I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 358 361+362 Araki's strategy

Seeing himself gradually losing control of his body, and a pair of burning big hands involuntarily reaching out to his waist, Yamada Kengo's eyes were slightly condensed, his breath sank in his dantian, and he looked up at the sky...

"Tachibana Piaoxue... Where are you!!!"

Following his heart-piercing shout, a figure burst out from the resentment with the light of a knife, and slashed towards the "men" who were in strange postures.

The sharp knife glow accompanied by the fire that soared into the sky instantly shattered the "men" who took off their pants in public and burned them to ashes.

The person who draws his sword to help when he sees injustice on the road is the new spirit exorcist, Tachibana Piaoxue, Abeji, who was just promoted to [2] in the exemption level last month.

After the two of them met on the periphery, they joined hands all the way and killed the deepest part of the resentment among the ghosts.

From this position, looking up, one can vaguely see the huge gate of hell where ghosts are constantly pouring out of the sky.

"...Don't be confused, these are not human beings just now, but a kind of ghost called shirome in the legend of the Heian-kyo era."

Abeji, who was dressed in a kimono, gently put the long sword back into its sheath, and gave Yamada Kengo a contemptuous look.

Shirime is a monster that haunted the night streets of Kyoto a long time ago.

It is said that when people are walking at night, they will be stopped from behind. When they turn around, they will see a man with an ordinary back, bowing backwards with his back facing him and taking off his pants, showing a slit behind him. giant eyes.

It is said that if you stare at that giant eye for too long, your soul will be taken away and you will do inhuman things.

"Wow, I don't need you to tell me what that thing is called... What does your expression mean? I just finished fighting with that toad, and I was careless... um... aha..."

Escaping from the indescribable gaze locked by the shirred eyes, Yamada Kengo heaved a sigh of relief, and just about to refute, several pale tentacles had already protruded from the ground, wrapping him tightly.

Feeling the cold and silky tentacles penetrating deeply along his trouser legs, he immediately showed a mixed expression of shame and anger.

"How can I repair... Is there any end to it?!"

Dapeng's talisman fire erupted on Yamada Kengo, burning up those tentacles.

This was automatically triggered by the massive talisman paper attached to the inside of his underwear.

"over there!"

Unmoved by what happened to his companion, Abeji narrowed his eyes slightly, unsheathed his two knives, and continuously slashed towards another place of resentment.

The resentment dissipated with the light of the knife, revealing an octopus-like gathering resentment spirit with countless dilapidated limbs intertwined on its head.

The "octopus x sea anemone"-like wraith, the tentacles under the body were instantly in the double sky of ice and fire, and went through three stages of freezing, burning, and chopping, and turned into residues on the ground cleanly.

"Uh ah ah..."

Losing its tentacles and being unable to move, the several human faces gathered on the octopus' head suddenly wailed and sprayed an unknown liquid like ink to Abeji Temple.


Unexpectedly, the wraith would have this move, Abeji dodged vigorously to the side, but had no time to escape from the overwhelming "ink".

A black shadow flew by at high speed, pushing Abe Temple in mid-air, making him out of the range of the ink spray.

It was Yamada Kengo who was on all fours and carrying a mahogany sword.

After pushing Abe Temple away, he twisted his waist and performed a second jump in mid-air that violated the laws of physics. He nimbly brushed past the ink, leaped onto the head of the octopus wraith, and pulled out the mahogany sword. Insert the opponent's head hard and stir it up.

The octopus-like gathered wraith was instantly reduced to ashes in the thunder and lightning.

In terms of the powerful physical ability endowed by this [Human Dog's Collar], even Abeji, who has practiced swords since childhood, can't match it.

"Here it comes again... Wang... there are at least dozens of them..."

Taking back the wooden sword, Yamada Kengo moved his nose slightly and frowned.

In the air, there were several foul odors visible to the naked eye.

"These guys can't be killed no matter how hard they are killed. It seems that there are more and more of them, and they are getting stronger..."

Looking at the "ink ink" that corroded the ground into a bottomless giant hole, Abe Temple's face turned slightly pale.

The densely packed figures of gathering resentful spirits of various shapes flickered in the resentment, and at some point they had already surrounded the two of them.

"How about it, Abe-kun, can you still cut this amount?"

In the black mist, the two stood back to back, vigilantly looking around at the shadow like a mountain in the darkness.

"Hmph, as long as I can bring these guys together, all I need is a sword..."

Hearing Abeji's words, Yamada Kengo turned into an afterimage without saying a word, and ran towards the wraiths on all fours.

Relying on his natural inexplicable "attraction" to the wraith spirits and his swift speed, he "lured" those gathered wraith spirits behind him like "driving a train".

Abe Temple stood on the spot, lowered his head, took a deep breath, and folded his hands on his chest.

The originally lingering aura instantly retracted back into his body, and his whole body seemed to disappear from the darkness.


Without seeing any movement from him, the two knives around his waist were unsheathed and raised in the air.

[Sun and Moon] The two knives were tightly attached together in the air, turning into a long knife, and spun violently.

Frost mixed with flames, like a turbo washing machine, rotated and gathered faster and faster, with the two knives as the center, gradually forming a blue pentagram.

Pentagram, Seimei Campanulaceae.

Seimei Kikyo is the divine pattern of Seimei Shrine. It is a kind of prayer charm created by Abe Seimei in the Yin and Yang Dao.

A chilling aura spread from Abe Temple as the center.

"Are you ready? I can't stand it anymore!!!"

Not far away, as if "driving a train", Yamada Kengo, who was in a very embarrassing way with the group of gathered vengeful spirits, was running towards Abeji Temple, shouting slogans of unknown meaning.


His clothes were torn in several places, revealing the ashesed talisman paper and charred wounds inside.

Facing the more than a dozen resentful spirits of at least level [2] and above behind Kengo Yamada, Abeji still lowered his hands and bowed his head in silence, showing no intention of dodging.

As the distance gradually narrowed, Abeji suddenly raised his head, and the eyes below his bangs revealed a real murderous intent.

"……Step aside!!!!"

Hearing Abeji's roar, Yamada Kengo made a 90-degree turn with extraordinary flexibility, and ran towards the side as if fleeing for his life.

Only Abe Temple was left alone, facing the "Wraith Train" that was rushing and had no time to turn around.

"rest in peace……"

Facing the torrent of resentful spirits gathered in front of him, Abeji tensed up and grasped the sun and moon twin sabers spinning in the pentagram in front of him without haste.

In the next second, in the eyes of Kengo Yamada, the combined double swords in Abe Temple's hands disappeared together with the pentagrams around them.

First class two days...

five rounds...

Volume of Empty...

Seimei Kikyo! ! ! !

In the midst of the resentment, it seemed as if an invisible giant sword had slashed through it, and the dozens of ferocious gathered resentment spirits were instantly swallowed and pierced by a ray of orchid light...

After the light passed, the huge bodies of those wraith spirits, together with the resentment around them, evaporated from the inside to the outside.


"Good...so strong...is this the highest level of Ertian First Class?"

Seeing Abeji's astonishing sword move, a drop of cold sweat fell from Yamada Kengo's forehead.

If he faced this sword, I'm afraid...

After using this move, Abe Temple seemed to be a little exhausted. One of them couldn't stand still, and he knelt down on the ground with his sword in one hand.

"Are you okay?"

Yamada Kengo hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

"This move consumes too much spiritual power. With my current strength, I can only use it once in a short time..."

Abeji's lips were black, and he looked at his arm with a wry smile.

At this moment, his entire sleeve had exploded into strips, exposing his blood-stained, distorted right arm.

I'm afraid it's not just a broken bone.

"Let's go, go meet Shiben-sensei and the others before we talk..."

Yamada Kengo quickly tore off the hem of his coat, and wrapped his arms around him to fix it.

After doing all this, the two turned around and headed under the gate of hell.

"Wait... this... oops..."

In the air, the stench that was thicker than before and unique to wraiths began to drift with the wind, irritating his sensitive nasal cavity.

Even the ground was shaking slightly for some reason.

The two slowly raised their heads, only to see several black shadows gushing out from the gate of hell, but they were no longer scattered, but gathered together, falling straight from the air towards them.

It seems that the battle just now was too loud, which attracted the attention of certain beings.

"Uh woo... no, it's not over yet!!!"

"Think of a way to retreat separately, at your speed, maybe you can..."

Looking at the resentful spirits gathered above their heads, the number of which was dozens of times higher than before, Kengo Yamada and Abeji showed despairing eyes at the same time.

"Boom boom boom..."

Just when the two were in a dilemma, the roar of a motorcycle could be heard not far away.

With his keen hearing, Kengo Yamada couldn't help but turn even paler when he heard this somewhat familiar voice first.

In this area full of resentment, all the energy sources of the yang world have been cut off, so how can there be a car that can still start.

"...Could it be that there are still resentful spirits of the bosozoku clan?"

This voice reminded him of the headless horseman on Mount Haruna.

Even with his current speed, facing such an existence, he might have nowhere to escape.


Before he could think about it, the gathered vengeful spirit above his head had rushed down hungrily.

"Boom boom boom..."

At the same time, the exhaust sound of the locomotive was getting closer.

"Fight with these guys!!!"

Just when the two of them held weapons and fought desperately, they were overwhelmed by the figure of the wraith...

A black and white locomotive rushed out of the resentment and quickly passed the street beside the two of them.

Two giant black arms burning with unknown runes stretched out from the rider's body like black wings, and quickly swung towards the two of them as they passed by.

It seems that due to absorbing too much resentment, the size of the pair of black arms has doubled compared to before.

Facing this terrifying giant fist, the movements of the two of them and the wraiths around them froze as if the pause button had been pressed.

The nitrogen headlights swaying at high speed illuminated the distorted and hideous expressions of the two wraiths who were entangled in the clump of wraiths and fighting desperately with several wraiths "I am in you, I am in you".

"Teeth... teeth white..."

"Strange? Ghosts and gods? No... this is scarier than ghosts and gods..."

Facing the huge black fist that suddenly appeared in front of them with an irresistible aura, the two people who "made it worse" were as powerless as if they were facing a meteorite falling from the sky...

Compared with this giant fist, the pressure brought by the Ping Jiangmen with the body of ghosts and gods is not even comparable to a hair on it.

The pair of terrifying giant fists, which made people completely unable to resist the thought of resistance, passed through the two of them like a gust of wind, and then quickly retracted.

It seems that the wind enters the hoof lightly, and the cherry blossoms fall under the tree, without causing any waves.

"Uh huh? I... I'm not dead?"

After the unscathed two people recovered from the suffocating fist wind, there was already a crystal clear drizzle around them.

In the vacuum zone created by the silent and fierce fist wind, nearly a hundred resentful spirits fluttered down from the air like rain, turning into pure white spirit bodies flying all over the sky with their hands clasped together, slowly covering the two sides of Abe Temple. The streets and alleys next to people.

"Wow! Fa... What happened to Fafa?!"

"This is... becoming a Buddha."

The two bruised and bruised people stared dumbfounded at the locomotive speeding past not far away, sweeping away the grievances around them like a gust of wind.

The vermilion torii gates bloomed belatedly from the road behind at this time.

The street lamps on both sides flickered back to light, illuminating the two people who stood there dumbfounded.

"Little... small bird Yu Mayumi?"

Abeji couldn't help rubbing his eyes when he looked at the miko who was sitting on the back seat of the locomotive going away, as if she was out for a drive at night, and seemed to be nodding to herself.

"War, warriors of the Warring States Period...and this strong male (wine) man (essence) smell...then the one who rides the bicycle is..."

At the rear, Kengo Yamada moved his nose slightly, and instantly recognized the Yamaha XJR4000 he was so familiar with, and the rider on it.

"It turns out that Senior Araki has been hiding his secrets, silently guarding and spurring me in the rear, and he couldn't help but come out until the critical moment..."

I don't know what a heart-moving sad song of men looking at each other with their necks and backs made up in my brain, and tears instantly filled Yamada Kengo's eyes.

"Sousuke Araki?! It turns out that you are..."

Hearing Yamada Kengo's words, and struggling to identify the rider's back, Abeji's tired eyes were ignited with fiery flames again.

"...Ghost Rider!"

This situation reminded him of the monkfish wraith who laboriously folded his fins together and became a Buddha on the side of the road in Ikebukuro Park.

"What kind of existence is in that guy's body..."

Recently, he has achieved some small success in practicing the first-class "Five Wheels Book" for two days. He thinks that his strength will no longer fall behind others.

However, the terrifying existence in the opponent's body is just a random punch, and its power and state are far more than a hundred times that of the sword that squeezed the spiritual power of the whole body...

It seems that the road to self-cultivation is still very long.


Just as the two of them were immersed in the complicated thoughts of resurrection from the dead, the surrounding air began to surge rapidly.

got windy.

"Look... what is that..."

Standing on the inside of the only torii gate that kept the light, Yamada Kengo pointed to the distance, suddenly showing a desperate expression.

"Is this place really still a human world?"

At some point, several black tornadoes soared into the sky around Taito District.

Wherever it passed, countless buildings were directly destroyed by the violent wind, turning into debris all over the sky and blending into the tornado.

Those tornadoes continued to absorb the resentment from the gate of hell and the surrounding things from the air, and became stronger and stronger.

Those desperate black tornadoes, as if they were alive, slowly razed the edge of Taito District, mercilessly flattening the ground where they went, and crazily impacted the formation light curtain on the edge.

"No, the master said that if the 'Tokyo Three Formation' is broken, the whole of Tokyo will be in danger..."

"No wonder, Araki Sousuke and Xiaoniao Youshi are so anxious to go there... This tornado is too strange, we can't sit still, we must go to support them!"

After recovering from this doomsday scene, they suddenly thought of something terrible. Abeji and Yamada Kengo supported their scarred bodies and ran in the direction Araki Sousuke left.

If you can't close the gate of hell in the night sky before the formation collapses...

I'm afraid that before dawn, the whole of Tokyo will be reduced to a real purgatory on earth.

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