I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 350 Firefly and Bright Moon

"Don't even think about it!!!"

Seeing that Uncle Keigo was attacked, several priests from behind shot one after another, casting curse seals towards Chongdeyuan.

But they, who lost the protection of the formation, were slammed into the torii gate with a wave by Sotokuin, and they were unconscious.

"Let go... let go... Uncle Keigo!!!"

Seeing the tragic scene in front of him, Fujiwara Takumi forgot his fear, gathered a weak spiritual power in his hands, and patted towards Sotoku-in.

A circle of majestic and resplendent chrysanthemum pattern spiritual power exploded between Fujiwara Takumi and Sotokuin.

Shinto · Purification.

The resentment burning like a black flame on the surface of Chongdeyuan stagnated.

The spiritual power of the chrysanthemum pattern penetrated the body, and the resentment that invaded Uncle Keigo's body also evaporated.

"This trick is quite impressive, but... how can the light of the firefly compete with the bright moon!!!"

Although this method is Fujiwara Takumi's best technique, this degree of purification is just a drop in the bucket for the monstrous grievances on Sotokuin.

"Back then, the strand of soul that I escaped from hell was too weak, and was consumed by those desperate priests before you escaped with your life..."

Instead, it made him look up to the sky and laugh wildly.

"But I didn't expect that after so many years, you didn't make any progress... The god son of Meiji Shrine is really not as good as the next generation!!!"

Sighing softly, Sotokuin threw Uncle Keigo in his hand on the ground like garbage.

"...Today, let us continue our relationship."

"Uncle Keigo... why did you rush out..."

Ignoring the "Japan's No. 1 Wraith" walking towards him, Fujiwara Takumi reached out to support Uncle Keigo.

"Master, run quickly, you are... the next great priest of the Meiji Shrine... there is no tolerance for any mistakes..."

The old man who had taken care of him since he was a child and regarded him as a grandson has turned dark and angry.

"Are you an idiot?! You still can't see that I'm not as powerful as you think!!!"

Tears slid down Fujiwara Takumi's face as he roared angrily.

"...I'm obviously just an abandoned house with weak spiritual power, timid as a mouse, obsessed with the second dimension, I was lucky enough to be reincarnated into such a prominent family... I am not worthy of your expectations at all!! Nor worthy of you ..."

"No, master...I know, I always knew..."

"What, since you know...why do you..."

Hearing Uncle Keigo's words, Fujiwara Takumi turned pale and looked at him madly.

"...Since the day you were born and the auspiciousness came down from the gods, I have always firmly believed that you are the 'one-in-four-thousand-year favored one'."

Uncle Keigo's thin palm gently touched his face, wiping away his tears.

Scenes of fragmentary memories flooded into Fujiwara Takumi's heart.

"Master, run slowly, you will fall..."

"Master, this is a special drama called "Ghost Knight", let's adjust your mood while practicing!"

"Master, this is the limited edition host of Ghost Pokémon, the latest game cassette and the associated Master Ball figure... Don't let the master find out..."

"Master, are you really determined to move out of Meiji Shrine? It doesn't matter, the old servant is waiting for you to come back anytime."

"Master, dinner is ready..."

Uncle Keigo's palm, which became so old at some point, warmly touched Fujiwara Takumi's face, calling him back to the cruel reality.

"Master, your cultivation...is just temporary, you haven't found the right path..."

"It's okay, Meiji Shrine, I can afford to wait... My Lord, I can also afford to wait... You are very strong, you must save the weak..."

"Uncle Keigo!!!!"

Seeing Uncle Keigo's slowly closing eyes, Fujiwara Takumi let out a heart-piercing roar, and glared at the wraith in front of him.

"Chongdeyuan, I will fight with you..."


Before he could react, the dark arm of Chongdeyuan had already passed through his chest.

"...The heart-touching time is over."

"Uh ah ah ah..."

Intruded into the body by the strong resentment, Fujiwara Takumi let out a painful wail, and black air continuously surged past the pupils of his eyes.

Feeling the palpitation of his heart being held by the wraith, his vision became more and more blurred, and he felt that the life was rapidly passing from his body.

Why, no matter how hard I try, is it so vain?

At the time of life and death, he, who has always believed in "salted fish first", felt extremely unwilling for the first time.

If that shit god really exists, why doesn't it ever answer my prayers...

With the sound of his heart breaking, Fujiwara Takumi's vision was pitch black.

Even... just this once...

"Hey, boring...thought I'd enjoy it more..."

After a long while, Sotokuin let go of his hands lightly, allowing Takumi Fujiwara, who had lost his life, to fall to the ground.

"...Meiji, no one can stop me from destroying your shrine today."

After lightly adjusting his robe, he walked towards the huge torii gate in an upright manner.

However, after only taking three steps forward, Chongdeyuan sensed something and stopped.

"I heard that you want to see me."

A voice without human emotion sounded behind him.

In the rear, Takumi Fujiwara, who was supposed to "dead", rose up in the air at some point.

In his eyes, there are golden runes with unknown meanings...

From all over his body, countless chrysanthemum patterns spread out like a tsunami, enveloping the entire Meiji Shrine.

Echoing it, the torii gates, turtle stones, shrines, and shrines in the Meiji Jingu Shrine are all shining with dazzling chrysanthemum patterns.

The entire Xuanwu formation of the Meiji Shrine was connected with him like an arm.

The few priests who had fainted by colliding with the torii gate also woke up because of the nourishment of the golden spiritual power.

"This... this is a miracle..."

All over the Meiji Shrine, the priests who had the inspiration to recognize this strange phenomenon all knelt down on the ground.

"Meiji? How is it possible?!"

Feeling the real "divine power" in the other party, Chongdeyuan suddenly felt like an enemy, and the whole body's resentment shot up into the sky like a pillar of fire.

Ordinary spells such as "God's Descending", due to the limitations of the caster's physique and endurance, the power of the gods that can descend in the end is very small, which can be said to be less than one ten-thousandth of the deity's strength.

"How can you break through the shackles of the 'Millennium Contract'... No, this can't be the deity..."

But the surging divine power that descended from the young man in front of him was already enough to surpass the gods of ordinary small shrines.

Contrary to Emperor Sutoku who had a miserable life, Emperor Meiji is known as the only and most powerful emperor in Japan.

Relying on him to promote the Meiji Restoration, combat the shogunate rule, abolish the feudal system, establish a constitutional monarchy, learn from the West, and pursue civilization and civilization, etc., Japan has become the only country in just a few decades that has retained its own tradition and original culture. At the same time, it has realized the modernization and development of the country.

Emperor Meiji was worshiped by the general public throughout his life, and was revered as a god after his death, enshrined in the Meiji Shrine built for him.

"So that's it. It seems that the Fujiwara family's spirit is endless, and the glazed body of the 'once in four thousand years' was born..."

Seeming to have figured something out, Sotoku-in looked seriously at "Fujiwara Takumi" in front of him for the first time.

"Hmph, it's just a useless piece of wood..."

There was no emotion on his face, "Fujiwara Takumi" seemed unwilling to talk to the other party, and directly spread his palms to Sotokuin.

"...Besides, I didn't come here specially for you, I just answered the prayers of a good-for-nothing."

In the palm of his hand, the chrysanthemum-patterned charm that emerged suddenly burst into dazzling light.

"The light of the firefly, how can it compete with the bright moon... I will pay you back..."

The same Shinto technique, purification, was used again, but it was not the same as Fujiwara Takumi before.

The light that seemed to be able to purify everything flashed by, and the Chongde Academy didn't even have time to make a sound, and the figure disappeared into the white light.

When the priests who were kneeling on the ground raised their heads, Fujiwara Takumi had already risen into the air and swept towards the gate of hell without looking back.

"...Uncle Keigo!!!"

Under the torii gate, Uncle Keigo, who was lying on the ground with no breath, unexpectedly began to slowly heal the scar on his chest under the spiritual power of the chrysanthemum pattern.

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