I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 359 The Dead Man's Pledge of Counterattack

On the outskirts of Taito District, Showa Avenue, outside the formation.

The more concentrated resentment, driven by the tornado not far away, is constantly corroding the invisible barrier built by the "Tokyo Three Formation".

Hidden in the eye of the wind, countless dense and strange black figures are also constantly trying to attack outside.

Fortunately, the tornado that suddenly appeared seemed to be gathered by resentment, and it couldn't break through the formation barrier for a while.

In the direction from Showa Avenue to Akihabara, in the only brightly lit torii gates that have not been invaded by resentment, several figures are running out along it.

"Is there anyone else who has escaped?"

In the dead traffic, Hou Hailudou wiped the sweat from his forehead, and was ready to wait for the self-defense team to let him go before stepping forward to meet him.

Soon after Sosuke Araki left, many people and members of the rescue team escaped from their grievances through the passage opened by him and Yumami Kotori.

While Mai Hanyu was busy setting up equipment and observing secretly, Atsukai and Luto, who had nothing to do, became a volunteer, helping to meet the escaped people behind the Self-Defense Forces and guiding them to the direction of the refuge.

"Wait...don't go."

Hanyu Mai didn't know when she appeared, and grabbed him.

Facing Hou Hai Lu Dou's suspicious eyes, she frowned, shook her head slightly, and handed the DSLR to Hou Hai Lu Dou.

"These people have already become 'entangled' with life forms in the hidden energy field."

On the replay video on the camera screen, those seemingly normal "citizens" running towards the invisible barrier are lingering with subtle grievances all over their bodies.

If it is in the area covered with black mist, this difference cannot be distinguished at all.

As the distance approached, the invisible barrier immediately reacted to those people, and golden runes could be faintly seen flowing on it.

And those people's bodies seemed to be scalded by boiling water, and black mist rose up.

However, this made their footsteps even more impatient.

"Be careful, those people are probably already possessed by resentful spirits, don't let them out yet, wait for me to purify..."

The priest sitting on the roof with his eyes closed also noticed the abnormality and immediately warned several self-defense members.

The formation curtain is mainly aimed at invisible spirits, but not so good for possessed flesh and blood.

Several members of the Self-Defense Forces blocked in front of the barrier and used riot shields to prevent those people from advancing.

The black muzzle protruded from the gap between the shields.

It is one of their responsibilities here to stop the fleeing people and release them after the priests have purified them.

"People in front, this is a period of emergency, please stop moving forward immediately, stand where you are and wait for our inspection..."

Behind the shield, someone immediately shouted a warning to those people.

Even if it is the so-called "wraith possession", it is impossible for them to shoot at the people without saying a word.

However, those few unarmed "citizens" didn't respond to their words. Like walking corpses, they slammed into the shield fiercely, reached out their hands through the gap in the shield, and groped indescribably on the members of the Self-Defense Forces.

At this moment, the priest on the roof of the car saw clearly that there was a vague black figure lying on the backs of these people, watching their movements.

"This... this is the death certificate! Can't touch them, keep a distance, treat me..."

Seeing this scene, he immediately showed a look of panic, and neatly raised the purification charm in his hand, and shot towards several people...

Ordinary resentful spirits don't have the powerful ability to possess a body. While possessing a body, they will also be bound by the physical body.

However, there is a kind of ghost that is different...

The dead man is a ghost in Japanese legend who is good at possessing the newly dead or the weak. The possessed person can only be played and applauded by it like a puppet on a string.

As soon as he finished speaking, several streams of black air had already gushed out from the arms of those "citizens" protruding out of the barrier, and entered the bodies of the self-defense team members.

The team members who were entangled by the black air suddenly stood there blankly, the blood vessels all over their bodies were black and blue, and they uttered strange ravings.

The figure that was originally carried behind the crowd had already been lying on top of them at some point.


A team member whose skin color had turned black all over turned his gun and brought out a large flower of blood on the priest's forehead.

"Principal Fujiwara!"

"Bang... bang..."

As the priest fell down in a daze, chaotic gunshots sounded immediately outside the barrier.

Members of the Self-Defense Force who were teammates a moment ago drew their guns and shot at each other like life and death enemies.

"Fa... what happened..."

The dense gunfire lasted for nearly half a minute before it stopped.

Hou Hailu boldly climbed out from the bottom of the car, lay down on the ground and looked around.


In the midst of the gunpowder smoke, not far away at the same level as him, the bodies of several self-defense players were lying in a haphazard manner, staring at him with their white eyes.

"Click, click".

A foot wearing military boots just happened to step over the head of the thick Hailudou who was still in shock.

He turned his head stiffly to see clearly that above him was a member of the Self-Defense Forces with a black body and a distorted face.

Even though his whole body was covered with bullet holes and blood, it didn't affect his actions at all.

"Hey Hey……"

Seeing Hou Hai Lu Dou, the team member had a distorted expression that did not belong to humans. He even tilted his neck 180 degrees, adjusted his face to the same angle as him, and smiled at him.


Looking at each other, Hou Hailudou subconsciously wanted to retract under the car like a turtle.

But the brain has been completely eroded by fear, and he has even forgotten how to howl.


The other party rubbed his throat with a pleasant low growl, pulled out a thick black gun from his waist and pointed it at him mercilessly...


Just when Hou Hailu Dou thought his time was approaching, a gunshot sounded from the other side.

The Self-Defense Force member had a bullet hole in his hand for some reason, and the automatic rifle he was holding spun and fell to the ground.

In the traffic flow not far away, stood a panting man with a puff of smoke from the revolver in his hand.

"This is the Sex Crimes Department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan Police Department's Search Section 1. Now I suspect that you have mischievous intentions towards the man under you. Immediately raise your hands and stand where you are..."

It was Kanda who was stuck in the car and was in a dilemma, and finally chose Ryoma Erzai to come over on foot.

He heard the gunshots rushing over, happened to see this scene, and shot without hesitation to save Hou Hailu Dou.

According to the rules, a formal warning must be given before shooting, so he made up the "procedure".

This is the usual trick of the Japanese police...

When it was really critical, as long as there were no witnesses to testify, who knew whether he fired first or warned first.

The pungent smell of gunpowder smoke, blood and the dead bodies on the edge of the dark Taito District made Ryoma Erzai frowned deeply.

The man covered in bullet holes and blood, who didn't even show a trace of pain when he was shot in the wrist, ignored Hou Hailudou under him, and turned towards him with a smirk.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the cult that released the hallucinogenic sarin gas got into the Self-Defense Forces?"

He has only seen religious fanatics and mental patients who can maintain such a state of madness and excitement after being shot.

"I have already warned you, don't get close...otherwise..."

His intuition told him that this person was abnormal and dangerous...

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