I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 346 The Sword of the Goddess of Dawn Suctioned by Vacuum C

"Sword of Daybreak? Is it the name of the film that is being filmed?"

Araki Sousuke touched the tense triangular thing on his head with a confused expression.

"Also, what is this on my head...could it be Hanyu-san, yours..."

"Oh? So you've been secretly looking forward to something like this?"

Under Mai Hanyu's gentle gaze, his face suddenly flickered.

"No, this size and material, could it be thick..."

"That's enough!!! The topic of the two of you, don't go off to the outside of the Milky Way just because you bought a sports shooting fixed belt as a gift from GOPRO..."

From behind, Hou Hai Lu Dou loudly complained.

"The content of this plan is very simple. Enter the deepest part of that area, and try to take as many precious research materials as possible... This is something that only you can do..."

Mai Hanyu took out a palm-sized "GOPRO" and fixed it on the strap on Sosuke Araki's head, and at the same time warned: "...be careful, the illegally modified graphene battery in this external power supply device is easy to explode, but It should be enough for an hour or so of operation."

"Let's not mention what will happen if this thing explodes on my forehead... I'm busy guarding the only shelter and punishing cults now, so how can I have time to steal photos?"

At this moment, Sousuke Araki, wearing an inverted triangle black headband and fixing the GOPRO in front of his forehead, looks like a perverted thief who puts a black T on his head and wears camera equipment, ready to invade the women's dormitory suspicious.

"Don't worry about these details, anyway..."

Standing on tiptoe, Hanyu whispered in his ear, exhaling hot breath, "...as long as you obediently follow my instructions, the next company employee activity will be a trip to the hot spring..."

"Miss Hanyu, I really have something important to do, I must rush over there right away, otherwise Mochizuki's elementary school student doesn't know what he will do..."

The situation was urgent, Araki Sosuke solemnly rejected Mai Hanyu's request.

In his mind, Mochizuki Ayano has already imagined standing on the ruins of the Kuramae apartment, stepping on his "private collection" buried in dust, looking at himself in a majestic way.

"That's such a pity. The hot spring hotel that I planned to arrange for one stay and two days is one of the few that supports mixed bathing..."

In the next second, there was a sound of something breaking in Araki Sousuke's body.

"One stay for two days? Mixed... Mixed baths?!"

Hearing these words, Araki Sousuke seemed to instantly think of some blood-boiling scene, blushing and breathing hot air.

"I...I did...No, I was going back to the apartment to rescue those collections, and it won't affect you if I take a photo of you along the way..."

"...That's right, you must be thirsty, drink this before you leave..."

Mai Hanyu took out a small bottle of Ito oolong tea that can be found everywhere in convenience stores from her bag, and handed it to Sosuke Araki.

"Wow, thanks, I just feel dry mouth..."

Araki Sousuke, who ran all the way here and was extremely hungry and thirsty due to various reasons, unscrewed the bottle of oolong tea and gulped it down.

"Cough cough cough..."

The rich fragrance of the liquid and the familiar burning sensation instantly set his throat on fire.

"This is basically 'oolong tea' that can be ignited, right? Gudong...gudong..."

Putting his turbulent body against Araki Sousuke, Hanyu stretched out his fingers and tapped the opponent's lips, preventing him from spraying out the oolong tea.

"Where there, this is an antidote specially developed by me just in case the rumor of 'sarin hallucinating gas' is true..."

Without further ado, Mai Hanyu pushed the bicycle left by Ichiro Tokimoto into his hand.

"Time is running out, it's time for you to go."

At the same time, after negotiating with the Self-Defense Forces and obtaining permission to pass, Kotori Yumasumi returned to the alley.

"Teacher Araki, I have already communicated with them about the release, let's go quickly..."

Seeing Araki Sousuke's attire, she was slightly taken aback.

"Your body is..."

In just a few minutes, Araki Sousuke's cross-dressing, which is comparable to "Underwear Peeping and Speeding Otaku", has already made her almost unrecognizable...

"Go, Sleeper. I'll be here waiting for your return..."

As if sending her husband off to conquer his wife, Mai Hanyu straightened his collar for Araki Sosuke, then whispered something in his ear.

"Hey hey hey... you can just wait for me to come back and hang out together... Hiccup... no, wait for the video I took..."

After hearing her words, Sousuke Araki, who was flushed and belched, waved his hand without looking back, pushed his bicycle crookedly, and walked out of the alley with the little bird Yumami.

"The priestess of the Xiaotoriyou clan... and that one, the spirit remover I've never seen before."

The priest on the roof and the little bird You Mayumi on the back seat bowed to each other, and watched the bicycle drive towards the light curtain.

"...Anyway, please return safely."

The spirit eliminators who can stand up at this moment, regardless of their status or beliefs, are comrades in arms worthy of mutual respect.

"Are you ready, Little Bird Youshi..."

Holding the handlebars of the bicycle with both hands, Araki Sousuke turned around and asked Kotori Yumami who was sitting sideways on the back seat.

"Ready, Mr. Araki, is it really all right? You seem to be..."

Smelling the strong smell of alcohol coming to his face, Kotori Yumasumi asked with some concern.

In just a short time, what did Mr. Araki experience in that alley? Not only did he change into a strange outfit, but he also became drunk.

"...In that case, let's go!!!"

Needless to say, the bicycle kicked off, crossed the light curtain, and rushed into the dark and dead street.

Blocked by the gust of wind, Kotori Yumaumi had no choice but to hug his waist tightly with both hands.

"Arbitrarily let Araki-kun go in for an adventure, and set him up with a super high-level flag like 'Zhuang Xingjiu+mixed bath' that surpasses 'marry after war'... Old lady, what are you planning?"

Seeing Sousuke Araki disappearing into the alley with "flags all over his body", Toukai Ludou asked in a puzzled manner, "...that bottle of 'oolong tea' is not a 'magic gas counteractant' at all, right? Wouldn't the electronic equipment malfunction in the black mist?"

From his understanding, Mai Hanyu, who has always "valued" Araki-kun, naturally would not deliberately send him in to do such dangerous things as "gas inhalation".

"Don't worry, that GOPRO has been processed in a special way... As for the 'oolong tea', in addition to the water of life, it also contains a variety of dopamine boosters..."

Mai Hanyu chased out of the alley, looked at Sousuke Araki and Yumami Kotori who were leaving, and slowly pointed out five fingers to their leaving backs.

"Under the stimulation of alcohol and drugs, dopamine will be secreted crazily, people will become extremely bold and excited, and their cognition and reaction to external things will also become extremely slow... This may be the only way to temporarily crack 'that thing' method……"

Between her five fingers, as the two of them crossed the light curtain, resentment surged in that dark area like clouds stirred by a strong wind...

"Hmph, now that things have come to an end, as the chief hacker under me, it's time to let you know that the confidentiality authority is [dragon]-level secret..."

"Using a word like [dragon] without a sequence feature as a level label without authorization, how to divide the levels before and after..."

"...Cut through the darkness, the sword of the goddess of dawn."

"Didn't it just be the Sword of Daybreak? This...this is...true...vacuum..."

Following Mai Hanyu's words, Toukai Ludou opened his mouth slightly, as if he saw something that he couldn't believe.

"Akagi Shrine, there is such a powerful purification technique..."

At the same time, in the terrified eyes of the priest and the self-defense team, endless black energy, like a tired bird returning to its nest, crazily poured into the body of Araki Sousuke in front of the bicycle.

Under the complicated eyes of everyone, the red bicycle pierced into the darkness like a sharp sword.

As the bicycle advanced at high speed, all the terrifying black air in the area along the way was sucked away by Sousuke Araki who was driving forward.

In the area where the black air dissipated, the lights on both sides of the road flickered slightly, and the city began to gradually restore the bright lights of the past.

Like the warm dawn breaking through the dark clouds, it re-illuminates the earth under the night.

"Sousuke Araki is not talented, only a strong body and the ultimate mystery [Vacuum Empty Suction] can be used. Please give me more advice in the future."

Someone's words during the interview echoed in Hou Hailu Dou's ears for some reason.

The vacuum c-sucking that Sosuke Araki said, the vacuum c-sucking that Atsukai Ludou saw, and the vacuum c-sucking that Dian Niang thought of after review... Have you realized it?

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