I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 349 Japan's No. 1 Wraith

Compared with Taito District, which is immersed in darkness, Shibuya District is still brightly lit and crowded.

Standing on the very familiar path in front of the torii gate of Meiji Jingu Shrine, Fujiwara Takumi only felt his body was cold and could not feel any warmth.

Because, right now, he was facing the darkest moment in his life.

After receiving the task in the App of the Exorcist Association and seeing the "Gate of Hell" appearing in the sky above Taito District, he, who was squatting in the apartment as usual, immediately packed his luggage and went to the Meiji Shrine " run away".

The strange dark red giant door, resentment and resentment spirits are running around in the sky, if I still stay alone in this small apartment, if I am blocked by the resentment spirit for "charging" like last time, wouldn't it be suicide .

However, when he ran to the big torii gate outside the Meiji Shrine with his clothes on his back...

Dressed in a dark persimmon red royal robe, with hands and feet nails as long as animal claws, and disheveled hair hanging down to his knees, a terrifying wraith who looks like a demon king is facing away from him, quietly suspended in mid-air.

"Meiji boy... Sotokuin returned from hell today..."

Behind this resentful spirit, several members of the Fujiwara clan, who were dressed as priests and whose life and death were unknown, were lying crookedly.

"...You ruined my divine body and took revenge on Baifeng, and I will avenge it today!"

Just as Fujiwara Takumi was about to turn around and run away, the wraith blushed, turned his eyes up, breathed hot air, and turned his head to look at him with an extremely painful expression.

"……It's you?"

"No...it's not me...wait a minute, Chong, Chongde Academy?"

Just looking at each other, Fujiwara Takumi was already frightened by the substantial resentment in the other party's eyes, his feet went limp, and he fell to the ground, trembling with exceptionally gorgeous chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power.

Recalling the self-proclaim in the other party's words just now, he instantly lost the strength to get up and run away.

Chongtokuin, inherited the throne at the age of five, was abolished at the age of twenty-two, and was exiled to the Sanuki Kingdom due to the failure of the coup d'état.

Emperor Sutoku.

Chongde was exiled to Sanuki country, accompanied by Qingdeng Ancient Buddha, copied five major Buddhist scriptures with his own blood, and wrote a letter to the emperor, hoping to accept it and place the scriptures in the temple for self-reflection.

After being vetoed by the emperor, Chongde committed suicide with great resentment in his heart. Before his death, he made a great wish: "I wish to be a great devil king and disturb the world. Use the five Mahayana scriptures to return to the evil way. Kill the people for the king, and for the people." Regicide."

After the death of Emperor Chongde, the rise of Japanese samurai, the power of the shogunate, the fall of the emperor's power, and the poisonous oaths were fulfilled one by one.

The Kyoto imperial court gave Chongde a title, built a shrine, and offered Buddhist scriptures, but the disaster did not stop at all.

People are afraid of the curse of Chongde, calling it "the great magic of Japan" and "the god of misfortune".

It is also said that after his death, he turned into a big tengu and is still doing harm to the world.

It was not until Emperor Meiji sent a special envoy to bring the remains of Sotokuin to the Shiramine Shrine in Kyoto for "enshrining" that Japan ushered in a short-lived peace.

Growing up in Meiji Shrine since he was a child, Fujiwara Takumi naturally knew that what was held in Shiramine Shrine back then was not an offering at all, but an exorcism ceremony to completely destroy his "ghost body".

"Hmph, old man Meiji's son of God... Back then, my soul and resentment was exhausted, and you escaped by chance. Today, the gate of hell is open, so I will use you to relieve the hatred in my heart, and then tear down this Meiji Shrine ..."

Seeing the symbolic "sixteen petals and eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" spiritual power constantly blooming all over Fujiwara Takumi's body, Sotokuin seemed to recognize the other party's identity and showed a cruel smile.

"It's...it's you..."

Under the big torii gate, the terrifying wraith standing in front of him, the clansmen who don't know whether they are alive or dead...

This scene of deja vu awakened the deepest and most terrifying memory buried in Fujiwara Takumi's memory.

When he was ten years old, it was the wraith who looked like this in front of him. When he went out to buy the latest "Ghost Pokémon Gold and Silver" in high spirits, he rushed to the torii gate, intercepted and killed the tribe, and left him behind. a huge psychological shadow.

Where are the [1], [2], and [3] level wraiths...

This is clearly his meow, "Japan's No. 1 Wraith".

At the same time, the huge torii gate with three chrysanthemum emblems engraved on the rear diffused golden light, constantly impacting on Chongdeyuan, stirring up resentment all over his body.

"Thanks to the young master who blocked the wraith, the three approaches to the south, north, and west have been activated..."

Uncle Keigo and several priests poked their heads out from behind the torii gate that was as thick as a giant tree, and shouted emotionally towards Fujiwara Takumi: "...Young master, please don't love to fight, the patriarch leads the team to Taito District to preside over Great array, block the grievances, before leaving, tell you to enter the shrine and preside over the formation!"

The large torii of the Meiji Jingu Shrine is located at the intersection of the north and the south, with a height of 12 meters, a width of 17 meters, a column diameter of 1.2 meters, and a weight of 13 tons. Core.

The first generation of large torii at that time used a cypress tree in the west of Alishan, Taiwan, which was more than 1,200 years old and was born with spiritual wisdom. It was later destroyed by thunder and fire from "Raytheon" Sugawara Michizane.

The existing second-generation large torii gate is made from a giant cypress tree over 1,500 years old that was discovered in Dandai Mountain at an altitude of 3,300 meters in Taiwan.

Once the basalt formation with the large torii as the formation eye, the "Kameishi" in the north of the Jingu Shrine, and the southeast and northwest approach as the formation diagram is activated, it can be said that the evil spirits will be dispersed.

"Love to fight? Go in and preside over the formation? I, Nima..."

Looking at the wraith in front of him and the expectant eyes behind the torii gate, Takumi Fujiwara felt a mouthful of old blood clogging his chest.

Love to fight... If my feet were not soft, I would have turned around and ran away.

Not to mention that I don't know how to preside over formations at all, I have to be able to enter the torii gate alive...

But his ecstasy sitting posture at the moment looks like he is sitting cross-legged in front of the torii gate, struggling to stop the peerless wraith who is about to crash into the shrine. He is heroic and full of heroic aura, which makes everyone look at him with more admiration.

"Hahahahaha... Hell has returned to the world, and now it is no longer the full moon of your Fujiwara family. Even if Meiji comes here today, you can't stop me..."

Before the few people behind the torii could react, Sotokuin waved his hands, and the monstrous resentment shattered the golden light impacting on his body, and he leaned over and rushed down towards Fujiwara Takumi who was on the ground.

"Master Takumi..."

"Fight with him..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, several priests rushed out from behind the torii gate and rushed towards Fujiwara Takumi.

Facing the Sotoku-in who descended like a demon, the only thing Fujiwara Takumi could do was to close his eyes tightly and stand still.

The golden chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power that bloomed on his body, which was "merely apparent", became heavier because of fear.

The expected pain did not come.


Because, a thin figure jumped on Fujiwara Takumi's body first.

"Gui...Uncle Keiwu?"

Fujiwara Takumi opened his eyes, and found that Uncle Keigo, who was originally hiding behind the torii gate, used his old body to protect him in front of him.

Sotokuin's pitch-black arm was passing through Uncle Keigo's chest.

"Young...young master, leave me alone, hurry, hurry into the torii..."

Corrupted into the body by resentment, Uncle Keigo's face suddenly swelled, and his whole body trembled like a sieve.

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