from the alley.

Behind him, Kotori Yuma bowed slightly to greet the two siblings, then walked towards the members of the Self-Defense Forces guarding the light curtain, flashed the "joint action" police badge, and communicated with the other party.

"No matter how you look at it, it's just an ordinary large-scale power outage... Sure enough, just like Wang Yueshi said, it's those damned cults who are creating riots..."

In Sousuke Araki's eyes, there was nothing unusual in the street ahead except that abandoned vehicles clogged the road and the buildings were not as brightly lit as before.

The overwhelming resentment seemed to not exist in his eyes.

"By the way, have you brought my contract?"

"Here's the contract... Wait, ordinary large-scale power outage? Could it be that, Araki-kun, you can't see these black... woo woo woo..."

Atsukai Ludou took out a paper contract from his bag and handed it to him, and when he was about to say something, Mai Hanyu covered his mouth and skillfully dragged him aside.

"Hmph, sleeper, you are too slow!!"

"When did you discover it?! Slow, but one of the hidden advantages I've always been proud of..."

Just as Araki Sosuke folded the contract carefully and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, Hanyu Mai had already walked behind him with lotus steps...

"Anyway, since you've come here..."

She took out a suspiciously shaped black inverted triangular elastic band from her backpack, and put it directly on Araki Sosuke's head at lightning speed.

"Then I announce that the project codename 'Sword of Daybreak' is officially launched!!!"

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